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The Liína Onter boys talk of organiziing a brass band. The Dexter High Kchool Alumni; will gi've a ba-iujuet, with a fine program OOin. The Swrth Lyoin Picket has become a Bix-oolvwnin quarto. It is a good paper. A new bridge is to be built in Lima aeross Mili Creek, on tlie Dexter and ("liiLsea road. The Stockbridge Sun ks eight years ÖM, and slwines with addicional lustre a.s it grows oider. The laclies oï the Dexter Congregatiönal church will be entertained tomorrow at Mre. Jedele's residence. The schoiO'l house at Lima Center beiuig proiKHineed unsafe, the town liail is beimg used ior school purposes. Tlie mosquito erop at YpsUaati is sald tO' be a magjiiliceint one this seasüin, aianost equal to the Jersey v;iriety. Plawifield wants a blacksmith, a ■hotel keeper, a harneas maker, a dbctor, a maeon, a paünter aud a telepilïo'ne olfüce. That's all. Ira D. Crcraee, oí' Hartland, put ei a.11 appearanoe in tihat village last week aíter am absence of nearly a year. He disappeared about ome year oigo a.nid no oue has known his whereabotits sñnee until he returned week. - Pinckney Dispatch. A stranger, with unspeakable cheek and without a stiitch oí clothes upon hite back, entered the house oí J. H. Aïïfeem last Jlomday, May 30. 1892. He weiighed about 12 pounds and wil) be a lawyer wüien he is about twenty years older. - Ohelsea Herald. Ratiher a etartling statement was made by Kiev. JlcilaJion the other day. Dui'ing tlie conference yeai', which ia not tuilly two-thiirds gone, he has ofíiciated at 17 fiLnerals. During the ÍU'll coinference year of 1S90 to "Jl he .was caJled upon for not over ome foailf d!ozen. - Dexter Leader. Prof. S. Shartau, of Ana Arbor, was in town last Friday. Prof Sharfau has been engaged by the school board to act as principal of the Dexter echools next year. He is a gradúate :of tlne State Normal School at Tpst lanti and of Michigan Universitj' and comes highly recommeiided. - News. The vSaliine Observer thinks the concert given by the Ann Arbor Banjo Club at tliat place was mot a great success: "Tlie performance was next to a failure, due largely to the condition otf the opera house which was üiearly as .wet on the stage as was the streets outside which prevented the stage work and ruifcned the music, a -sifoliins, guitars and banjos cannot and willl not hold p to piitch and tone in a ciistern." The average school boy a.nd giri eounting the days and almost the hours before school iis out a:rad the Klad vacation days wMI be h.ere. Some older ones are also coirnting them but in, a diífei'Lnt marnier, for they realize that tlie happy school days of youth are almoet gane - imto eternity- leayiing but a niemory oí the pleasant times pent wiithdn the shelter of the old schiool, and under the watchfn] but loviing eye of a faiithful teacher.- Ex. ISie easteim wool buyera hare agaia coramenced their campaign of abuse and slander of the wool clip of Jlicligan, and probably other states as well for the purpose of enabling them to buy it below lite real valué. Tliat there are eome farmers in the state that would fill their fleeces with tags a.nd dirt, no one disputes, but the najority of Michigan wool growers are neither eo ehort sighted or so disïonest as these accusatiwns imply. - Milíord Times. Tlrei-e ís said to have died recently at Wihiart'an, Mich, one of the most renarkable of creatures, an "infant" aged twenty-nine years. The ehild ot young man, or whatever it could be called, was the eon of Austin. den, amd all thie years o f its Me was notlilng more tlian a mere babe. It deveLoped in no respect and liied iin it oradiíe. It conld not walk nor talk nor recognize any one, and vas as helpless when i,t reached lts nanluoöd as the day it was born. Doctors were completely baffled and oould do notlwng, and for twentyininie years iits death lias been patienty awaited.- Plymoiith Mail. At a meeting of the Clielsea Union Agricu'ltural Society, held in the towii hall last Saturday, the following offiers were elected for tihe coming year: Presideait, Frank Sweetland; lst vice prestdent, Huigh' Sherry; 2d vice-presdent, Godfrey Lewick; secretary, Orin Burkhiart; treasurer, William P. öhlenk; marshal, Thos. Fletcher. The abave naimed officers also constitute lue boaind of inainagers. The offiers will hold a meeting at Hugh lierry's liarness shop, Saturday, Juiw lth, for the puj-pose of appoimtimg uperiintiidents and transactinj? vhiatever bueilness that may come before tJiie meeting.- Clielsea Herald. eome trouble in the hair of a neighboring village, an tange says: "If they will let the eacon's big red-headed girl stand ííht up olióse to the organ on the tarboard side, where she can share Ier hymm book with the Albino-eyed míe from Detroit, who ehews plug d is out the re iln the capacity of a ean merchiant, and make the freckld-face sclvoolma'am írom HowelJ aind doAvn near the íoot of the conTalto pow where ehe can.'t hear herelf tlnüik leoause of the proximity i Bill Bnown, wluo once sang in a Pi.nafore" cluorus at the town hall nd Lmaginee be is basso profundo, the hiHe-wiiijíPd d'ove of ppace will hovr o-ier t'hiat clioir liko a ten-shilling imbrella over a couple going home oni Kpollmg school. Tbere's a great eal in tlue way these delicate affaire ' state aro handled. "- Plyinoutli lail. Ch-elsea authoritles propose to prosecute thoee who so Jar forget them6elvies as to play ball on Sunday on their park fair grounds. The fellow who says there's going to be a fwll erop of peaches in this section this year, sluouiM be made to eat nis last year's peacli pits. - Ypsilaintiian. That -vvouikl be pit-i-ful indeed. Oecasiorially, we may almot say semi-oceastonally, we hear tlie remark "What has become oí aur local dramatic talemt ? Wliy d'o-n't they give us a play ?" Yes, why don't they? - Dext-er Neu-. On Wedneeday, June lst, Orlie C. Gregory, of Dexter, eon of Hon. J. V. N. Gregory, and Jiiss Rosa; May Van Riper, daviKhtcr of C. H. Vanlliper, were umited in marriage, Rev. S. T. Morris oifitiatHig. Farmers sliould providc againet sueli' .■i Bprllng as this has been, by plantImg an aquatre variety of eorn. A species wlik'h knows how to swim. - ypsiii.mian. Everylodjr appears to be to the swtm this year. About xüvc oinly thimg farmers eau ,d:o thiis weather is to fish. The preclittJoin ofl the good book is fulfilled: "And the parched ground shall beconie a pool and tlie thiirsty land, gpriinge of water." - Ypsilantian. A goo'd many farmers in thia tícitafity have decided that the seasom wiil be toa late to do mu;!h wtth conn and wJïl put iin beans instead, dependng upon the western farmers for their eeasoin's corn. - Dexter News. Louím Ciminingfram, a colored man oí Ypsilanti, died last Saturday whlle cuttfng a lawn, but did not commit siiiide"as stated in tihe Detroit papers. He was dishearteiied by thtí oí hfe wiíe and cliild a week or so previon. Buggy swm'dllers are said to be h-ead'ed thiis way, aml it might be well for farmers to be on ttoeir g-uard. Th écheme is to sell a fine looking' but wortlvless vehicle on long tiane, takiag a note and -tiren rushing to a bank wlnere the note is cafihed, leaviaig the pmrchaser no recourse. - Ex. An effeetive remedy for starting balky horses is said to be administered by pickimg up one of tlie fore feet and striking the shoe a few times with a ,stone. One wiliio lias tried it several tiimes says toe mever linew it to fail. - News. Why not pick up one of tlie hiiind feet ? Secretary JlcLachlan, of the Milán DrtviTig Park Association, informs us that entries for the matinee of June llth' may he maide up to and including Friday, tlie lOth inst., instead of closöig Jume lst as advertised. He says tlwre will be a large field of horses, and the prospects for a big day's sport are very fiattering indeed. - Mffliata Leader. The TainfaU at this city during the mooith of May was 8.92 inches. It is twemty-ane years since there lias been so great a precipitatioin during that nionth, here June so far gives jDromise of more than equialing May, as over two solkl iinchtes of water feil during last night. It was a do'wnpour t'hie equal of whleh has seldom been known in this vioinity. - Ypsilanti Commercial. Reuhen P. Gage, one of Washteaaw's pioneers, was born in the town of Benton, Yates county, N. Y., Aug. 2d, 1819, and died in the town of Sylvan, Jlich., Uay 29, 1892. Mr. Gage came to Mfchigain in 1830, was married three years later tö Miss Fannfe Parker, and settled on his farm soutli of Sylvaii, where he restded until the day of his death.- Ohelsea Standard. Du.riing tlie big storm ïuesday afternon tlie home of Chas. Goodwin, ton'oin as öie John Rosier farm, was the scène of nnusuai confusión. A bolt oí lightjiiing struck the ea.ves and evï run up the roof to the cliimney, aaxl down beside tdie brick, tore out the partitilan beside the sittingToom, where Austim GoodHviln was comp'osedly ï-eadimg, tearilng up the cairpet almost beneatli hiis feet. The place of egress is mot diiscernible. Mrs. Gaodwiin and eon were in an adjoining room, and etrange to relate, no ane of the three recelivod a shock, m'Otwi'thstandiing ai baïl of fire was plainly seen by Austiin, as the carpet


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Ann Arbor Courier