The J. T. Jacobs Co.
Jttct T5 TTriTrT7rT7l'n another large line of thix ooods UOl XVÜi VHrl V üii-, jj H0T WEATHER, IX COATS AXD y M " KBSrS, XKD SINGLE COATS. ■ v(,SO, .4 LARGE A8S0BTMEST IN .... trawHats=QQ to $2. We have an elegant line of 50e and 75e Neekwear that we wiü sell, lor a few few days longer, at I QT I These goods are all new styles and I (.Ja great bargain! A large stock of Trunks, Valises, Coat Cases, Telescope Cases, Tourist Straps, Shawl Straps, etc, at roek-bottom prices. A good assortment of Children's Knee Pants at only Iftr a pair at - Sc I W 27-29 Main Street.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier