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The Ann Arbor Courier

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WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1892. Se Aun Arbor Courier (Published Every Wednesday. Has a Large Circulation among rerchants, Mechauic8, Manufacturera, Farmers. and Families Geuerally. A Very Desirable Medium for Advertisers JTT2STITJS E. B -A.L, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS: $1.00 per Year in dvance. To Subscribers out oftheCounty, 15 cents extra, to pay postage. Entered at the Anu Arbor Postoffice as SecoudClassMail Matter. OJÏLV ALL METAL CUTS DfSEETED. JOB PRINTING We have the most complete job office in the State or in the Northwest, which enables us to print Books. Pamphlets, Posters, Programmes, Bill-Heads. Note-Hcnds, Cards, Etc, in superior style, upou the shortest QOtlce. BOOK-BINDING. Connooted with The Courier office is an extensive Book-Bindery,employiug competent and experienced hands. All kindri of Kecords, Ledsrors, Journal. Magazines, Ladies' Books. Rurals and Harper's Weeklies,Etc, bound on the shortest notice and in the most substaR tial manner. at reasouable prices. Mnsic especially bouud more tasteiully than at any other bindery in Michigan.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier