The Ann Arbor Savings Bank!
Orgaiüzed 1869. nuder the Genend Banking Law of this state. íefiTLAALSS$E5T0S$06% 660. 2 SURPLUS $100,000 Business Men, Guardians. Trustees, Ladies and other persons will find this Bank a SAFE ftN& cüNVENIENT PLACE At whieh to make Deposita mul do business. Interest is allowed on aft Savings Deposits oí $1.00 aud upvxl, according to the rules of the bank, and interest coiniomided semi-aununllv. Money to Loan in Sums of $25, to $5,000. Secured by oniiicnmherud R'.nl Kstnte and otlier good secnrities. DIRSQTQB- Ctristifct Het '': '- arriman, Wíllian Esubel, Tarid Eiasey.. Datiel Eiscoei, W. B. ■. ;. :... i L6 Li Sruttr, OCTiSEBS- Slirisiian ...:.;-. rresiáent; "V. D Harriman, 71ee-PrBl4int 0. E. E.scock, Cashiei,
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier