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The clase tax has come ia very slow tilda year. There are 1V graduates in tlie lít er&ry departinent. The board oí regenta met last evening to close the year's work. Dun-img the past nionth about $l,r 000 worth oí books have been. added to the litorary. Proï. Elmer E. Brown, deliivered the addros before the graduatuig clasa at Dexter last Friday. The ü. of M. library will be open during the summer mooths from 9 to 12 a. m., and from, 2 tb; 4 p. m. Twelve of the senior law stttflentö went to Detroit Wedmesday laat and ware admittetl t opractice in the Umited States circuit court. The aranual meeting of the Alumni Associiatiiom of the Homeopathie co!1 lego will be held to-day at 3 o'clock, to-day at the college lecture room. The 12th and 13th volumes of Steveoa's fae-silmilie of documenta in Euro peam archives relatimg to Americarf history, will soon ba ad'ded to the Unüversiity library. To-day lts alumni day, and there1 are ma.ny graduates present from alj' departimentts. It is saiid that the lit-' erary alunwii are more numerous thaa' for se-ral yeairs. It Ia a fact -wortliy of note tha6 more tliam dönble the number of boolcs drawn from tlie Uni.versity library, thaoi from any other library In. the United States, Harvard noí excepted. It would seem as though every gradúate of the uinversity, is iu aaiy way interested in the progresa of affaire at the iaistitution would wani to take the T'niversirty Record and keep pos+ed :i. A party of Ann Arbor people wili sail from Montreal, on June 29th, by the Beaver line steamer Lake Ontario, for Europe, coasïsting of Dr. X. A. MeaLchlan. Rev. Dr. Cobern, Profs. H. S. CarWart, E. L. Walter, and Dr. B. B. Ro-we. The university grounds are about a! free from the lamber piles, and generaí öebrte of new buildings this year as they have been for a number of years Tlie new liav building addition 18 about tlie only place where the general vitew i interfered witto, the gyminiatsiimi leilng on the northeast corner where the crowds do not go very rx-h. But the law building will bö ornament wlien it is done, and tlie old a.rch'l'teetural monstrosity tha lia.s causcd so many exclamations o wondter in the past, will be hid from view foirever. 0. E. LewKS, a member of the junior cla-ss in tlie dental department, died last Tïmrsday mornmg, at his home om Witmot st., of typhoid fever, after am iitoees of sonre three weeks. Mr. Lewte came to tiiite city ïrom Faribault, Miïui., two yeairs ago, was a' inarri.ed mam, and leave il wife and ome c'h'iild. Funeral nervices were heli from tule reeidauce Friday p. m., al 5 o'cloek, and rematas interred in Forest Hiíl cemetery. The services wera attenided by the Maeoatöe fraternity oí t.liifc city, the deceased having takeo t:he degree of Euitered Apprentice the week before lve was taken sick. He was a popular student, and was presiidient of 5ii class at the time of his dteatli. Tlviö is commencement week, and tihe exercfees of the week are imjw ia full progress. Presikl'ent Angell's calaureate addrww dellvered on Sunday evenimg, at University hall, waa au able oiw?, and liistened to by 2,000 people or more, notwitlrstanding tha weattoer was unprop5tious. Monday ttoe Uw amd the Medical graduaten held theiir Class Day exercises, and Tuefiday staiaaar exercises wera held by the graduate of the Homeopathie, Dental ajid Literary departmeaiitis. The Senior receptioa' liawt even'inig was an exeeedlnjïly brül'i&iit affaiir, the youth and beauty of the state being sathered to1 enjoy it. To-nig'ht the senate reception will' be ia mare digmütied affair. Thursdajt is tlie pommemcement day in truth. Am address will be delivered by JustiJï AViinsor, IL. D., and 089 studente wilü reoeiTe their Bheepskine from the hands of fhe re-sents and facultieö. All oí t lic addresses wijl be found in the OomiiiiMi-cini'ut Annual, n:rely bound in pninphict lorm. and will cost only 25 i-ents. Thcy will be wtwth preserving. ACTIOX OF THE S. C. A. The members of the Students' Chrirtian Astsof iatiom of the Uriiveirsity cl Miohig'an, in view of the recent action' of the common eouncil of Ann Arbor,. by wliich keepers of saloons in this city are permitted to extend the daily period of tliieir occupation by one hou take thite opportunity to express theit deep resret at suclx action and to rtcoi'd1 tJieiir conction that if permitted to beooiine law, it must result ia incalculable cvil by oneouraging forma' in (lssipatioin already too prevalent iu luidst. WitQi a belief resting ou abumdant evidence tliat the saloons of Ann Arbor constitute a most dangerous to the security of l:!c n iid iwoperty and the good moral.-i of communiiy, and that the' fcrowth and highest imterests of the ( !i.i i'sity are seriously imperllled by the cointtilmaiance and ext-ensdion of the li(]uor traffie with it s inseparable ac compnniments of viee and corruption, we joiin wivh all, wln'ther citizens oí the city or Mate. wlio have the we' o[ the Uiii'vevsity at heart, in eallioig upon the mayor and others in authority to do all in their power to restrict rather tlian extend the hours of nightly debauchery for ■u'hich the saloons already afford more than suf-' Rctemt op port unit y . June 20, 1892.


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Ann Arbor Courier