He Jumped The Fence
WilKain St-fcklemair of Ann Arbor, lias a ni'w bieycle wlxich la painted ;i red color. A few days ago he mountcd the machine and went salling down Pomti&c strect in tliat city whistling "The GW I beft JiehJnd Me." witli liquid pathos aarl great gayness cd spirit. Suddoniy he heard a terllfic belJow ajid glanclng in the dlrectioa of .the so-uiiLd hie eaw a brindle bulJ leap out of a stable yard and start fof tiuat bloo'd-liued 42-inch hummen The bovine run up hits narrative iu ï-egular war style, hi.s eyes stuck ouc of tlveir port holes several imches and Iris teveled hornd proclaimed to tle workl t.hat he ached for a muss. BiJJ saw the pojiit and bogan to bear down epaamodtcally on the cranks until his whizzing feet assumed the a-ppeaianee oí a revolving wheel. I'ronipted by a' laudable arabitiöai tonot be overtakeiï and Jorced into a rumpus, ho stralnd every inerve to keep ahead and presorv! his reputatiiom as i good, lawauidiing citizen. The bedlam produo el b.v t;he b-ellowing buil was couta gioufc. Dogs shot awny in pursuit yelpi.ng like mad, boys yelled and wo inni yanked open their doors and .screained, "did you ever:" Even great big able-bodfed men doubled up and laughed and howled amid their oxéeme, "throw the throttle wide open. Öilly !" "He'e gathln' on ve;; mieter!" "Two to ane cm brjndle!" 'Win tüe epurt i yer can, Wll-li-am!' etc. The fellow, hatless, out ol hreath and with a look of terror, mu!denly dipew up t-o a femce, thruw thewIhm-1 over. then leaped ovr himselt. and leit tii buil to paw dlrt on the other Bidé.- Grasa Lake News. Every iniporter hi New York i.s oppoeed to Oen. Harrisou's eleutkm and in iavur o;' Grover Cleveland. Why? Because tli.y make theiir living erft a business ttoat wilü fail nader tbs American protectüvè sysfem of tli republican party. TUney do not believe 'm buüMSüg up milis and manufactures iu t.h-;.s country that will supply our owu people witli v.-hat they meed. Tliey want all theöe tilinga manuiaetureú and raiised in foreign co'untries so thac they eaiu enrieh themeelves by pui chBfiiing of the foreiguer and selling to American, consumers. Of course thty waait freé traide. It is their liife. Aaid Th'ey are busy, too, correspoiHUaig with all tlic merchante oí tht' Iniou and endeavoring to influeiiee them against Harrison. Jleiehaata ia thi.s city ha.ve received tuch lettere.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier