The News Condensed
Part of the time in the senate on the 2flth was given to the consideration of bilis on the calendar, part to executive business, and the chief portion to a speech by Senator Cali in support oí a resolution heretofore offered by him for an investlgation of railroad corpora tions and their interference in politics and eleo tion. Adjourned to the 22d The house was not in session. IN the senate on the 82d the post office anc agricultural approprlation billa were reponed and the conference report on the military academy bill was agreed to. The silver bill was discussed. A resolution was introducod proposins retaliation upon Canada for the discrimination practicad against American vessels passing through Canadian canals In the house the time was occupied ia dlscussing the general deflciency bill. ON the 83d house bilis were passed in the senate approprlating Ï50,000 for the pedestal for the Sherman statue, and to authorize the Marinette & Weitern railroad to construct a raüroad through the Menominee Indian reserva tion. in Wisconsin. ... In the house no quorum was present and no business was transaoted. In the senate no business was transacted on the 24 th .... In the house no quorum was present nd nothing was done. DOMESTIC. Fieb totally destroyed the Hyde county courthouse at Hijj-hmore, S. D. Flames which started on P. McNamara's farm near Merced, Cal., burned over 7,000 acres of fine g rain. The loss was S100.000. Mes. .Ioseph Keim undertook to hive a swarm of bees at Wabash, Ind., when the inseots becarae inf uriated and stung her to death. Emil West killed Miss Hattie Buttress in Alleg-heny City, Pa,, because she refused to marry him, and then took his own life. Thb 25-mile amateur bicycle road record was broken in Detroit by W. C. Rands, his time being 1 hour 15 minutes and 59 seconds. Safe blowers demolished the vavilt of the Bank of Kilbourn at Kilbourn City, Wis., and secured about $8,000. The most disastrous flood since 1869 prevailed at Richford, Vt., and vicinity, and the losses would be heavy. Jake and George Good wallis and Ed Bardemaker were drowned in Barren river at Green, Ky., while bathing. The national treasury department will regúlate the entry of animáis imported for exhibition at the world's iair. Geokgb Wiüiam Geltmakeb, of Louisville, Ky., was assaulted and robbed of 5,500 by highwaymen. E. S. Dann, secretary and cashier of the National savings bank at Buffalo, N. Y., was found to be 832,000 short in his accounts. A wiNDSTORM at Alpena, Mich., unroofed many buildings and destroyed the new county poorhouse. One year ago Alley Bros. & Place, one of the largest leather firms at Boston, failed with liabilities of 5510,000. They have settled with all their creditors at 100 cents on the dollar, with 6 per cent. interest. Passenger trains collided near Stillwater, Minn., and James E. Stenson was killed and several other persons were injured. Johjt Masojí, jeweler and silversmith in New York city, failed for 8300.000. Two dei'uty marshals killed Bo Leslie, a desperate Seminóle negro, i Indian territory. Leslie was resistin arrest when shot. The stockhoiders of the First national bank at St. Louis have decided to go into voluntary liquidation. The bank's debts are 819,849.94 and its assets in excess of this amount. Gertrude Bliss, daughter of Mrs. S H. Bliss, of Worcester, Mass., ha fallen heir to S6,000,00ü by the will o her affianced husband, Mr. Hartwell of Hartford, who reeently died. A tbain on the Big Four railroad ditched its rear passenger coach near Niles, Mich., injuring ten persons. Melvin Lktts, insane, shot and killed his sister-in-law, Miss Kate Swart, and then shot himself to death at Cobleskill. N. Y. A big counterfeiting gang was unearthed at San Francisco b.y the arrest of (ilovanni Abbett and Paglo Visconte, two of the leaders. A wind and rainstorm at Lincoln, 111., did damage to the extent of 8100,000, and Cornelius Hoagland and Albertand Robert Russell were killed by lightning. A cyclone at Plankinton, S. D., demolished