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The Fire Works Took!

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Satuo-day evening, as was previously tuinouiK-ed, the democrate of this city held a ratiHeatiom meeting. The froni steps o:1 the c o-art house were fltted up foor a speaker's stand, and a plat foirm was erected at the corner o Main and Hurcm ets., ïrom wlvx-li tfl totu'li off the fireworfeB. l'lie pyroteclwilce from tlie powde .stand viied Avith the pyrotechnics frora tlue speaker's sta.nd for first plaee, amj althomgh the latter brocght out a' ircsh boUDCta of linsuistic quiek-sho5 I'oiwl report crackers oftem, it couldn't inold the crowd ta any comparison with the -skyrockets, whistling romau camdlee, etc. Mayor Doty acted as presulent of thie evening, and in a very gracefitl way jntroduoed tihO long list of local and semi-imported speakers. The fiirst iintrod'uction made was Joihm V. Sheehan, wto had Just rcturned from the Chicago convention. He spoke of that cona-ention as being mie al tJi'S greatest gather'mgs ever sveefn in t.h'js country, and he doubted if the iike would ever be Been agtiin. He feit Bure fcbat the enthusiasm there created would take the ticket of its choiee thrwigh to victory. The venerable Ex-Gov. Felch then spoke a tew wopds oï encouragemeni to the boys. The next speaker was Prosecuting Attorney Leluman. WÈem about half way through hfc speech tlie fiireworks coinmenced going off, and though the speaker increased Wis lung power fco its fullest extent lie wa-sn't quiite equal to the emergency. Tire barden of hi remarkfl were the -'robber tariiif." P. MeKernan, who lias attained gome considerable additional Dromt ncii-e lately as betóagflig to the fumoiis "Fiity Who Are Plfty," next etartel off im good shape, but the crackers came ini tMck and fast 80 that abmit all ome could ünderstand of nis speech was: "Hamilton was the íounder of the repúblicas party ! - ? !!! -?? ?-!!-? - !! aristocratie-! ?- '■ '■'■ - ? - '''' '' Jeffreoo - !! ?- ? ' - '' -;-: ! _ ? ? - democratie party- ! ? !.' _ i _ piebiani ? ! - ? ! ! ?' ? ? ! ! ? ! ? ! ? ! - '■' Andrew Jackson - ! !? - ! -!-!?? _ 1 ? _ i ?_!_? I _ ! ? 1 1 9 .f , ! ? ! '? ! ? ! - , 9 i ! ? !? 9 t . ■ , ï ! - - I ? by the eteroal !?!-?! ! ?! - ? 9 1 "9 ; IJ - I - - ; ? (■ - - i - i i i 091 ! ? ! ? ! ? ! - .' 9 , 9 -j .) , i 1 .) 9 i 1 O I _ 1 I I 'J - - ; - i - ; 9 1 9 9 ■) I t - - 1 - ' ? -(25 minutes supposed to have elapsed) ! ?- ï? Ï I ! ?-" _ i '7 i- _t?! - ?!? ! - 9 9 t ? ; - ! ? ! ? c i i - i ' í ' ' - ]]- GROVER CIBVELAND I tlwink yon gentlemen íor your !- _ 7 _ ; o - nttoatlion !" Captain iianly v. as then called ou6 to shfver The air. He said somctliiais about the star-eyed Goddeaa óf Llberty beckomtog íor Grover to tome and take Benjamtn's place, when up went a balloon, and Hiere was greaí applaurie. He al(j referred to the tarfíf as a robber, and said the revénúes inust be o'iily enoug-h' to pay the expense oí the national goyernment, eocnomically adminiatered! Jusi theu three 4;y rocketa and eiftiit or ten roman candles made t lic lieavens look lurid throush the smoke of the warrtag elementa, and thc speaker thankel th' audiieace íor their sollcltoud at tentíoo and retlnred. Then u gentleman iViim Aun Arbor's suburban town down on the .-trans, Detroit, was iiurodm-ed to iin' exurberaunit atidienee as Mr. 'riiuinii-ici, one of the read'Lng clerks im the late gatlxorünjg in the rainfyoaked wigwam at Chicago. Hd brought a heavy baas vodce to bear au the sulphurous atinosphere. He stated that he was fresh- (probably froiii the coawention) but no one heard amy part of the sentence after fresh. Aiterward the catchiing of hfcs wordsj was like the gliinpse ome gets of au object on a dark nigfrt by oecasionaj but vivikl flashes oi lightning. The effort did!i"t last long. Mr. O'Xeiil, of the ,U. oi M. Democratie Club, may be termed a semi imported orator. He. is a -young man of good áppearance, and undoubtodly good voice and urnder ordinary cirtiniistances would probably have ma(í a goort speech. lic started off witlj f he ássertiom tliat "no good democrat a raSd oí a :kk,;" just at th.-u time a cainnon cracker went of and Mr. O'Xeil dodged a storm of fiire that doven ii-oin above the rem-' liante of a pocket Uiat dtdn't have force eaiough tö take rt up a sufficieni il.-i;,iii-c. (nimense applause.) OXvM : Oh : Kneel ! Thein by request the bami played a select lom trom Wangj and Mr. Shee han sang a solo, the words for vehicb had been distributed about the crowd It rara as fo'lmvs: THE CLEVELAND REFIiAIS. aik: "Baby" Sony form" Wang." Grover, Grover, four more years of Grover. Inhe goes, Out they go ; Then we'll be in elover. The aiidV'n--:' was expected to join im the chorus, but the musiic was too las.-ical, aml the omly thing they co'Uld siiig -was the endtag of tltd raes -'Grover" and "Clover," with a trJll om the "r" and aceent -ou "over." IM'.'toir Suekey was the next attrao -ti'O'n. He had heen to Chicago. "Et-t waz glori ! ? - ! ? 1 ! - , j o j 9 t !'?!? - !?:-? Amerte - ! ? ?! ! - n'a peamitta - - ! ! '?!!? - !???: - !? ! grand. t . ; ? ; 9 i !?!? il b i i i Oi 6 i O !_ 1 9 1 9 1 9 T ! : - ! ? - magniaCENT ! ! ! - ? 9 1 9 9 9 ' J Í ' f 9 9 f ■ f 9 1 9 1 9 1 91 9 9 91 11 1 f GroVAR CleveLAND !?? - '. - ? 1 9 1 9 1 9 1 !?!? ï. l, - I . i I " I 9 1 9 9 9 ' 11 1 7 I i i , i i I i t. 6 Every plank een ze platforum haf wnrds to heele upa ze sores o'ur denora+ic V''Pl suffer miit - ! ? ! ? - ; ? o o ; _L i y 9 0 i j 9 í i ') f 9 j ! ? ! - 1 ? - ! GroVAR CleveLAND ! Ze greatert ! : - ?? - ! ? ! - I ó f'. " " i i I ? ] 9 9 ■ I J t t t 9 i 9 i 9 i I 9 9 ( ('■ i i I I i _; ■) ; 9 !?!? 9 9 1 f ! 9 ] I 9 1 J 9 9 9 ' , ! T r 9. _ 9 9 !_, 9 9 9 ! t Sr-r-r-orar CleveLAND ! Music by t'he band. Dr. Heuston, of Ypsrlanti- (our twia io'wn the Hurón - Ypsilanti is meant as the twiin) - gave a üíagrvoses oí the case as he saw tt, and really profeseed to ha-ve hope for the desperate iouidiitiian of the party and Grover L'levelaawl. He t.hought the tall enü of the ticket woul-d possese sufficientf vitality to keep the pulse up tö a normal eoaidition until November next.. when the crisis wou.ld be passed. (AC bluat time the Dr. had not heard of the copperhead tarbiuncle and tlw 'Golden Ciïcle" tuinor witli whieli Stevenson (Mr. Stevenson ie the othor man. running witli Mr. Cleveland) itj ïlleged to liave been imnoculated durbng war times. But tihe Dr. is natural-' ly of an. optimist ie nature, and probab ly would hiave given the same opúi1 ban if hte liad. Tlie Dr. lauinched off into an argumentative ama volatile effort on wool. He koew all abont vxol and was evitently pléased wit-lv himself as au m ,-i ; i.;-, atad would probably have beeu ïpeaklog yet ha.d not the audience- 'there wais j-e-niaminig at the end of an h'Oïir or so- fallón down out of ;heer exhaustion. and left him stili ■ilvakimg h' woal. 'ïwas tiras the speaking ceaged, tlie fiireworks died omt, the shouts became amllcss e&r piercing, thu people disparsed to tlu-ir homes, an, thr sn-eets of the city again assumed thcir usual 11 o'clqck p. m. appear= ;l ■. All levity as'.de, the affair was quite 5uucesful, ihr speeches gnod (ior dem' oeratje speeehce oí oourse) the fireworkw the best that Arai i.rbor has sean tor many a day, and the demo orate are very miiHi elated over the meet ing. There is an old .saying that runs: "He laughs best who laughs lasi.' The republicana, iin the words of Mr. (Mevi-laml. "are not dead, but only sleeping" They will wake up one oí tliese days. Ca,rds are out aiinmincing the marriage on July 12th, of George Van dawarker, ol fhfe city, a.nd Miss Dora líowers, ui New Huidfcso.n. ï-o female "Flyimg Rollers" wcro up to see Eliza Oourte Moiulay. Found out in June- Daisies. The end of vacatfon- X.


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Ann Arbor Courier