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E. F. Mills & Co.

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f DAYS! f ni.Hj.iY. jtoCloseJiaIyA smDHJULy9 SEYEH DAYS PEYOTE TO THE SAYIJÍG IXSTIXCTS OF THE COMMUXITÏ ! SEYESf SPECIAL "BARGAINS" FOR YOUR COXSIDERATIOX ! Bargain JNolJ All at 3,000 yards of Summer Wash Goods, P13 sisting of 10e fine 3-4 Challies 123Le yard-wide Challies W"3 j# 10c double-fold Angora Suitings 2 10e " Stirling Twills 8e Lawns, 32 inehes wide B ll m 10c Colonial Cloth, 30 inehes wide %sJr Jr &c, &c, &c, &e. a yard. Bargain No. 2 A LARGE LINE OF " 25c French Satines jm -, 25c Check White Goods W. 25e Scotch Zephyr Ginghams r o All Wash Goods reduced. ■fc ifcBW CENTS. Bargain No. 3 15 Doz. Ladies' Pure Silk Black Mitts, worth y - 25c ■ (# - Ten Doz. Ladies' 25c Gauze Vests- íom; neofo, o 7ocí sleeves AkMI CENTS. BargairjjJgj Our Entire Line of SHIRT WAISTS In Silk, Percale, Cambric, White Linen, &c, &c, all REDUCED For this sale! Bargain No. 5 Fruit of the Loom, Lonsdale and W% Farwell Cottons, yard-wide and ÊZA all worth 10c a yard, for the 7 I days your choice for - - - - CTS Bargain No. 6 [ Parasols of all styles and Sizes at 1 mA Q-fif DURING THIS SALE. Al " 25 pes. of Summer Dress Goods, eonsisting of: all at 38-ineh all-wool Tennis Stripes, worth 50c _ 36-inch Claremont Check Suitings, worth J lS 40c CJU Double-fold Wool Suitings, regular priees, 37 to 50c A YARD. This is to be a germine CLOSING SALE of all SUMMER GOODS. Supply your wants at once and save largely by so doing! 20 Main Street, ANN ABBOB.


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