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DREADFUL PSORIASIS Covering Kntlre Body wltb White Scales. Suffering Fearfül. Cured by Cuticura. Hy dlsease (psorlasl) fint broke out on m y left eheek, sproading acroea my noee, and almoat cov. ering my facu. It ru into my eyes, and the physiclan ni afrald I would loee my eyeaight altogether. It spread all OTer my head, and my JÊÊÊm_ hir all feil out, until 1 was Atif; VK entirely bald-headed; it then ËrjM VyM broke out on my armi and AJHJs B ihoulden, until my arms wore Mly -J jnst one ore. It oovered my f SS t& ntlre body, my face, bead, W - p I and ehoulders being the worst. V Wj I Tb whit se&bs feil constantly S , from my head, shoulders, and I "Z I anns; th kin would thleken - I aa n rd " vr7 Itcby, I 1 i and would crack and bleed - CjWr lf scratched. Aiter pending NNftK many hundreds of dollars, 1 WkJI wasjpronouneed incurable. I baard of tb Oorictnu Rimidim, and after uaing wo boMl Ccticura Rbsoltixt, I could aee a .I...J. ■ Bm) sjiar I had laken tour boules , I waa almoet and ; and wb I had naad tx boltla of Cuticttu Rholtiit, on boi of CoTicoiu, and on eak of CsncüKA Boar, I n enred of tbo dreadfnldlaaaae from wbieh I had suffend for fire jears. I eaanot ipreas wllh a pn what I uffered befora nsing tb RmDm. Tby aared mi Hfe, and I faal It my duty to raconmaod tbem. My hair U ratord as rood aa arar, and so la mi ayeslght. Ut: BOBA KSLLT, BockU City, lowa. Cuticura Resolvent Tb new Blood Partner, ioUrnally (to eleanae the blood of all impurities and poisoaous elements) , and Ctrricuiu, the great Skin Cure, and Cuticdra Soap, an exquisita Skin Beauttfler, externally (to elear the skin and scalp and reatore the hair ) , have curad thouaands of caaea where the aheddlng of scales measured a quart dally, the skin cracked, bleeding, bumlng, and itchlng alraoit beyond enduraoce, hair Úfeles or all gorja, suffering terrible. What other remedies have made auch cures ? Sold erery where. Price, CDTioumi, 50c. ; Soap, 25c; Kisoltbkt, $1. Preparad by the Poma Dkuu íhd Chimicíl Cobporatiok, Boston. 49-Send for"Bowto Cure Skin Distases," 64 pages, 50 illustratious, and 100 testimoniáis. QIUPLES, black-heads, red, rongh, chapped.and I lul oily skin cured by Cuticuha Soap. i( IT 8T0P8 THE PAIN. K Back ache, kidney pains, weakneu, gSP rheumatism, and muscular pains rvMm li!Td In one minute by the CuUI Mk Vra Anii-FaUa PUater. S6c. WIITPR'9 IIET1I I IG are made from the nSLlcn O mLIBLLIÜ best branda of roofCITTTlffnT O tin Pla'e. and onlJMlrLLö steel sheeu 8aiva"i nr ■ ■ " "i ■" 3e(i ou can buy them painted or not. Our Gslvanized Shinglea are rain and ruat proof, without the necessity of painting. Our painted tin shingles are more durable and ornamental than it Is poaslble to make a tin roof, put on In the old faahioned atyle. Write for price list R. Thb National Shkrt Mbtal Roofino Co., 9 Cllff St., New York Michigan f Tentral " Tht Masara FalU Route." Time tsble taking effect June 12, 18W9. CHICAGO TO DKTROIT. -. ÏH KÜ ÏJ 5m H M tio. „h aM w L h!ö iS ?4 A.. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. F.H. P.M. Chi.Lv. 7 05 9 00 12 SO 3 10 5 02 9 30 10 10 A.M. Kala'o. 11 55 2 05 3 57 7 00 8 57 1 53 3 32 7 10 P.M. P.M. A.M. A.M. Jack'n. 2 40 4 25 5 35 8 47 10 37 4 00 6 15 9 35 Chel'a. 348 502 458 7 15 10 21 Dexter 404 5 lll. .. . .. 5 16 7 29 10 31 A. A.... 4 25 5 25 6 28 9 46 1127 5 38 7 47 10 47 Ypsi .. 445 540... 956 1138 5 57 808 1100 W-e Je. 5 11 6 03 6 22 8 35 1117 De'tAr. 6 00 6 45 7 25 10 45 12 30 7 10 9 20 11 55 DETROIT TO CHICAGO. =H & d Lm 5 ""h S.% TioKs. sw öa j gw Mx g. ?5 A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. p. M. A.M. p. M De'tLv. 8 20 740 905 120 800 900 2 15 445 We Jn. 858 1 8M 95 5 ISYpsi.. 9 21 8 25 ... . 2 0519 00 10 10 2 58 5 40 A. A. .. 9 37 8 39 9 59 2 19 9 18 10 27 3 07 5 50 Dexter 9 56 94511050 607 Chel'a. 1010 9 58 1105 ... 6 18 Jack'n. 11 10 9 35 10 55 3 14 10 42 1155 3 55 6 55 P. M. P.M. A.M. A.M. Kala'o. 2 00 11 25 12 35 5 02 1 OU 2 lSl 5 32 9 45 Chi.Ar. 735 335 430 900 650 7 55J 9 55 G. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Ast., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor FARM FOK SALE.- 102 acres of laud near Leiand, in Leelanaw county, Michigan, with good dwelling house costing over J1600 and small barn and outbuildings. 72 acres cleared and ready for cnltivation. To be sold cheap. will take one-third down, remaiuder on long time if required. Inquire of N. W . Cheever, 19 10 N. Fourth St., Ann Arbor. SALF.SMAN WANTED.- Valuable commiasion offered. Í20 weekly earned by many of our agenta. Samples free. 1'. O. Box 1371, New York. 18 Lane's Family Medicine. Moves tlve bowels each day. Ia order to be Ivealthy this .is necessary. AU kept Iveait- Ulmbrellas. Dropped im England - "H." Aoigry timber - Cross beama. Expliicit fellows - Express men. An effect in yellcnv - Jaundice. Takes the palm - The palmetto. Hard for womm to keep - A diary. Baking Powder A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes - 40 Years the Standard. Delicióos Cake and Pastiy, Light Flaky Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable and Wholesome. kKo other baking powder does such work.


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Ann Arbor Courier