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It. ás eoiiftduntly asserted that the "weather Iras become a chestnut. Miss Ada Giilbei-t, formerly oí this tty, was married in Detroit recently. The bc hooi board will extemd ths teaéhimg oi (erman to the 3d wan titois uext yeav. Öm Maoer ave., at ttoe T. & A. A. B R. (.-rossimg, tli leng looked tor gatt has beea put in. The Farmers & Mechanic's Bank have declared thelr usual dividend, payable July let. The ilag presemted to St. Thomas slwol Dow floats ïrom a 30 foot pole in. the school yard. For the past 27 years there ha been ome or more im the familj' of D Cramer wiho have beetn attemding col lege. A go'Od record. Tlie subject of the Epwo.rth Ieague for next Sumday evening will be ''In depemdence Day, Our Country." Prov 14: 41. Mr. E. I!. Gower will lead. Next winter these who are fortu mate enemgh Vo hokt tickets ïor th# Choral öwion oourse, wHl liave an op portmiity oí hearing the Theodore Thomas archestra. The cold wave of Monday and yesterday 'sant a sort oí spring overcoat feellng tiingling th.rough the veins of the expectant campers whose name iw legión hereaboutg. The prospecta lor a large atten. dance at the School oí Music next year are very bright. Prof Stanley eay the applicationsi are coming in au eneouraging manner. At the M. E. church next Sunday, at 9.30 a. m., wil] occur the Jjove Feast. At 10.30 a. m., Sacramental Service, comducted by Eev. E. W. Ryan, D. D., the presi'dbng eider. In response to numerous calis, Rev. J. T. Suiiidterlaiid's recent sermón 012 the question "Ought the World's Fan to be Open on Sunday ?" has bees printed as a pamplilet. Copies can be obtained at the book stores and mws staiwis. The gasolime sto-e at the residencc of Jlrs. Slater, at No. 49 Tlüompsou st., was the cause oí considerable ex(-teincut ioi' a lew minutes Sunday. The little ctaüghtar oí Mrs. Slatei narrowly escaped beimg burned, and the house was damaged quite a 11 1 tle by smoke. There wffl not be ciuiugli people leít in Ann Arbor ki two weeks, to compose the traditional guard oï the corporal. It is the fashion now te migrate ïor tbe summer, and everybotly makes it a point to go somewhere, even ii thcy have to walk, and help íeed the mosquitos no farthei away tham Geddes. The fashionablo family - arnid vvhere is the" family that ík mot- must go, and go they do. Quarterly conference will be held t the M. E. chturch next .Saturday, t 7.30 15. m., condueted by Presidag El-der Ityan. The uinüon se.rviiee will be held next unday, July 3d, in the eveniug, 15 he Presbyterian church, Rev. J. W. Jradsliaw preaching the sermón. Ou Monday, June 20th- remember he date, iJlease- we ditoied off greeu peas.- Milán Leader. üo did tlie writr of tdiiis item. Aiijd wliat's more, ie rateed tho peais hiimself in liis owii garden. Iveauember the grainid! 4th of July atonte to be given by the people o St. i'atrkk's pariah, Xorthiield. 4' goo'd programiue, lot of music and üeaps of ïu. ïüu better attend, mdJu't you ? A. Li. N'Owliin, o'j Ann Arbor, was iu owji yescerday and eiïected a purch'ase of 35 aeres of stadiding timber upon the lana oí the late James J. Ölayton, tta-ee miles oortiroest oithia villuge. Me willl cuoivert tlie timbej uto lumbar. - Duiwlee Reporter. Soone oí tilt Largeat amü iinest strawbernea ever seeai mi tilia lwality have je-eai growu by Judiu H. Allmand. iliney are peneetly ruu'ud auii iiriii, ajwl it raicéis a pretty g-ood sizeu mou'tOi xo devour une wiitü even two toles. ' We kiiO'iv t-k'js tü be a tact 'or we've triad iic. A Bewpaper iu always priuted iu a runíi. i'liere as always Bometüiug ni It taiat BiiijUid be leit o-ut; sonw.ttxjag leu ou-t, tiiat should be put iin. [t its sometiJiies tuiíj quick to act. Hut wildü ail ita laults and sliort eomiings tliere ia more educatiou in a bright aewspaper tlnaa there ia in a novel. You WjIíI liiiiid tille brightest boy om practical questious is the boy wli'O reada the newspapera. - Ex. Mi-s .Sai'aJi Warriiiier, wlio was burnel so severely witiï gasolime, wiiieli aceduat wa uociced last week., dieti Vrediiesday evonimg, ut 5 o'clock. The rematan were taken to her former tiöme, at liaj-lisvUle, XII., íor burial, atcümpaiaied by h'er two sons. One son s attendiug tlie university, tho otuer the high school. In the deuth ■o ilieir mixcher these young men have the sympathy of the oommunity. Tine Kaiáglite of the Maccabees oí Miicuigan have changed' the time ïor tlwMr aouiuaJ ejieampnient iu order to be nu Detroit at the time oí the Exposittai. In the ir honor Weduestlay August 31 bas beeiidesignated as Mac eabeea day. Tiiey will have their g-raowl parade, and tlheir expectation of attenid&noe are so Mgh that they have reqtuested the priimtmg of 50,00u gpecLal exposRkMi tickets ïor the'if use. On Tbursday last there was a gatl af t'he diliton Ho.use, Whitmore Lake, tluat wa quite a notable ooie. It was called a Farmer's l'icnic, anc; iarmers were preseait from öaleni, Ypsiilajiti, Lyndon, Noi-thuield, Ann Ar boa-, Soutai LyO'ii, Worden, Plyinouth, etc. bountiiul dinner wan sured by Mdlne Hout Smibh, and all went mcrry a a marriag-e bell. These ürfenids coiné tog'ether once a year, aiud t'hey mak-e tive day a happy une. The Milán, Leader lias tliss compl.iiH'ntary nock-e on an Aïin Arbor 01gajiizatiO'u: ■'Tliio'.se whu attended the contert given by the Ladies' Banjo Club of Ann Arbor, at thie Presbyterian cluurch Wednesday evening were well repaid. Thie ladies were assisted by Proif. Hemry Haug, of Detroit, guitar söloist, Miss Alice Cramer, cotf tralto, and Mise Donna PtnCkney, soI)ríuio, oí Ann Arbor. The program was reondered with numerous ei cores." The people of Asan Arbor, who took o muêli interest in the trial of the "Primee" M.ichiael case, will be glad to leam tUnat liittle Bernice Bechel is to be cared for. Mr. J. L. Hudson, ot Detroit, ivas boen appo-imted her guardilaai, and wáll see that she is properly cajed ïor. He will have her name clKuiged, and send her to an easteru school and gtve her an opportunity to bury the sad past, and begin liie over agaiio. It is a noble deed lor Mr. Hudison to do. At the dedication of the M. E. churcü at Ypsilaoiti last Sumday, the entire dcbt oí $12,000 was raised. Of which $10,000 was pledged at the moraimg service amd $2,000 at the evening service. It is estimated. that there were iully 1,300 people present ac the inorniaig service. Kev. B. J. Ives, of Aubura, X. Y., preached the sei1mm, and a portion oï the music as fumiehed by the Cliequamegon orches tra, of tliiw city. The Methodists oí Ypsila.iiti now lvave ome of the fines dhwrch ediïices in the state, and it ils all clear from debt. They are to be congratulated.


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Ann Arbor Courier