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A BILL was reponed in the senate on the 6th to facilítate the enforcement of the present immigration and contract-labor laws. The consular and diplomatic appropriation bill was also reported In the house bilis were passed to admit New Mexico and Arizona to statehood: appropria ting f50,000 for a pedestal f or a monument to Gen. W. T. Sherman, the leglslative appropriation bill and Mr. Hatch's anti-option bilí. A concurrent resolution for the final artjournment of congress on Monday, July 4, at 2 o'clock, was referred. On the 7ïh the senate passed the diplomatic and consular appropriation bill .... In the house a bill was passed appropriating 5,000 for the establishment of weather bureau stations on Middle and Thunder Bay islands, in Lake Huron. The urgent defldency bill was also paased. Juno 18 was set apurt for the dellvary ofeulogisttc addressw to the meinory of the late Senator Wilon, of Maryland. Thi pension deflciency bill was lald befoi the senate on the 8th and referred to the committee on approprlationt. A bill was introduced appropriating $150,000 for a branch home for volunteer dtsabled soloiers And sailors at or near Bea trice, Neb In the home the agricultüral appropriation UU was passed. IK the senate on the 9th the urgent deflcieucy bill appropriattng over $7,000,000 for the present fiscal year was passed. Two of the general appropriation bilis- the leglslative and agricultural- and the two bilis for the admission of New Mexico and Ariiona as States were received from the house. Adjourned to the 13th. In the house bilis wre passed permitting poor persons to sue in the United States courts upon affldavits, snd authorining the courts to appoint counsel; deflning the crimes oí murder in the ürst and second degree and manslaughter in places and on waters under the exolusive Jurisdiction of the United States, and modifying the revised statutes so as to dispense with proof of loyalty during the war oí the rebellion as a prerequisite to beinK restored or admitted to the pension roll. Thbbe was no session ol the senate on the lOth.... In the house the day was spent in the consideration of unimportant measures and t'ie evening session was devoted to the consideration of private pension bilis. Adjourned to the 13th. DOMESTIC. Thk levee protecting the Hunt drainage district below Warsaw, 111., broke, flooding thousands of acres of rich farming lands and causlng gToat destruction to property. A CLOUDBU8T between Harold and Blunt, S. D., flooded a large section of the country, doing great dainage, and Mrs. K. M. Foote and three children were drowned, -mm mmtm The bodies of flve dead babies were found under a sldewalk at Twentysecond street and Armour avenue, Chicago. Joh C. Bbówn, of Saginaw, Mich., one of the moit exteniWe logging contractors in the northwest, f ailed for 9115,000 and nominal assets of 980,000. Tra United Stats wlll exhibit in the gorernment building at the world'i fair specimens of the Tarious Implements used by the army ince 1776. Charles Les, the Dubnque (Ia.) boy convicted of murder for complieity in the killing of a street car driyer, was genteneed to twenty years in the penitentiary. After a shut-down of nearly three months the Spreckles bupar refineries at Philadelphia resumed operations, nearly 1,000 men going to work. Edwabd McMillan, who killed his wife February 20, 1891, was hanged at Wilkesbarre, Pa. A company with a capital oí $10,000,000 was organized in New York to build a fleet of whaleback vessels to compete for ocsan carrying freight. A relic of the recent war between cattlemen and rustlers was found in the shape of four human bodies swinging to the limb of a tree near Bufialo, Wyo. The bodies had evidently been hanging for weeks. Aubtin Porteh was hanged by a mob near Grayson, Ky., for killing his wife. By carelessness in turning water into an empty boiler at a tile works south of Idaville, Ind., four men were blown to pieces. In the United States the visible supply of grain on tha 6th was: Wlieat, 27,910,000 bushels; corn, 4,478,000 bushels; oats, 3,369,000 bushels; rye, 450,000 bushels; barley, 411.000 bushels. Josiah Lawton sailed irom Boston in his 12-foot canvas boat for a trip across the ocean. An alligator 9 or 10 feet long wa seen floimdering around on the bank of the Wabash river near Andrews, Ind. Gov. Pattiso, of Pennsylvania, has issued a proclamation to the state at large ior relief to the Oil City and TitusTille sufferers. Wii.ijam Kanekkr (eoloVed), who as saulted the 11-year daughter of Joseph H. Ham at Apalaehïeola, Fla., was strung up by a mob. Prksidext Harbisok bas approvcd the act granting a pension to ex-Senator George VV. Jones, pf Iowa. A cloudbubht at Zwingla, Ia., swept away nearly the entire villajfe, only one house binjf left. Much lire stock was drowned. Fire destroyed the mammoth sewerpipe work of Robinson Bros. at Akron, O. Loss, 8100,000. Kihk destroyed the malt house and elevator of Macklem & Slater at Niágara Falls, N. Y., the loss being $100,000. Four members of the fire department were injured, two fatally. A bainstobm flooded Oberlin, O., doing great damage to property. Thkrk men were killed in a freiffhttrain wreek on the Chicagx, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway at Hartford, Wis. Bob Fohd. James' slayer, was shot and killed at Creeie, Col., by Deputy Sheriff Kelly. . ., , „, ,.i ' , 1 Lkon Dion, of Boston, has an electrical invention that does away with the trolleys on electric cars. Toof, McGowak fe Co., wholesale grocers at Memphis, Tenn., failed for 8121,000. Thb town of Old. Windham, Conn., celebrated the two huridredth anriiversary of its birth. Kathax John, a farmer, was killed by hallstones, while plowing in his field near Cantón, Miss. Bert Coberly and Frank Mowberry, agetl il and Vi years, feil under the cars ut Lincoln, Xeb., and were killed. Chari.ks Hill (colored), who assaulted Miss Starr, was hanged by a mob in the county eourthouse yard at Paducah, Kt, Ttiree negro men and a woman vcre killed by lightning on a plantation 10 miles from Cantón, Tenn., during a storm. Fred Wetht, accused by the neighbors of abusinsr his wife, was flogged by Pailion (fT Y.) citizens and taken to the river and ducked. A ci.oudburst flooded the business portion of Belmont, 111., and considerable property was swept away. The Cernell freshtnen crew defeated the Columbia freshmen in a 2-mile race at Ithaca. N. Y:, by six lengths. The time was 10 minutes 58 seconds for Cornell and 11 minutes 24 seconds for Columbia. Tobe Cook colored) was hanged in the jail at Bastrop, Tex, for the outrage and murder of Miss Ida Moore, a young white woman. Guerxsey Osborse, for twenty years in the employ of Edward A. Morrison & Son, dry-jjoods merohants in New York, was found to be a defaulter to the extent of $30,000. lx the United States the business failures during the seyen days ended on the lOth numbered 193, agulnst 207 the preceding week and 224 for the correspondinpf week last year. Two CABS were wrecked on the new Chattahoochee electric line near Atlanta, Ga., and three men were killed and two fatally injured. At the leading clearing houses in the United States the exchanges during the week ended on the lOth aggregated 81,183,487,730, against $1,019.465,873 the previous week. The increase as eompared with the corresponding week of 1891 was i6.6. The aggre.gate volume of trade, in spite of all obstacles, was said to be 7 per cent. greater throughout the country than a year ago. Thk thermometer marked 98 degrees in the shaiie at Kansas City, Mo., and fhree persons were fatally sunstruck. Jack Bliss, the king of the rustlers, was killed near Arland, Wyo., by Deputy Sheriff Irey and a posse. Up tothe lOth sixty-five dead bodies had been taken from the ruinsat Titusville, Pa., caused by fire and flood, and more were missing. Fibe destroyed Woods. Jenks & Co.'a planing mili at CleTeland, O., the loss bei n (f 8250,000. Thk acreage of winter wheat, basec on returns of the department of agriculture in Washington, ix 99.9 per cent. of the acual area of last year. A tornado at Moscow, Pa , destroyec many buildings there and in the sur rounding country, but no Uves were lost. PERSONAL ANO POUTICAU The people's party of low held their state convention in De Moines and elQcted national