County And Vicinity
A nw ttWeese íactory is ivhat i.s propotíed for Dexter. They ratee Arries at Dexter, 24 o wbich raake a quart. The 4th Michigan cavalry wlll ha VI a reunión a St. Jota's July 5th. Clinton people wül be glad to see n at their 4th of July eelebration. Hon. George H. Sleator, of Alpena, wiil deliver Ola 4tli of July oratiou at Dexter. A ne-w pipe orgiui is the cnd tliat, ►St. Mnry's church, Chelsea, hopee to arrirve at soun. A list ol' 119 uew books lias been 'added to tile lilirar.v of the JJexter schools, mainly through the eíforts of tlie ehiKfrea alone. Acco-rdimg to the Newe there vei" seveoteeá pupiile ta thj Dexter school wli-o were neither tai-dy nor absent during the school year just closed. J. A. Momroe, oí Clielsea, was badly imjui-ed by bejug caught iu a belt, iectaitly. Tiw! machine was lora to piiecee, but tortmiately íie esiair ed with hiB lite. A üh'o,rt lime tElEphwje inventor ha been íurniHhiag the citizeus of orne ol t'he emaller towus ío the county witll pri-vate telephioiaes, of late. Look oui, tlie Uell may riing soon. Tlie Leader ia respoinsüble for the titoi-y t'iiat Mi... a has a hotel keepeï tíhat habi a raiaiíag a family oí (une tskuuks. .,.. t íor, is a jn.ystery. Pjrobably xo llavor the hash. Xbe clover Jieldá refune to wh-ow otf very nrach witü blooni. Some isay that the bug is at wörk In the head, and (iojne t'lmnk that wet weather is the c-auise of the irregularity.- Dexter Leader. James Uurdjiii brougiht to tliis o.tlii.s week a stool of elover that vus quito a cui-iDsity. Nearly tvery ui ooniaiined live leuvea aud some lour. lf the liiriing' of live leaved ciover ia a good siga surely Jim is ia luck.- Pinckiiey Uispatcli. !ikunk raUhig provea a lailttre. AU little oiht, dted exceflt two whiclj were ijaite .-i curiOBity in llud.soii on Kumday. The okl oiies were ld ose to return tp Une liilis agaiin and if yoü Jiave passed alouig lliaL road any evenáig of late yuu iron'i wbndej' why they were lel go.- Dexier Xovs. Ir ]a.vs to -advertil-ie. A Mies lády :■ pwketbook eontakiiug, as -:i;il, s.-,. ,siic advertised , aaii ■■■ ' Lay il w"aj returued in her. bill was utill in ii, and also ■1 bill; bi'sM-.'s a leud nicklu, ar ticket.s, .-i lmUiJii-li,,nl.. ' 'ulil' l i nlainoi] seedïj or makiuis weet pk-kle ' requini i.i a doail tabby, a lalsè artd the stub ut' a íead iicn,]. i cqlloctiona eau only be seèured tÜcious advertisiog.- Fowlérvilte - Mtscrver. -V .ei.T, a st.iiH'iua.sun, of Lo di, was killod ai the fann of Georse Aprili. iiiScio. Monday afternoón. He was layitng a cellar wall for .Mr. Aprili -ui lía.l tu-n gtones placed. He was ding o-er to line np oixé of Ui the bank eaVed in upon ■ '■'■' liini f(,rvard so that lu. face lay a-a:iit the tone. Thertí was bat a sniall anuuin.i oï dir( on ;! and bark, hnt by the time -11 K'i to lr,m aiM brusli 'lir; frojii liim, he was öfeiid. - Dextr reader.: Manchester WSg schoei graduatei 14 pupils ibis y car. Mrs. Catihariine Oeeterle, of Sylvau, dvd Juno 15, aged 70 years. Milán lias been ehipping great quaiï rawberries thls season. Mr. Lamktn, Q MHan, is building ï ■ mifll, maehimery and ;-,i!. himself. !v. c. e. Sloan, oif MUan, was ..,! $25 by a luna; ion recentAccomd''ing to t Uo Standard, ir talos 32 Chelsea strajvberries to make a q art. Geo. .T. Niesly pleteed 100 busbels oí strawberries on hte farm in Saline iu three (lays last week. Ernest Pearce, aged 13, son of Ber. F. E. Pearce. of Clayton, was drowned at North Lake, June 14, whfle in batiMng. Tho Arliieter Verían, of Saline, wil! have a picnic and bowery dance at tlhieip grotindfl to that place, on the coming 4tli of July. There is no nctivity in the wool maikot h'ere aoid moet oí the farmers who liave sold have taken their wool to Clinton.