twenty houses and damaged as many more. A STATUS of Red Jacket, the renowned Séneca hief, was unveiled in Forest Lawn eemetery at Buffalo, N. Y. At Xo "lister, Cal., two slight shocks of earthquake were feit. Flamks araonsr business houses at Atlantic City. N., J., caused a loss of 5150,000. YV. H. Pkndleton, wholesale grocer at Lawrence, Kan., assigncd for the benefit of his ereditors. Liabilities, $135.000; assets, estimated, 8100,000. Prof. B. C. Hobbs, widely known as an educator and an eminent minister in the society of Friends, died at his home in Blooming-dale, Ind., ag-ed 77 years. A tobnado at Cuba, City, Wis., destroyed erery business house in the town. At Milford Center, O., Larry Jones and Willie Wooley, lads of 10 and 13, were arrested charged with inurdering i-year-old Georg-e McDonald by drownmg him in a pond. Jacob Harvey was hang-ed in the penitentiary at Colnmbus, O., for tilling his mistress, Mrs. Mag-gie Lehnan, last August at Dayton. Six of the principal business houses at Humeston, Ia., together with contents, were destroyed by fire. At Burlington, Ia., August Grutz shot his wife and mother-in-law and hen cut his own throat. It was hought Mrs. Englert, the mother-inaw, would live. The others would probably die Neab Mannington, Ky., John Norris, of Illinois, shot and killed a young son of J. Thays a quarrel and then mortally wovinded a brother of the vicim. Clakence Bonner, lineman for the jouisiana Electric Light Company, was oasted alive at the top of a pole in 'ie.w Orleans. A census bulletin issued gives the number of industrial establishments in Canada at 75,788, an increasa of 51 per cent. in ten years; capital invested, f353,000,000, an increase of 114 per cent. At the leading clearing houses in the United States the exchanges during the ■week ended on the 25th aggregated $1,104, 523, 458, ag-ainst $1, 138,301,289 the previous week. The increase as compared with the corresponding week of 1891 was 17.5. Joseph Taylor at Orleans, Ind., shot his mother and sister, the lormer fataliy In the United States the business failures durintf the seven days onded on the 25th numbered 190, against 179 the preceding week and 234 for the corresponding week last year. King Sims, the murderer of Edward Brandon on May 11, 1891, was hanged at Dallas, Tex. He admitted his guilt. Georgk Cassidt, of Reno, Nev., democratie nominee for congress, dropped dead from apoplexy. Geohge V. Biggs, 15 years old, env ployed in a Philadelphia jewelry store, stole S10.000 worth of diaraonds and valuables. The second section of the western expresa on the Pennsylvania railroad crashed into the lirst, section at Harrisburg-, Pa., and thirteen persons were killed and forty injured. The seventy-ninth anniversary of the birth of Henry Ward Beecher was observed in Brooklyn and the grave of the great preacher in Greenwood was decked with flowers. Thk Commercial hotel at Saneer, Cal., was burned, and six persons perished in the flames. A cyclone in Chickasaw county, Ia., killed one man and injured thirteen others persons. Much property was destroyed. The primary results of the first detailed count of the population of the United States, according to the returns made under the eleventh census, show an aggrejrate population of 62,622,250. Males, 32,067,880; females, 30,554,370; native bom, 53,373,703; foreign born, 9,249,547. The population as a whole increased the decade from 18S0 to 1890, 12,466,467, or 24.86 per cent. Chakles Pkivot and his wife were burned to death at Pittsburgh, Pa., while startinjf a fire with kerosene, and two children of Mrs. Wolfowski lost their lives in the same raanner. Lot Smith, a noted Morman bishop and ex-Danite leader, was killed by the Navajo Indians, near Flagstaff, A. T. PERSONAL AND POLITÏCAL. James K. Edsa.1, ex-attorney general of Illinois, died in Chicago after a brief illness. ■ Pjresident Harrison was formally notified by Gov. MeKinley and a cotnmittee of his renominationfor the presidency. The California republicans ivill hold their state convention in Sacramento July 26. The prohibitionistsof the Eig-hteenth district of Illinois have nominated Rev. D. G. Ray for congress. In the First Nebraska district the democrats renominated V. J. Bryan. The national democratie convention was called to order at 12:45 p. m. on the 21st in the wigwam in Chicag-o by Chairman Brice of the national committee. William C. Owens, of Kentucky, was made temporary chairman. A resolution was adopted tendering sympathv to James G. Blaine in the afflictioia which has befallen him by the death of his son. After the appointment of the various committees the convention adjourned for the dav. Judge Sawnie Robertson, admitted to be the reatest lawyer in Texas, died after a brief illness at his home in Dallas, aged 41 years. The following congressional nominations weremade: Kansas, Fifth district, J. R. Burton (rep.); Texas, Tenth district, .loseph D. Sayers (dem. ) renominated; Minnesota, Seventh district, E. Boen (people's party). The republicans of Maine in convention at Portland noniinated Henry B. Cleavs. of that city, for governor. The platform indorses the renomination of President Harrison. Eíectors were chosen and a resolution was adopted expressing sympathy with James G. Blaine and his family on the death of Emmons Blaine. Thomas H. Shekman, United States consul at Liverpool, has tendered his resignation to President Harrison. Miami university at Oxford, O., has conferred upon Gov. McKinley the degree of doctor of laws. The democrats in national eonvention at Chicag-o on the 2-Jd selected W. L. Wilson, of West Virginia, as per manent chairman. A f ter his address a new national committee was ehosen The platform adopted demands tarif and civil service reform, restrieted im migration, favors pensions for soldiers denounces the McKinley lave anc favors the coinag-e of both gold anc silver without diserim nating against either metal. The convention remained in session until 3:20 a. m. on the 23d, when, on the first ballot, Grover Cleveland was nominated for president. The ballot resulted as fol-lows: Cleveland, 603K; Hill, 113; Bois, 103; Gorman, 36%; Carlisle, 15; son, ö; Campbell, 2; Whitney, 1: Russell, 1. Thk Missouri people's party in convention at Sedalia nominated a full state ticket with Leverett Leonard, of Saline county for governor. Col. George R. Clarkb, founder of the Pacific Garden mission in Chicago, died at his home at Morsran Park. For twenty years he had given his entire atteiition to self-saerifieing work amoní Jthe neglected and criminal lasses. and his efforts have g-iven him a national veputation. The people's party of Arkansas met n convention at Little Rock and nominated Israel P. Carnahan, of Washing-on county, for governor. In Vermont the republicans met in tate convention at Burlington and ominated a full ticket, with Levi K. Guller for governor. The democratie national convention ornpleted its work on the 23d by nomiating Adlai E. Stevenson, of Illinois, 'or vice president. The ballot was as ollows: Stevenson, of Illinois, 402; Gray, of Indiana,_843j Itlgrse, of ig-añ, L6; Mifccheïl, of Wisconsin. 4ó; Watterson, of Kentucky, 20; Cockran, of New York, 5. Before the announcement of the result was made all the states changed their votes to Stevenson and he was declared the unanimous choice of the convention. At 5:20 p. m. th convention adjourned sine die. At a meeting of the Alabama people's party in Uirmingham delegates to the Omaha convention were elected. Thomas R. Cobb died at his home in Vincennes, Ind., aged 65 years. He was a member of congress from 187B to 1S88. The independents of South Dakota in convention at Redfleld nominated A. L. Van Osdal, of Yankton, for governor. Congressiojtal nominations were made as follows: Iowa, Third district, D. B. Henderson (rep.) renominated; Ohio, Seventh district, G. W. Wilson (rep.); Illinois, Tenth district, P. S. Post (rep.), renominated; West' Virginia, Third district, E. R. Rucker (rep.). T. T. Nhgent, of Fort Worth, has been nominated for governor by the peple's party of Texas. William E. Bauowav, Peruvian consul, died of blood poisoning in San Francisco. FOREIGN. Three documents have been forrad in the military archives at Madrid which go to prove that Columbus was born at a place called Saona, near Genoa. Cholera is Persia and Afghanistan. An express train was ditched by a washout near Hillhurst, Canada, and four men were killed and six other persons were injured. The factory of the Dominion Cartridge Company at Browuburg, Can., was blown up and a number of men were killed. Gen. Castilho holds the capital of Rio Grande do Sul aod the principal cities of the state. Thirteen persons were killed in a fight at Livramento. A boiler exploded on the French cruiser DuPuy de Lome at Brest and many persons were injured, fifteen fatally. The crops were withered by drought in portions of southern Russia and sheep and cattle were perishing for want of fodder. In various engagements in Afghanistan among the Urgaghan Haxtras against the ameer 1,500 soldiers have been killed. The sehooner Ringdove sunk off HalfMoon Gaye, Honduras, and nine out of thirteen persons aboard were drowned. Three men at Argentine, France, drank water on a vrager, one imbibing twelve quarts of the fluid, another nine quarts and the third seven quarts. All died in a few hours. In the states of Durango and Coahuila, Mex., there has been no rain for the last four and a half years. Manv sons werc on the verge of starvation. TiMoriiy Healy was mobbed in the streets of Dublin and had a narrow escape from seriously injured. At Monte Sasso, Italy. a large area of land on the mountain side slid down on the iiouses below, completely burying them. and twenty-four persons were killed. LATER. The United States senate was not in session on the 25th. Before the reading oí the journal in the house Mr. Watson, of Georgia, made thepointthat there was no quorum present and the . house adjourned afte.r the shortest session on record, it lastinír just one minute and a half. Al-gust Harding-, of St. Louis, in a fit of jealousy shot his wife and then shot himself. Ax explosión at the Consumers' iron works in New Orleans demolished a portion of the building, killing five persons. The Mississippi river at Burlington, Ia., was IS miles wide and rising rapidly, eausing great damage to property. Mr. Oladstoxe hile being driven to a liberal club meeting at Chester was struek in the eye by a missüe tfarown by a woman. Y ale observed at New Haven, Conn., the 191st anniversaryof the foundingof the college. At Paris, Ark., County l'reasurer Thomas E. Fuller was robbed of S45,000 of the money belonging to Logan county. C. J. Riegkbs became involved in a figlit with three negresses in St. Louis, and one of them literally cut him to pieces with a razor. It was believed iu New York that the Portug-uese steamship Vega, from lisbon, with 500 people, had been ia collision with a vessel and was lost. TheVega seven days overdue. Hf.xry Nobbkrg, a real estáte dealer at Portland, Ore., shot and killed his sweetheart, Augusta Shogrena, and then put a bullet through his own brain. Jack Welch and Michael MeManus, of San Francisco, were both fatally injured as the result of a family feud. E. J. Ryan, wanted in Washington, D. C, where he robbed the United States Express Company of 830,000, was arrested in Denver, Col. It is now a settled f act that the poet Whittier will write the opening ode for the world's fair at Chicago. In the National league the percentages of the baseball clubs for the week ended on the -25thwere: Boston, .717; Philadelphia, .627; Brooklyn, .021; Cincinnati, 561; Cleveland, .559; Pittsburo-h. .475: Chicago, .474; Washington, .467; New York, .448; St. Louis, .390; Louisville, .390; Baltimore, .254. The percentages in clubs of the Western leag-ue were: Columbus, .043; Milwaukee, 605; Omaha, 511; Toledo, .500; Kansas .'itv, .479; Minneapolis, .447; Fort Wayne, .395; Indianapolis. .282.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier