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"M. & H." WRITINQ TABLE1S. The Handsomest. Most Económica!, and BEST method of putting up Vriting Papers ïor home and office use. Get them from your Stationer, or send direct to the Manufacturera, HASBROUCK k SINCLAIR 536 & 538 PEAKL ST., NEW YORK. N. B.- A Handsome Tablet suitable for Polite Corresponderse mailed for Tmentv-Five Cents. QEËL DIEFFENBACH'S PR0TAG0N CAPSULES, Sure Cure for TVeak Men, as provea by reports of leadinK phy. sicians. State age in ordering. Price.Sl. Catulosne Free. tft O A A safe and speedy MS & 11 cure íor Ole et, " Strlcture and all innatural discharges. PriceSiS. ftREEKSPECiFICiiToo "and Skin DlReafiefi, 8crof nlone Sores andSyphmtlc ASectlons, witb out mercury. Price, SZ. Order from THE PERU DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. ,525. 189 Wiscoain Street, MILWAXJZEE. WIS. HEADAGHES fok 2c. CUSED y Mes &W&J.}ñ V 'Ti s. '.."_'.-: 7 r: EBEEBACH AXD SON, A' ARBOR. , - t ' TO MACEINAG Summer Tours Palacc Steamcrs. Low Rates. Tour Trip per Week Betwsen DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND PbtcBke.v, The Soo, Marquette. nd Ike Hurón Porta. Brery JSvaníng Betwaen DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Euiid7 Tripa dunng Joce, July, August ud SepUmber Ünly. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLET8, iitoi and Excursión Ticket will be furnished by y our Tickor Agent, or Addresa A. A. SCHANTZ, Aii-T Q. P. A., Detroit, Mica, THE DETROIT & CLEVELAND STEflffl WAV. SPEND TOUR VACATIOJi ON THE GBEAT LAKüS. Visit picturesque Mackinac Ielanci. I will only costyou about $13 from Detroi or $18 from Cleveland for the round trip including meals and berths. The attrac tionsof atripto the Mackinac región ar unsurpassed. The island itself is"a frand, romantic spot; its climate ia most invigorating. Save your money liy traveling between Detroit and Cleveland, via the D. & C. Line. Pare, $2 25. Tiiis división is equipped with two tiew stcumers. "City of Detroit" and "City of Cleveland." now famous as the largest and most maguificent on fresii water. Leave every night. arriving the followinir morcing at destination, making si;sk c-onnection with all morning trains l'uhicc steaiiif-rs. four trips per week between D'-troit, Mackinao, Petoskey, the "Soo " and iiarquette. Send for illustrated pamphlet. AÍMress A. A. Schantz, G. P. A . Detroit fc Cleveland Steam Nav. Co., Detroit. Alien. Sheriff Sale. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of a wru of fien facías issued out of the circuit court.forthe county of Washtenaw, in favor of Ahce Waite. and agaiust the goods and chattles and real estáte of Frank Waite Phelps to me directed and delivered. I did on the twenty-thlrd day of Maren, A. D. 1892, lew upan and take all the right. title and interest of the said Frank Waite Phelps in and to the followiug described real estafe that is to sav All those certaiu pieces or pareéis of land sitúate and being in the towuship of Scio, ('ountv 01 Washtenaw, State of Michipan, to-wit : The undivided one-half of the west half of the south-west quarter of section uine, contamine eigbty acres of land. except one-linlf acre in the north-west corner and north of Dexter road, sold to Wilcox, nnd all that part of the east halt of said south-west quaiter, whlch i situatcd on the north side of the public hiehjvay leadiug froni Anu Arbor to Dexter, eontalumg hfty-two and tlürty-eieht one hundredths aeres; also a part of the south-east quarter ot said sectiou nine, commeucing at the centre of said section, thence east twontvnve chains and six links, thence soutli sixieen "lujiiuu luui Huns, menee west rwentv-iour chaina and eighty-two links, thence nort'h sixteen chains and four links to the place of beKinning, exceptlng and reservlng frora said last description so much thereof as is aitnated on the soutb-east side of the hlghwa; leading rom vlllagre of Scio to the place knovra as the 1 reeman homestead, eoutaiuing about foiirteeñ acres of land mbre or loss and abontone hnudred and (orty-five acres of land in all more or All of which I shall expose for sale at public auction or vendue to the hlghest bidder, at the north front door of the Court Honse in the city of Aun Albor in said county and state of Michigan, on tue twenty-thlrd dayof June I). 1892, at eleven o'clock in the foienoon. Datod this llth day of May, A. I) 18M W Charles Dwyer, Sheriff. Kopr m ctoora- ICeys. A square gaane- Chess. Drunkenness or the Liquor Habit Posltively Cured by administerlng Dr. Haines' Golden Soeciflc. It Is nianufactured as a powder, wkLch can be given in a Rlass of beer, a cup o!' coffee or tea, or in food witliout the knowlegde of the patiënt. It is absohitely harmless, and will effect a permanent and epeedy cure, whether the patiënt is a moderate dTkiker or an alcoholic wreek. It lias been g-iven in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once tmpregnatd vrith the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist. Cures guaranteed . 48 page book of particulars free. Address GOLDEN SPECIFIC Co., 185 Race st., Cincinnati. O. ámiiy fT) FARGO'S Igèl "Box Tip" SgíiooI Shoes i?&M for Boys and Girls. ?O Heeled or Wedge Heel. is SWLib Slzes-StolO4 81.25 1 i, 'tJKSTnTTi Iltol3tf 1.5 iËÉÊV] Ito8 1.75 ü'k $2-50 Calf Shoe fWJfv for Gentlemen K: Wift lov 7 Cneiualed by any shoa %asSF gJrTl!n America at the samo J- &s&ít& Ion and Lace. Uon'aaní Boy'asizt's. W. ($2.50 LAOIES' BOOT K' Ojia X Con9ola or Goat. Button, v?j, Cpera, or Common SenseÍXinf&í Tackles and Flexible. SMNAWEIS0NTKEB3TTQIW0FEVERY3HGE. kp S Sf" Farao, Sh x-. If he does nol O. S. EAEGO & CO., CMoago, IIL DOTY & FE1NER," AGENTS, - ANN ARBOR Hutzel's f ár Back ' A very important invención which will be hailed with delight by every body using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of ex perience we have succeeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other ' ments which accumulate in water backs, often making them useless and in great many instances beccraing dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced ta dimes. No household using a range can affbrd to be without it. No more trouble by using citswater for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Mason & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali and examine this usefal invention. HUTZEL & CO., Piumher and Steomfitttn. ANN ARBOR, - . MIC'H 1,000 nd be pot back where I ws. I m both .urpri.t : „ i rooê of the chanpe. I recommtnd vour trtmmtn' to T'l f obeüty. Wil „Swr .11 iDqnirit U S!, iÜd t "■ tlffi PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL CONFIDEMIAL. 08, 0. W. F. SSYDER. WVICKER'S TNEiTER. CSICiSSJ, IlL EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PLLS. -'A-L'-'-CjO KIODICAL" PILLS from ■aris, France. Established in Europe 1839 Canada in 1878. For Suppressions, Irreeularlles, and Monthly Derangemeuts. A reliable monthly medicine. They ahvays relieve. Any ruggist, fe. American Pili Co., Proprietors pencer, Iowa. Kobert Sephenson & Co, holesale agents,and all other druggists in nn Arbor. These pills are warraSted to ring on the " change. CET THE BEST PIBI IKSURAIÍDS $29,000,000. Security lield for the protection of the nolicv holders. Christian MackRepresents the following fnst-class companies. 01 which one, the JEtna.. has alone paid itó.OGO, 000 fire losses iu sixty-five years : iEtna, of Hartford $9492,(544 Franklin of Philadelphia S418Í713 Germauia, N. Y 2.700,729 tíermau, American, K. Y 1,065,968 Loudon Assurance. Londou 1.; Michigan F. & M., Detroit 287688 N. Y. Uüderwriters, N. Y o,; Natlonal, Hartford. 1,77-1.505 Phojuix, Brooklyu 3,759,086 Losses liberally adjusted and pro'japtly paid. Policies issued at the lowest rutes oí premium. v ■'&! 11 C Mlwed his Opportunlty! UOS'T Min " ïiiur, ICradrr. Tlio maiurit.v noglect thgir opporlonities, mul trom Umt cause livo hl poverty and die i-i obscurity! Harrowing despair is llie lot of many, as ther look back on lost, forever lost. opportuuity. I.lle ia pus,". Iiitff! Keach out. Benp and doing. Improveyour opportaïiity, and secure pi osperity, proiuinouce peaeo. It was satu by a philosopber, tuut "the tïoddewof Fortaoo offer a Colden opportuuity to each person IKm period ofllfe; embrace the chanco, and she ponrs out her riches; fall to do eo and she iiep:irts. nerer to return." How Bhall yoa find tlie goldk.v opportuuityf Invostipate every chance that appüftrs worthy. nnd of fair proniie; that 19 what all snceessfulmeniio. H ero san opportniiity. -üchíia isnotoften witlnn thereadiot labnrinitpeiiple. Ioiprc red, twillgive, Rt least, a graiid art 11 life. The eoi.111 n n,,pOrtunity for niany is here. Slimcy to be made riipi Mv ;„d honorabl byjuylndnslrl.iusperscinofeitberBex. Ailant, Yoa can aotbe work ami livú at home, wliorerer 1 ■ :i me Even beKimian ere en-ily earnlni; (rom .■ to IO par day. Yoa can do aswell ir yon ip'll work. nor uw I, rd, butindnstriously; ndyiuir!! Iscl'n o,n Inn 1.., - v.,.'Boon. Yoa eau giveepnro time diilv, rlt yrtnrt-j 10 ■■,, WOrlc Easy tolearn. Capital ut rwinlrail. 'Xe su.11 ■1,11 All is compiiratively new nud raall nunderliil. i o instruct mi show yon hinr. trof, ! ilnrc nnki ti i..nj oar work ers. RoroomtoexnMmierx Hriio.i I In,, 11 ft-ee. srVit"'n."il " h' ' '" 'l'lll-v ÍS 'once. II. llnllet t ( .... (lux SCO. l',,jiiu:id, Mulue.


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