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Amnual reunión oí the 8th Michigan iniantry at Bancroft next Frfilay, June 17th-. Remember the meeting of the Hortoeultural Society, at the court nous Aam Arhnr. Juoie 25fch' at 2 p. m. Sheep-waehimK which preceeds sheep, eiheariDg by a few days or weeks, aa ttie case may be, lias been keepieg the farmers busy for a time. Prof. Eviin Essary, who has been teaching at Luther (ieveral years, wi)J be the principal of the Manchester BCluools next year. .Salary $900. Pre6iding Eider Ryan's lecture "Froni Joppa to Jordán," delirvered at tlie SI. E. chuircb Dexter, last week is hiighly spoken oi by the Dexter pa. pers. Tlie commeecement exerciees of the DxtEr schools take place at the opera house, June 24th. The alumni baaiquet wil] oecur on gaturday evenimg, June 25th. As au evMenee of the decadence oí the times, the Milán rink has been canvertetl imto a livery stable.- Adrian Pre;. Xo decadence abooit that. Simply improving the quality of nu es, tJmt's all. Remember thiis: lm case of fire il ie eláioned thlaft a wet silk handkercüiiief, tiod without a (oíd over the iace, is a complete securiity against sulfocatiou by smoke; it permita free toeatWiqg, and at the same time excludes tflie smake iionh the lungs. The probabilities potot very strongly to a failure of tlwj corn erop im thde geetlon of the country. The contimuious rains have prevented agood mamy from planting and some of those who have plamted find theiT corn rotting im the grouiMl.- himn cor. Dextei" News. GroAviaig wlwat aaid grass iu this ection never look'ed better than now. and tihe iaoners will p'robably make up hoav ín those staplos wliat they may possiibly hmo by a lat!, wet Bpring. Frait of all kinds also prom isee to be an immense erop.- Fowler viüle Obeerver. Aloinzo Kimberly died at liis home mear Miïford laist week, and was burie, 'Pueeday. He wijl be remembered bj( mainy as befog one of the rellable .vouing men of Webster 25 years ago. He was taie üwbw of a beautiful I&rm aawl left quitte a large family. onú a good name.- Dexter Leader. "Win üamosi, of Ch&ttanooga, Tenn. lias been ehakimje hands with hls Dexter friemfa the past few days. Xwenty yeaxs hare paesed stoce he had set Joot on Dexter soil. He has acquired eouthera habftn and wutlK-rn dialect. me chaiiges ín the twvn during these 0 years have leeni greatest in the amge oi iehaWtants and the faces of old-timers.- Dexter Ieader 'Bie Howell Republican thus eom plimente ite ywn city: "Howell, witb its broad bueinesB avenues and its nhaded streets tor private regldencea present-g o hondeóme appearance es pecially at thte season of the vea'r' lultoees There are few, ii any cities in the state of 3,000 inhabitants that have w many stpong and substantial busmees houses as Howell. In almost any line of trade our merdwaite show etocks of goods large ?-ed e?ulx to Pleae the most {aetMhlpuis One of tlie ftaest court hones in MtohiKan omaanents the pul f T han18ome churches and Btationed here and there among ttoe (Henee foliage and three fine brick wtooöl hooBea attest the litorarj' tafcte of our people," Wm. Bemz, olí Webster, is building a new barn. The hiive of Lady Maecabees at Gregttry is a live one. Rev. Jay Huntiaiston, Baptist, moves from Milan to Plymouth. Prof. Denniwon will be retained as Iirinoiipal oí the Milan schools next year. Chclsea residente are takins more ! paiais Unan usual this year wlth theiü . ways pretty to'win. Ibe K. P. lodges of Salem and Northviie united in decorating the graves of decea-sed brotbers last Sunday. Elmer llains, oí Detroit aoid BHa Harper, of Milaui, botli formerly of Dexter, -vere married last Thursday. There ík little fear of the spread of Itmiall pox from the pattent who died with that disease at Brighton reeentiy- Mrs. Lester Vam Fleet, formerly of Dexter, di?d at Grand Rápida last' Wednesday, and was buried in Dexter Friday. Rev. S. T. 51iOTri8, of Dexter, has a iine four-year-old hoifw?. He should remember the fate of Rev. Arney, of Sarmoac. Chas. Wijnee, oí Chelsea, has le the contract to Matt. Schwikeart to erect for Mm a fine new residenc im that place. Jacob H'inderer, Mfchael Schanz, Simón Winelow and Gottleib Donie, of Lüma, are all building new barns this season. Looks prosperous. Annual Maeonic Picnic of Inghiam and Jackson couoties yill be held at Oowiing'e Grove, Pleasaot Lake, Thurer day Jume 16.- Stockbridge Sun. The Baptiets of Milan presented Elev. J. HuJitinston witi a handsome umbrella, and hifi danghter Grace wit.h a gold watch, before they eft the pl.'ice. There ie to be a new church somewhere in North Waterloo, probably near the Albert Yocum corners. Th MethodlBtfl will build it. Already $1,100 are subseribed.- Stockbridge Sun. Hurom Ixjdge I. O. O. F., Dexter, lects tli efollowiinj? officerg: N. G.-i rank Phelps; V. G.- O. C. Gregory; sec'y- Dr. Olióse; treas.- C. H. Vao Üper; represéotative to grand lodge - Will C. Clark. "Lookiog BackwaTd" entertainment are the latest. Tlie youug women we'ar masks on the fcack' of their neads, obmli thoir haiT óTer their lacee, and reverse tlneir dresses. Ii is noedlens to say tüat they wear their shocs the usual vay.- Ex.Milán hjgh echool coinmencement exerctees wül bc held ín Gay's ne v" hall next Tueeday evening, the 14th. THe graduatee are May Bell, Jessie Stever, Nelli Delaforoe, Sayre Ostrandcr und Floyd Hohisoñ. The muslc win be furnisliefl by the U. of M. Glee club quartette.- Milán Leader. Ira teaiïng down a house at Northville recemtly a daguerreotype, thac had been lost for over 25 years, was foumd. It had slipped down betweeü the .shdkig and plastering and had kept unimjured. It was the picture of Matthew Geer, then 21 years old, iiow dead, and hits wiüow was overjoyed to recover it. Some persons ivhen they need a little hielp ki the way of cuásiing some ome, usually ily to1 the newspaper men and ask thm to bear deus foï t-hom and assist iu givin;, "tlit othcr fellow" a dig between th eyes. Tlifis might be an editor' busi aeee, Irat it in't, as Ilo bas enoijg else to do.- Dexter Xews. Dexter proposes to let tlu easle scream juet as loud as li pleases ou Independence Day. Quite estenslve preparatione are in progrese for a 4th of Tuly celebration there, and Brotlier TlLomptou, oi the Xews saya; "We have room to aoeommoiiate all taie people of the lon.inry, and thoy are all tervited." li yoi ilesire to accept {toe initátion no i'ormalitiei are neceseary. Just make yor jmparations '--i SVICShQ I. J. Abbott informe} us that durimg the month oi May he sold from tour OTW8 3,020 pounds of milk te erar creámery, made 42 pounds of butter and fed a veal calí ten days wliich broiiRht him uve. dollars. U anyone thinks that the creámery business does mot pay the farmer let him talk to Mr. Abbott.- Pinckney Dispatch. ín spite of 1 that, many creameriies in' ficH aricultural sec-' tions hare boon abaiíaioned as miprofitable. Hired help continúes to be very scarce and wagws high for farm help. Grass and wheat are lookinK fine, com is coming along slowly, and on acconmt of much rain farm work is very backward, but whiem, the weathei dbes clear, work will ro with a rush. In spit of the rain tlie small boy. (rangimg in age froni 0 years to 60 years, aincl iai wedstat from 0 lbs. to 285 lbs.) ík seem wlth' fish pole in hand taking the leau,ties from the fine lakes n thiw vkinity.- Stockbridge Sun. fcev. H. F. Shier epent Monday in Detroit. Mr. Sdi'ier recelved from his father, who was a delégate to the Methodtet gem&ral conference, a solid sUver Omaha souvenir spoon, liaving. on it a buist oí Bishop Newman.- Salem cor. Northville Record. This good advice ie clipped frora ie Chelsea Herald: "It ie a good iroliCy never to repeat goseip or to aesist in circulating scandal. If you, hear a rumor reflectimg upon the diaracter of a frtaml run tt down and ascertaim the facts with as little delay aa possible, and ií it has been credited malicloroly, puniöh th offender. II the scandal concerns a Btranger pass it by and not credtt it, you may be the mearas of causimg trouble to an innocent person. Scandal mongers are too common, and ií a lew of them ivere puinlshed for their readiness ia accept Ing and circulating the evil reports t'hat come to theiir ears the community would be better off."


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Ann Arbor Courier