- Manchester Enterprise. F. R. Beal, president of the Globe manufacturáis company of Xorthville, Michigan, has piren one thousand of the thirty thousamd dollars required to endow tlie Alliion College Litorary. Farmers complain that whéat is falling down quite badly in some 1 calities. Tlie wet weafcher and han! winds raise misehiof in wheaí fields this time of the year. - Dundee Repiroter. Trobably the larsest BtrawDerry af the season was ptcked last Tiiesdaj on ttie place of D. Dunlap. The berry 5s of tlie sharpless vartety and measuired nine inches in cirenmference.- Sr. L,ym Picket. We UTulerstand that the dover midp. Was made its appearance, but the plant ils too near ripe to ye much affeoted by I this year. It may be niore troublesome next year.- Manchester Enterprise. The common council of Saline have' done au act thlat every village shoultï do. order that dogs should 1 muz zied until Sept. lst under penalty oT being Hable to be shiot by any man oi nxman avüiö chances to have his or hor artillery with them.- Dundee Re porter. Boye, d-om't rob btrd's nests. Neai Scrajiton, Pa., the other day two boys who were up in a tree robbimg mests. were strnck by liphtning anj killed. True, thoiisamds oif boys have robbed nests and got tJirough all riicrht, but may be thimgs are clianging now.- Cüielsea Standard. Hon. Andrew J. Iveetch, one of the prOTniinent ciitizens oif Ypsilanti, was fooiTid dead im his bed Monday morninf, havimg oxpired during the night oí ulceration of tlie stomach. He was 62 years old, had lee;n a member oí the legislatnre, was astaunch republian, a member of the Masooic fraternity and a communicant of the lM)Uscopal chu.rch. VV'iiUj rxcavatiíiifi for a foundation to a Imildiiiíí in HliöXfield, a. fcw day., since, the workmeo cane upun a ín'i -■: oí rao .Ís. fur making r0 amd 3 0 cent pieces oí isr,.-,. Tnless llie inoukls are desAroyed our l'iu-lt Samuel will a dcinand for tlicni as by viirtue oí tlie law lio o"ns alJ such füids;, together with wfeat moitey may le found wiltli tlicm. Mrs. Nancy Harriison li;'d Wedneail day at her home ra Adri-an, aged 8(5 years. Shc wa-s a resident of that city for m-ore ttei.ii forty years. Iu her youmger days, a resident of Anii Arbor, the danghter oí Zetias Xasli, orne oí tlvat cityV cirlk'st pioneer?. Mrs. Harrison 'm the mother of A. Z. HarriKon of thi city, and her remains remains were interred in Highlanii cemetery.- Vpsilanti Commercial. A bolt of liightmiing from a clou sky killed a cow íor Mr. Kraft Wednes diay. From here it followed a wire feíic-e t:hrough fields hito Mr. Hook's farm, killiing a hog for him (the distamce fixjiii wtoere the cow was firsttruck to wiiere the hog was, was 40 roda.) Mr .Coates, who was cultivatiuiíi corn fot Mr. Hoops, describes tlits bolt is a ball oí fíre passiing so close to liüm that it seemed aji if lie could touch It with his haind. He did not feel any effeets from it, litvwever.- Wayne Iíevi'w. George Halsted took a lesson in "the more liaste the less speed" phil. osophy the other day. He was plowkng in the íield when along carne oiw oí our April shmvers. EUDd iiu liis liaste to jet to t'he bam ahead of the rain h' hití-licd tlie horses onto the Wítgoi) without taktag up the traces, whieli litid been lenjítliened íor pKnving. Thtf result was a paralyzcr! Tlie wagoaj tonguc Kxin dropped to the grounil wliere it gott a firin [ootiag in thu yieWifflg soil. and 1 he iiext instant Geprge was hoisted ísho a positiou pí promittjbnce; tihiere woufd have bees no lurl'her da muge done if he liad only wnHcil up there until some one coulí brimg him a ladder or a paraelmt c; but agaim 1(0 was in a liurry and did not walt; he amc down, not softly and crentíy. bul with a "dull thud.' and prot cautín in tlic rain t-o boot. - Milán IeáOer.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier