WANT COLUMN. Short advertiaementa not to exeeed three lines, or Lost or Found Houses íor Sale or Reut, Wants. etc. inserted three weeks for 25 ceuts. Situatious wanted, free. FOR SALE- A seven burner gas stove No l-."j Thayer st. 21 LOSÏ- Zeta Psi badge. A liberal reward ofíered. Rttur i to 70 8. state st., or at Courier office. -l EVJR SALE OR EXCHANGE- Wil] Bell & platform bne:gy or exchanpe for a carriaere, or trade side-saddJe for meo's saddle. L. E Palmer, CtiNorth st., City. -21 IARM FOR SALE.-102 acres oí land near Leiand, in Leelanaw connty, Jlichïtran, wlth pood dwelling house costiñg ovor f1600 and small barn and outbuildings. 72 acres cleared aud ready for cnltivation. To be sold cheap. Will take one-third down. rejnaiader on long time if requirud. Inquireof N. . Cheever. 10 10 N. Fourth St , Ann Arbor. SALESMAX WANTKD.-Valuablc commission offered. fin weekly enrned by many of ouragentg. Samples free. P. O. Box 137Í, New York. lö FOR SALE- An extra good cow will be sold cheap at 13 E. Williams street. Must be sold by June 20. 18 FOR SALE- Ten room Queen Ann cottage, 87 W. Harón street. All modern improvcments. Apply to C. B. Davlson, 45 N. Main street. or at the Courier Press Kooms. -IXTAXÏEI) WASHING - Will go to private 1 1 jiouses or do it at my residence. 23 Hisoott st. Mag. Emile Biciuioi.z. TO noffice suite over F. & M. Bank mr. Maim.jd Hurou sts. Applv at ('m i;in: Office.. pi ARM FOR SALE- The Bulloek or FvX erett farm. 3 miles west of Salem Station, and 11 miles from Ann Arbor, containing 109 acres; house and barnes, stock, and weh water, timber; school and church within a mile. Land naturally the best and cultivation good ; r.lso forty acre farm for sale, the S V, of the E. of the S. E. qr. of sec. i of Ann Arbor town, being part of the Howe-North place north of the County Farm ; "3 miles from Mack kSchmid's." V miles from city limit-. ïirst-class land for jieaches. Prices ahd tenna seasonable. Cali on or address Andrew E. Gibron,32Maynard St., Ann Arbor
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Ann Arbor Courier