The Way To The East
For the season of 1892. the iirsfc hrougb car for Portland, te., will leave Chicago, via. tlic Michgain Centra] R. Li., daily, oxcept Frt lay, eonimencing June 4th, at !).2U . m.; after Jume 12tb at 10.10 p. i.; Detroit !.).5O a. ni.; leave Niagaa Falls, (New York Central depot) urne, and daily except Saturay, at S.21 p. m.; üuffalo 0.15 p. Rotíbster 11.05 p. ni.; Syrácuee .15 a. m..; arrive Xorwood (breakast) G.20 a. m.; Tabyans 4.25 p. m; ?Qrtland 8.00 p. m., makiaig connccioii.s for all pomts in the Adirondacks; reen Mountuins and along the seaoast of Maine. Wcst-bound, the flitst through leepig car will ïeare Portland Tuesday, 17, and daily, exoept Sunday, at 8.45 a. m.; Fabyams 12.55 p. m.; Xorwood 11.10 p. ra.; arrilye Syracuse 3.34 a. m.; Rochester 5.55 a. m.; Buffalo 7. 45a. m.; Mugara Falla ■s-!t a in.; Detroit 8.35 p. ra. and Chicago 7.55 a. m. via. the Michigan Central it. E. The cars om this line between Chioago and Portland are among the besG Mi the Wagner service, and have staterooms, smoking room and a good buiift, fumishrng flrst-dass service. XIAGARA FALLS AXD CLAYTON SLEEriXG CAHS. Tlie l' tlirouRh sleephig car -sviU li'ave Xiagara Falls daily, commenctag Sunday, June 12tli, at 8.21 p m' üuiïalo J.15 p. ru.; liocliester 11.05 p. m.; Syracuese 1.15 a. m.; arrive at Claytom at 5.45 a. ui., eonnectine wjth .stcaruer for Alexandria 13ay daily, and for Montreal daily exceptMonday umtil July let, and aiter July lst coiMiects with the lío nt real steanier cvery day. West-bouind, the iirst through sleeping car wffll leave Clayton at 12.01 a. ra. Tue.sday, June 14th, arrivingat at 3.45 a. m.; Rochester o. 55 a. m; 13 uf f aio 7.45 a. m ; Niágara Talls 8.44 a. m. üa Sunday iii-lit.s, thfe train leaves Clayton at 10.00 p. m. Tlio Niágara Falla and Clayton Line ruius daily in each directi"bn, from Jume ll'tli to the middle of September, aind makes connections at Bulïalo and Suspension bridge with all trains to a.nd from the -vvest, and at Claytoa witli steaanera for all poiuts of the ilniusand IslancLs, Montreal, Quebec amo tihe River .Sag-ueiiay. Both of the above ti-ains wlll ba rimi until June 2Gih, "special" over the h. . & O. E. E., betvs-eeu Syracuse and Clayton and and orwood, iai i'ürli dircction, and will not appear on thie regular time-table until bime-table Xo. 5 tafees tfeet June 26tJi. Agente are requested to advi-c paseeagers of thfe, and do tJie besi they can to eecttre busiaesfe for th'e l;ine. Pleaée ackmoTvledfre receipt Very truly. uen. l'ass. Ag't.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier