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rv - - Qne (a:icï6 EXTRAORDINARY SALE. GUFETsmiunm Every thing Reduced To make room for an immense purchase of carpets for early fall trade soon to arrive. 25 Rolls Extra Super 2-Ply Carpet, TJIE VERY BEST IN THE MA11KET, Now Selling at 65c. Body Brussels, that you pay $1.25 to $1.35 for. We warrant them equal to any in the county. Now Offering at $1. SMITH'S Mouquette Carpets ARK THE BEST IN THE LAND. We are offering them at $1.26. China :-: Matting. 18c and 20c Matting for 12}4c ; 25c Matting, 15c ; 40c Matting, 25c. STRICTLY ONE PRICE. THOSE ifi OFFERED BY MFs. 0. B. Hall fop $500 are 66 feet wide and 183 feet deep, with a 20 ft. alley in rear, fronting on either Forest, Olivia or Lincoln Aves. It only takes $50 to secure one. E. B. HALL, 2 W. HURÓN ST. REPUBLÍCAN NATIONAL TICKET. Fur Presi'nt, GEN. BENJAMIN HARRISON, of Indiana. Fur Vlce President, WHITELAW REÍD, cf New York. Republiean County Convention. Etepubüean County Convention to ■ et eighteen.delegates toa state convention to be held in Saginaw, Wednesdav, July üu. 1892, also to electeighteendelegategtotheCongreaslonal Convention yet to be culled, ud to tnmsaet Buen other business us may próperly come before it, will be held ut the (Jourt House in Arm Arboron Toesday, .July 12, 1892, at 11 o'elock a m The cities, wards, and townships, will be entitied to send delegates to Lounty Conveution,as follows : . im Albor City- Northfield ■■ FiretWard. .. . 5 Pittsfiold i Second Ward..., i Salem 4 Third Ward -i Saline ■; Fonrth Ward... . 5 Scio 7 Kifth Ward 3 Sharou 7 fixth Wurd . X Superior 4 Ami Arbor Town .. 4 Sylvan s Augusta 5 Webster 4 Bridgewater 4 York 7 Dexter 8 Ypsilauti Town o Freedom_ 4 Ypsilauti City lít W.4 Lima. . 4 Seeond Ward 'i Lodi 4 Tbird Wnrd .... 4 Lyndon 3 Fourtb Ward 3 Manchester 8 Fifth Ward 4 By Order o( Committee. E. F. Johnson, W. B. Smith, Secretary. Chairman. Ann Arbor Town Caueus. The Republicaus of Ann Arbor Town will nolcl a caueus at the Court House on Suturday. July 9th, at 3 o'clock p. in., for the purpose of electing four delegates to the connty conventiou to be held at Ann Arbor July 12, 1892. I. N. S. Fosteb, J.C., John Keppijck. Town Coinmittee.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier