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It Will Be On June 25

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There are few people who will not be Interested to know that the sale oí lots in the Maaier adilition to Ann Arbor buua progressed so weU that the day of allotnient liia-s been set and tlikt at a tinne onily three weeks fetoot. Whein the announcement was first made tlhlait p-roperty was to be placed im the market iit was the almotst umanijnous belief thiat t would fcake but a short tinne to close out ervery lot. s thiis wa the o-nly available' resiilenee property left iai whnt had become .jbhe very finest part of the city. The lots were placed at a low price ín comparison with the pi-evaiitog prices on the lots in the adjoinijiK addlti'oms. The resuilt has beeu as was prdicted and with. very little effort all but a very few of the lot have beeui sold, many of them to people vrho contémplate building handeojne reeldenoea duriniK the coming year. WliKe about ome-half of the sales have beeai raad; to individual partios who Avilsh to have homes of tlieir own oine deal whk-h covers 2(i is wortihy of a lilttle extra mention. Realixtiifi'the faet that there are man.v people in Ann Arbor who would preter to o hiomiies of own, and who com'id not afford to pay trom $2,000. to $3,000 for a resktence lot, wliih is the preraillng price in the city, some Ann Arbor business raeu thooighit Kt would be a good plan tti lmy a block of theee lots and place them' oti the market in such a way that everyojie who wiBhed oould own a home fin the very best part of the Tniversvty city. By ownlng a large block of lots iin thfe way the chances are tlvat aft-er the allotmont it wiU be possible to suüt thie taste of e veryone as to locatron and prive of lots and by loantng t.lue nvoney with which to buíld a hiousie at a rate of interest, it is more tinao likely that at least 20 of thee lots will have rosdences om them durlng the next year. Bvery effort will be made to. iinprove this part of the city so as to inerease the desirability and value of the lolts, and th chances are that everyome who has bought a lot wilj make from 25 to 50 per cent. profit Wi.thto the next year. The gentlemen who are associated ki this deal are A. L. Xoble, C. E. Hiscock amd H. P (ilover, gentlemen wjíose ñames art assüciated wttb many successful business entenprises im the Twin Cities. Of course, tJiere is a g-ood percentage in favor o( the house being drawa by this syndicate, but as such things generally go i't is th'e man with one h'ance who draws the prize, and vb will probably be so in tiite case. One of the gentlemen saM that he was goiii'4 to have one lot out of the pool oa iliis ver y account, for he had neyei kimwn a bis pool to draw a prize, ani he would like to draw that house. W&em the allotment ia made the managers want to have the place wherè it is held chock full. and a good represcntation of responstble business men on thí stage to see that everythi-nir ie cai-ried out fairly. The allotment will be made in the manner decided upon by t'he individual lot owners, the day befo re the allotme.nt, and t'hen some one will draw that lot with the $15.000 house. There are still very few lots wh:fh will be sold singly, but if. not closed out in a short time they will be put into another pool. Tlie questi'on of having all country schools, jïradcd and rum on about thi same pliam as city schools, is agltating a good mamy educators at the present time. and dO'ubtless a bilí lookiniK to the adoption ol this arrangement will be intro'duced at tire next term of th'e state legiylature.- Cheleea Staiidiard. Thiat plan has boen introdueed into this county by Commissioner Cavanaugh, who has expended mucli time in perfectiing a thwroaigh system of gradimg, amd now tlie district school is made thie foundation or stepping stone Ito tlie high school and completen a chain running from the primary grades, and ending withi the univei sity diploma. Tlie grading of the district schoote Mr. Cavanaugh tella us lias been a great incentive to study and more tnorough work by the pupils of the district schools. At a meeting of Ann Arbor Rifles on Monday niglit, final arrangements were made for tlie bazaar and expotion to be held at the Rink, Oct 17 to 26. Tlie company propose to erect at $5,000 building, and the proceeds of the bazaar will be used as part of the building fund. The latest name for the man who throws a banana peel on the sidewalk in bananarchlet. - Dexter News. It ought to be chamged to mud.


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Ann Arbor Courier