delegates. Th platform favors a graduated income taz, postal savings banks. and asserts that land is the heritage of all the peopla and that the government should owo and opérate railroads. Ex-Sf.cretary Blaixe left Washington for Boston en route to Bar Harbor. The republicans carried Orejón by majorities ranging from 3,000 to 6,000 on the state ticket, and control both branches of the legislature. Hermann and Ellis (reps.) were elected congressmen. The tenth republican national conrention convened at Minneapolison the 7th. J. Sloat Fassett, of New York, was elected temporary ohairman, and the various committees were appointed. The Virginia prohibitionists in convention at Lynchburg elected delegates to the national convention in Cincinnati and adopted resolutions iavoring the suppression by law of the manufacture or traffic in intoxicating liquors. Maj. Evarts S. Ewing, a retired army officer, widely known in military oircies, died at his home in Winterset, Ia. Tuk following congressional nominations were made: Illinois, Seventh district, H. M. Gilbert (people's party). Missouri, Seventh district, John T. Hurd (dem.) renominated. Kansas, Second district, H. L. Moore (dem.). Maine. Fourth district, D. A. Powers (dem.). Judge Frank L. Gibson, of the superior court of Milwaukee county, died suddenly in his library in Milwaukee, agcd 46 years. Gkorge F. Greeíí, who inventad the first seli-binder, flrst electric strcet ca and first pneumatic shutler for photo raphers, diedat Ealamazoo, Mieh., agac 60 years. Thk Georgia prohibitionist met i eonvention at Atlanta and dacided to put a state ticket in the field, but laf the question of its makt-up to the stata executive committee. The dalagate from the Fifth (Atlanta) district nom inatad Sam Small for oongrass. lx convention at Bangor the Main demócrata nominated Charles F. John son, of Waterville, for (fovarnor. The platform advocates ehangea in the prohibltory law so as to parmit hotels and drug stores to sell liquors and recotnmends the nomination of Cleveland for president The democracy of Misaisaippi in conven tion at Jackson elected uninstructed delegates to the national onvention. The platform favors tariff reform and denounces reoiprocity. The demócrata of Alabara in state eonvention at Montgomery split into two factions and the bolters nominatad Reuben A. Kolb (allianca) for governor. The regulars postponed making a nomination. Tkxas democrats in convention at Lampasas adopted a platform demanding a tariff for reven ue only and f ree silver, and opposing national banks as banks of issue. The national delegates chosen were uninstructed. The democratie state convention held in Baltimore, Md., did not instruct the delegates elected to the national convention. Nothixg was done by the national republican convention at Minneapolis on the 8th except to form a permanent organization and toadopttha report of the committee on rules and order of business. Gov. McKinley, of Ohio, was made permanent chairinan. Wilmam Hknry Harrison died In Washington, aged 104 years, 6 inonths and "29 days. He claimed to have enjoyed an acquaintance with George Washington. At the republican national convention in Minneapolis on the 9th a test vote on the adoption of the committee on credentials indicated a majority of the delegates in favor of Harrison. The platform was reported and adopted. Pablo Pekba. a noted Mexiean exile, ied in Phoenix, A. T., aged 91 years. Fifty years ago he was one of the most rominent and active men ia Mexican jolitics. The noted Osage chief En-Tsa-Wah'ah-In-Kah died at Pawhuska, Kan., f Brighfs disease. He was just closng-hisseeond term as principal chieí f the Osuge nation. Sidnkv Dillon, financier and railroad magnate, died at his resideuce in ew York, aged 79 years. The regular Alabama democratio onvfintion in session at Montgomery enominated Thomas G. Jones for governor, five supreme eourt judges and a candidato for attorney general. Iv the Seventh Ohio district the demócrata nominated James D. Riehardaon or eonjfress, and in the Fifth Kanaaa listrict the people's party nominated ohn Davin. At tha republican national convenon in Minneapolis on the aíternoon oí the lOth Benjamin Harriaon was renominated for president of the United States on the first ballot, tlie vote being: Harrison, 533; McKinley, 182; Blaine, 181; Reed, 4; Lincoln, 1. Whiteaw Reid, of New York, was nominated 'or vice president by acclamation, after which the convention adjourned sine die. FOREIGN. Dubing a severe storm a house in the Styrian Alps was destroved by lifjhtning and eij?ht persons were killed. Advices from San Domingo say that the report has been confirmed that Samana bay, in the western part of the terminus of the Sánchez Lavaga railway, Dominican republic, has been ceded to the United States. Dispatohes from Berlin confirm the recent rumors of the death in the interior of África of Emin Pasha. The floods in the valley of the Danube wére increasing alarxningly. Tha inhabitants of Vienna had been offioially notifled that there was danger of an inundation. Seven bandlt who were captured near Oriiaba, Mei., were executed. Thkek persons were killed and a dozen injured by a collision on the Midland railway near Ilkley, England. Tur. government troops at the cantou of Orizaba, in tbs stata of Vera Crux, Mei., had an encounter wlth a band oí marauders and killed serenUan of them. Thk eruption of Mount Vesuvius was hpurly increasiog in violence, and lara was pouring out of the orater in Immense volumes like a river of molten metal. A ca Bi. KGB AM from London says that the original portrait oí Pocahontas, painted in 1013, bas ben secured for exhibition at the world' fair. Hkrb Guxtber, a master dyer at Weissenfels, Germany, murdered his tliree childrn to spite his wife, with wkom he had quarreled. As explosión in a coal pit near Miesbach, Switzerland, killed sixteen miners. The rebels of Matto Grosso, Brazil, had a seven days' battle with government troops and utterly defeated them. One thousand men of the government's army and all their chief officers were killed upon the battlefield and a larga number were wounded. LATER. iiühs uti.soN, secretary of the Judson iron works, was held up on the Barkeley train at B street station in Oakland, Cal., by two men and robbed of 316,000 in cash. The whole business portion of Rocheport, Mo., was burned. Thk tifty-fourth body was found a Oil City, Pa. This completed that city's dead, all of the missing havingr been found or accouhted for. Rea and Wül Haden were killed by lightning at Paris, Ky. Charles Daxikls, a mine captain and Charles Dungelson, a laborer, were killed by striking miners at Marquette Mich. Thomas Cross, of Ottawa, Out., com mitted suicide by deliberately holdinj his head under water. Thk Crescent paper mili at Hartforc City, Ind., owned by Fort Wayne cap italists, was destroyed by fire, the los being 8100,000. A hailstorm disastrous to crops anc fruit visited Nebraska in the vicinity o Doniphan. Great excitement prevailed at Guth rie, O. T., occasioned by two crimina assaults by negroea upon white wom en. One of the fiends was captured anc shot to death. Mexicax troops killed six brigand and captured twenty-two in a battl near Orizaba. Thieves broke open the safe in the office of the Bedeau Lumber Compan; at Genese, Ark., and secured $51,100 in in cash. Col. L. L. Polk, president of the Na tional Farmers' Alliance, died in Wash ington, aged 55 years. A 8HIP laden with supplies for th starving Russians. from the circles o King's Uaughters, sailed from New York. Georgb Whitstose, of Cass county Tex., killed his two smallchildren wit a hatchet and then shot himself. Firk destroyed the People's theate at Denver, Col., the loss being 8100,000 Sixty-two cadets were graduated a West Point, N. Y. In the National league the percentage of the baseball clubs for the week endec on the llth were: Boston, .739; Brook lyn, .059; Cincinnati, .574; Chicago, .556 Philadelphia, .522; Cleveland, .500 New York, .4S9; Pittsburgh, .479; Louis ville, .444; Washington, .432; St. Louis .340; Baltimore, .267. O The percentage in clubs of the Western league were Columbus, .731; Milwaukee, .656; Kan sas City, .528; Toledo, .485; Minne apolis, .484; Omaha, 457; Fort Wayne ,S'2o: lndianapolis, .232. ,


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