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J. P. Wiíliame, of Bridgewater, lias lost Bewral valuable sheep and lambs by dogs, recently. Rev. 0. B. Ttourstoii removes from llie Congrega tional church at Pimck-1 ney, eoitog to Whüteliiall. The Dexter folks are all alive to their celebratiwin on the Fourth ol July, and they wamt everybody to oome. The 6-years oll drnim horse onod by Hen. Win. Ball, of Hamburg, has beea sold by htm to Poñtíac parties for $250. The Dexter Leader says: "Geo. A. Peters, of Scio, has purchased a resMemce in Ann Arbor wtoere ]ie wil] sliortly remove." The Pinckney Dfepatch brags conrably abont the business whlch the merchante of that place are doilng. They are good advertieers. Where a farmer was preserving emmgii to put i,n his corn in spit e of the weather, he now has the satisiaction of seeing it gjröw at a 2.4u pace. OrviJle, the 8 years oíd son of AusTodü, white wading in the Huroil a-her at Dexter, etepped into one o tire (Jeep holes and was drownëcl last 'Wledneeday. JIts. G. I.. Hoyt, of Dexter, tlied on the 15t h ia-r., at her home, a?ecl GO years. j; ,. g. t. MorriB conducte-d tliv fum Tal services from the Congrega t tonal . Jni rch . Haying on the Corporation is beinj; i-arried on onder the supervisión of Marshal Kampt 'J'lie dfqp is greajter thm ever lefore in thv liistury otf the oldest inhabita.ntK.- Dexter News. Jake affld GteotTRe Baeris, of Llana, luive bought a, new thrcshiiiii outfit af the Jlh'dsall 'u., for $1,825. Go irey Lewick wíl] le tiveir engineer. Wbo buyers are all over ttfe country purchasiiis iai-incr's clilpe. The Bmall boy (ramn-ins in atrf froï C to 60 years. and in welght from CO to 23." ponnds) is see nt lioso days, with ffeh pote in hand, taking the ratiiee from the lakes in the country. - C'helsea llera ld. Mary E. Hall, of Desrjef) brtmgln puit against th-e Michigan Central for $10,000. She to have recelred mjurk's on January ", last, by stumbling over obstructSons in the Dexter flepot yard.- Chelsea Hcrald. In Avrittng about eoiuntry roa ds. l'.ill Xyo expre.ssos lrimself as follwvs: 'On-t wagon :roads throufiliont tïe country a dtegrace to eiviliza■titon and beforc we undcrtako to eiipIly Jaga,r underwear aealakin ooered Biblee with flexible backs, to the Africaois, lt might be well to put a íew dollars imto the relief of gallea ;uid broken-down horees that liavc lost health on our miserable hïgbw-aye." In Inte report of births anid deatbs, Superviisor Gilbert gives tlie number o bürthis in. Sylvan during the past year BB 28. There were 15 deaths lu the townahiip, duirmg the same period. Amioaig tdie old settlers who were called to their reward were Mary. Havens, aged 86; Caroline Noortfa, Ebjah Williams, aged 77; A. F. Voo en aged 75; Gro. Rooke, aged 74Joto H. Barker. aged 74; (insider Ouehman, aged 73, ajid Henry Steiiv bacli, aged 7:i.-CheIsea Herald. Horse tJiteves have Btarted in again aio&r Y'peïïlanti. Dexter would like t o have everybody remembei tihat she wfll have a grand celebratiom ou the 4th of July next. The bacoM lauréate to the Normal scfluool graduates at Ypsilanti Üoet Simday, waa del-ivered by l'i-uf. .T. H. B. ,S;11, and is liijrhly spokau 1 uf. .Mary A. tjkidmore, died at Chelsea Juoe 11. aged 73 jears. She came to Ana Arbor from New York, in 1831, and lias lived im the county ever Since. Tlie matrimonial milis grind slow but tbey g:ri(I1l exceedins small.- Clieltea Staawlaj-d. Not very; ten pounda pounnds is the lowest we've heard oí t'hie eeasom.- Adrián I'ress. A. D. Jackson is now one of the iiioted men oí our vüUage; cltizens wffl poiïit htan out to gtraaiKers and say: Tliei-e is oaie of the jurors who sat om 'Primee Michael.' "- Milán Leader. Norman S. Burgess, who died at Wte home im Putnani, Livingston Co, June 8, w-as bom in IxmIIi, in thls oount y April 19, 1829. Thiere could not have been many anead: oí him Ln be ing born he re. Tlie storage buildiaig for cooper work, belonging to O. E. Thompson, of Yiisilainti, reoeutly bought of Ed. Heaining, oí Chdbago, was daiuaged $1,100 wortli by fire last Friday night. No Insurance. Gapt. Altoi returned from the Mir.ncapolis convention, looking as thoug'i the world was im a normal eondition, but tlien, he went up there to nomioiate Harrison and why should there jiiot be t!ie utmost sereality ?- Ypsilantiian. Hülsdale's sheriff offers a reward of $10 for the. oanrrtctton of any per(soii detected ie stealiaig flowers from lawns about the. ciy. A similar expedifant may coaisistently bc employed In chelsea, for malfactboiis of the sort are of frequent occurrence liere.- Che? sea Standard. Suiiday, June 12tli', was the TOth l)irth'diay oí A. A. Buckelew, of Dexter, aaid a party oí nergllibors made it a memorable oaie by dropping in the day before and presenting liini wdth an easy chair. Mrs. Henry Warren who was enne of the guests, was 60 years oíd tlie same day, asnd was herself surprisetl by a liike present Away back in tbe dian ages of the past, we eall to mfoid the fact that Noaíi atfwrtteed the nood. Th ose who Mstened to tlieir seoft'ing were drowced wïiile the adverteer and those who lueeöed the advertisment wère Bared. The principie vemains the sanie tc-day. - Fowlerville Review. We dom't lieHeve however, thar Noah reeeived Hfaj pay in trade.- Ho. Lyon Picket. Here is a pig story, and it is a trae one. Last Friday, Kennie Alderman bought tw --weeks o ld pigs of Frani Campbell, put them imto a bag and put the bag in the bottam of his wagon box and drove home. That nighC the pigs eseaped fioni their new owner ajiid beiore noon on Saturday found their -vay back to Campbell's, a distance by the highway of two miles, ivith the 'Saline river flowing befween. - MU'an leader. Who nays a pig has not ainy scents.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier