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Tyranny Illustrated

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The democratie party pretenda to !)■ ;i cha-mpi'on of liberty, and ye1 :i persom iin reading the report oï their canvemi.m can not conceivc how ;i party advo; -ai jnir liberty can prac ttoe 8oh ateoiute tyranny. ïo say nothkig of the unit rulo adopted to compol delegatee to vote agaiinst the oi convictions and the convictioiw oftimeeof thcir constituents, in ballotwig iwr caudidates, the same rule wan adiipted in votin'g upoo all questloiis. Upen the tartö plank, íor instance. wlH'ii the vote was taken there wer hot conU'ntioas irom men wlio "vincec underneath the yoke, but were lasl" eü hito wearing it. The following portion oï tlic pro oeedlinge of thie democratie natioua. conventi'on may be interesting reaö-' img to tlnose who beliwve in the righs oí a mam to think and vote as he pleases upan all grcat questions: "Illtoote' vote was first announeec as 33 voltes yea amd 15 nay. Mr vSteveiison, chiairman of tilt' Illmoid delegatton, in announcing this ufter a tumult amons the Illinois men, said 'Mr. 'Chiairman, uiider the instructioní of the state canveoitton I ask that the forty-eight votes of the state be casi in the affiirmative.' Henry Watterson impulsiively ran over to whera Stevensom stood and embraced hini. Therc was much cheering and ■confuin followed. "Whtm the tute oí Kentucky was reached Wattei-son was seen in iran tic efforts trying to keep an irate gat e in bis seat, and fhially Bucceedec ui allowtng the vote to be announeec wihfch was 2G votes in. the affirmative. "MiiiiH'saia was reported as solidly iin ttoe negatiive but Mr. Marrick, pi Miinnesota arase and eaiid: '1 wish tü Ik; recorded 'aye,' ' "The Minnesota Chafirman- The dele ga t wal bats been inst rutced to vote as a uinit aimd as tJvere are thirteen vote uay amd Hve vote yea, therefore I, ad )i;i innam of the delegatton, cast eigl teem votea nay. (Applause.) ■'W'lM'ii Pennsylvaniu. was announeed 04 solid no, Senator Wallace said: "On" bethel of 15 of the delegatton from Peniiisylvania, I protest, sin-, againsS1 tlir ])owor on' the delegatimi to bind tbeee 15 mm on queettoms of principie. I am hei-e in my oivn BOverlgnty. You have no right to vote me, nor dotes the delegatton givt' any one tin' right tu vote me on questions oí principie.' "Itliode Island was callea, but Mr. "Wallace again aroee and requeeted tlie cliairman to annoiince how the vote of the state of Pcnnsylvania was rtiiirded. He was lniormed by eet? retary that tn i I votes were cast ior the megatiT of the proposition. Ho thin demaoded ,-i rail of the statea on his questüoai, liui the sentiment oi' tlue oaaventkni beimg almost unan.m'ou.-siy agalnet him he finally with3rew it. "When the cbairman announeed the result of ti total vote, 564 yeae and 342 nays, there was tumultous aiplauee. The New York delegatKra liniiicil iuto thcir chalrs, Generai Sicklea walved his erotches in the air and a member of the New York delegation called ior thrce cheera ior Henry Wattereon and they were Klven amid .ui-'-at enthnsilaem. Mr. Owens of Kemtucky, stood on hls ana shouted: 'The country is still demo crat.' A membei of Une Missouri dr'egati'oa aiid sub rosa 10 one of ha aisKoci'ates, 'We Ixutcr slop the si'ver questiwi where we have it now.' '


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Ann Arbor Courier