Mayor Doty's Veto
The íollowiing message, vetoimg'thc 11 o'clock .saloon closimg ord!inancEj luis beem Ried witli the city clerk, to be ivvsi-iucd ai t-he next regular meeting oí the eounci'l, nfxt Monday eventog: Gentlemen. - I herewith return to yon, without my approval, an ordnamce paseed by your honorable body in coum-il June 2(J, 1802, entitled "Aa ordtaaoice relative to the cloeing oí saloons, beurs in restaurants and eleewhere." I assigm my reasoais tüierefor, as followe, to wüt: First. JBecauw i't is inconsistent with a wifie and safe public policy to pormiit the transactie oí business which ie espeeially withini the polk supervisión, by statute of the state, at au hour when that supervisión is niost diiffiCult to exercise. Second. Because very niany of tl.e cSitlzens -wiio aa-e engaged in tlie liqucr trafftc, have privately remonstrated wirtlh me agaiöst the passage of the Oirdimamee in question, alleging thnB tïiie t endene y thereoí Is to compej tllvem to lseep theiir places open to the maximum limit of time permitted, tiiti-eby leingthening their hours of labor far beyoaid tlie bounds which v wise regard for the laws of nature and lialth tapoeee iipoai sane and reasoiv al)le men. Thte stress of eompetitiou rules thte liquor trade as well as all the o'ther occupatioüis of men. Iet us mat foafe thee un'willd'ni; toilers to prolong t'heir labors for a livlihood far into tliie siüent watches of the night. white the merchant, the mechante and tliie laboi-er cai or should iiuietly sltM;p, -oomsciioius clear, in the thoughü tJilat they have o diivided the day tWat tlK're are eight hours for labor, eiiit hour.s for sleep and eiglit tor tlhe servtee o God aoid ttae'jr fellow IlH'll. '1 ii : 1. liecause the iuiterest of tlie .i.y ei Anna Arboif ie eo-extensive auJ co-existeot wit', that oí the 1'niversity aii'l iiiiy actton wliich yóav honorable body takes, ii! li woiuld teod in any degree to ciheck ot paralyze the growth and popularilty of that grean institution of learning, would be visiied upom oiir city to Lts tenfold detrinient (jf loss. 1 convinced that tihe Bcandal and disgraoe which would attiacli to your liceiiisiing midnight saloionis in our ciity "would spread and rumiíy to every seotkxi oí the land, loving and a.nxJons párente in niany a 'hiome both fa.r and near would hes;tate aind refuse to oommitt their dearest amd beLSt to the foster i uü1 enre oí a muniiciipality whicli regarded so lightly the moral respomsitoility, whiph heaviily rests uponi the constltai'ted aut'hority o? a t-ollege town. And lnstly. My sense of duty, to tlie families of our own citizens who otinearwlse might be deprtved oí thtj oMnpinnionhip and protection of fatliers and hmsbands and brothers and soms du.rin t.lnose hours of the night whm the home should be their restimg place and ttieiir delight, impele me tor -wiitlvhoM my approval from the OTditaanoe in question. In returning iit to your honorable body wirtb ray absolute aind uiujualified veto pormit me to exprese my sorrow that your uradue liaste im pushimg the same to iits passage, t)m' read'ings at one sesslioin,, f an ordimanoe of so much importa-nc, liias led the unchariitable to euppoee tftiiat you wei-e over ainxious amd zealous for it enactment. As foir mysell I sluall indulge the thongliö (aaid tluiis ratlw-r frotn the fact that I know yioiir honorable body to lx! more t'hlan ivsually hiirhmiinded and iel fhiat had you güven the ordinaiK'c and all its lx'arhigs the delil)effáte attíMitiiom lts iniportance rle■nia.nds, hlad you paesed it along thé o.rd!'anfiïry eourse of iits readings and Icmclied the popular pulse from time to time, as the OirdJnanee pursued tl.e (irderly te-mor of its wny. you wotlld1 iK'vfv at lli11 end have given it your fon and nimroval. .Mayor.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier