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Deserving Praise. We deeire vo say tío our citiüeaw tlitat Soa: ye&rs we have been seUimg Dr. Kiing's New Dis.-overy for t'ausump tio'ii, Dr. Kimg's New Life Pilis, Iiiu-klim's Árnica .Salve and Electric Bittere, a.nd we liave liever handled remedirá tliat sell as well, or that have giveo sueh universal satiefactkm. We do mot hewftate to gTitu-antee them every time, aind ive stand ready to refund the puTCliase prtoe, if sati.sfactory nsults cto mot lolloiv thei;r use. These hlave won thelir great popv.laa-ity purely on tliteiir merite. Ebeibatíh tt Soa, aind (ieo. .). Haussinila.nchestar. Very saucy- Mayonnaiise. Saíety matches- GocwJ marriases. Play tliings- Musical Instruments. detröit's dYvïng club, Blue Ribbon Meeting. Prolific as was last year of sport on the trotting turf, the ensuing season promises to be still more so. The great California stables are all on this side of the Rockies, except Gov. Stanford's string. Marcus Daly, Count Valensin, Monroe Salsbury, Mr. Corbet and Orrin Hickock have each great stables, the very creme-de-la-creme of California's equine society. They have traveled several thousand miles to throw down the gauntlet to the trotters and pacers on this side of the "Slope," a defi which will doubtless be cheerfully accepted. But, when such well-known "Knights of the Sulky" as Hickock, "Johnnie" Goldsmith, George Starr, "Jimmy" Dustin and "Andy" McDowell are out for the stuff, it means business for any who may chance to be entered against them. Monroe Salsbury's successes for the past two seasons have been proverbial. It remains to be seen whether or not he has as sure a graft on the money'as on former occasions. If the California contingent do not find "foemen worthy of their steel" among our eastern and western stables, some of the horsemen of this country wiil have to do a tall amount of walking unless provided with return tickets. The Blue Ribbon meeting of the Detroit Driving Club is sure to tract a great field of horses this year. The Californians have never overlooked one of these meetings in their journeys to the east, and they are not likely to do so, this season. It is confidently expected that when the time comes for opening the entries to the various stakes and purses, July 4th, to be contested for during the summer meeting of the Club, July 18th, 19th, 20th, Sist and 22nd, it will be found that not only California, but the best stables from "Maine to Georgia" will be represented. ANN AR60R FRUIT FARM. PeaK and GrapesaSpeciaity All kinds of Fiuit. Ornamental Trees and Flowers, from Ellwanger ;,..! Barry. Order early ly mal], yru.s. Medicinal Wiues, Easpberry Byrup, Boneset, Dandelion oud other Domestic Grapu Wines, prepared especially f or invalida. Pure Plymouth Koek Epn. EMIL BAUE, West Huron St., &nn Arbor. Onlike the Dutch Process iNo Malies Other Chemicals are used in the preparation of f.BaierKo.'s Breakfast Oocoa, I which is absolutely pure and soluble. It has more than three times the strength oí Cocoa mixed witk Starch, ArrowroGt or Sugar, and is far more económica!, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easilt DIGESTED. Sold by Grocers everywhere. W. Baker & Co., Oorchester, Mass. Tot twenty-five years the experience of milüona of fmfferers, old d yoonp, male and female. have gratefully endorsed the miraculous virtues of TMs Phannacentical Paradox of the Age A vitaUzing stimulant without al cohoL A nerve sedativa without narcotica. A blood puriñer without poisons. A liver oleanser. A purely vegetable tissue-maker, promoting digestión, nutrition, aecretion, exci-etion and respiration. A life-givingtonic, puro and simple, without thedisa8trous reactions of the desdly compounda of rum and alcohol usually oold as bitters. Was never k=own tefore la the World. Itadiscovery amone the medicinal fraits, rook nd herbs oí Caiiioruia WAS A MIRACLE, and their eombination icto a phenomenil llf. A TRIUMPH of the CHEMICAI. ART. The only chings made ia fhe formula dii'-ine twco'y.five yoar3 haB been to present it in m CcmLinütions. Thn old orifttnal remain upohanReJ. bui beine stronger, ;uoro laxativa r.nd better. A form JaoreapreeaMetotba taste and better adapted to OTMlraiim nml rhiltlren. but coruprisinK the Game touic prop. -rti. , is uw madu and ii r,i.j,rp„ ,e „.„rci .;., clutiUng-d to prodaco tbeecjualof thiB TI'.ULY & CXLY TEMPERENCB BITTEHS KNOWS or to produce apurely vegetable bitters or medicin of any kuil, whose action 13 at onco so Süíe, ao eerlam and cüroprehensive as tïje CALIFORNIA YINEGAR EITTERS, or any coinpounS which frnru its vsried actiott upoa the vital iuïictions is equal to tlio CUr.C OP EO MAHY DISEASES. Dispaaea ana Boils. ( aiiKUmption, PüeK and all disor.lprt (riciny (rom indigestión, impure blood cervone prtwtratlna, anil düapidated constitutioa from suy canse (t)v wEy !n it like uiist before th si..:, Blnmilar power over ti::: uiaely kicroe asd omnipresent bac'jebia indirates it? piiperiority in all diseases of malarial ori;ii;, td reuaers it tiie EEST VERUIFCGE KKOWN. No family can afford to do without a bottle of OLD AND NEW STYLE VINEGAB BIITERS In the houeo, au expressed by thoueand of tertt moiiials. Bend for beautiful book. Address B.H. McDOXAU) DRUG CO.,' Nevr Yozr MTÜI? SCHIF FM ANN'S Asthma Curel Never fails to give instant relief in the worst ■ oases, and effeiu cure where othera faU. I Trll P.ekage FKEE of Drnggi.t. or by BIL ■ iMiaiMIIII m WIIIIMIIIIiHiiiiiiiibi- MwiiMii THE NEXT MORNING I FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BET TER. Jly doctor says it acts gently on the stomach, liver and kldneys. andisa pleasant laxative. This drink la made froin herbs, und is prepared f or use as easilr astea. It ís cal led LAÑES MEDICINE All druggists seil Itat 50c. and $1.00 per paokage Buy one to day. Lane'a Famfly Medicine move. the nowels eaeh day. In order to be healthy thia is neceseary. Bueklen's Árnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect eatisfaction, or raoney refunded. Price, 25 cents per box. " For sale by Eberbach & Son, and Geo. T. Haubsler, of Manchester.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier