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Mr. Murphy Talks

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Chicago, June 1. - Edward Murphy Jr., oí Troy, N. Y., delegate-at-largi; to the democratie natJonal eonvention and at present and for the past is yeture ciiairnian oí the democratiy state co'inmittee, made a statement tío the prese t-niglit, detailing his rea 9008 tor tlie belief that U nominated; Ir. Cleveland c-ould not earry New Yoirk state. Mr. Murphy's reasons Por so beUevílng were given as follows: 'The demooi-ats of the country at large, w-ího favor Mr. Cleveland. ieve the demócrata of New York ty bc obstinate and willlul in opposing. tlicir wiwhes of that great majority, and they regard the action of the New York delegatioó in inedsting that we sl;ail iiavi' our clioice, not-witlistamdhhg tJie majority are against us, as unreasonable. They d'O not know tl'.'il the (1 'iaoferacy of our state would iiot be ïor Mr. Cleveland if Mr. HUI were mot a canditlate. They do not '.id-THtimd that the oppoBiitiion to Mr. Cievcla.nd ie based upon an idea, a sentiment, which has become as ïixcj and absüiute as a principie. The idea is in tlie dislike of the mugwump;' M matters nwt wnbether he be a repub1; an mtigwump, like some of the editora in New York, or a democratie mugwump, l;ke ex-Seeretary Fair ch;;d or ex-Mayor Grace. ïhe demccrats dislike them all and all their foüowers. aiöers and abettors, witli a biitterness far exeeeding any posss:ble ill will wiliich they entertain towards tlieir republicam opponents, foxtibe reason that the latter are opea and manly antag-onists, while tlia mugwump, pi-etending to b ea frieni?, fel i jj hite stiletto hi your back while you are opposhmg tlie tommon enemy,' "Wlvy do tliey dislike the mugwumps ?" 'In 1S85 the New York Times ana The New York Bveiiing Post anti all thelr followers bolted Gov. HM1. Ever sinc etliat tinne they have assaulted bim at every step- mferepresented the reasons i;or every actio.n taken. More; they have, si.niee tliait time, opposed hian agaïn far the office of goyernor after a unan i in o us nomination in 188j openly and holdly opposed him, at the same time hearing that Mr. Cleveland, wh'O wa also a candidate for office, did mot want hhn selected, nor could pirominent members of the na: tional öommittee induce Mr. Cleveland to so inut-31 aa say that he was oppoeed to the electircm of Gov. Hill. Every ome knows w'inat they dld iu 1890 im t;he comtest agalnst Tammaiiy Hall, the regular democratie OTgainizatton of the City of New York, im which contest Messrs. FaircliiW anxl G.race were proanutnent, im an opeu aed umdiisguised eombination with tha republieam orgaaiizattem of New Yorii City, at the haan of whicli was exSen&tor Thos. C. Platt, and had the combinatiion been successful, the whold election machitaery of the great democratic stronghold would have been' turned over to the republican party, and not only would that election machijiery, now controlled by the democratie regular organizatrou, be in cotf trol of the republican party, but thaï same party "vould absolutely contra' it iuithis presidential eleetion. As thj people know and undei-stand the variO'us acts oí treachery occurring n the severa] years írom 1884 to the presenil time, I --Jll pase theni a.nd come to the convention oí 1891, wlien the democratie party, smartjng under the ii:dignities and insulta Whlch liare been heapcd upon it by thoee muswumps, determ!.ned to drive tliem out of i he party, to forcé them out of all eoiinection -vuth the orsanization oï the state so that thelr oixly ho'me ahoulfl be with their allies, the eommon eñemy, en th-e principie that our party coukl more easily fígTht its cnemies . lï n ix eauld put. them all in front! ... LrL; so they ejectod the couuty ileraooraoy, tire official repreeeat&tivee oí the mugTVumps irom the convent ion; tuim'bliing Mr. Grace and tlve rest oi them in a heap tqgether." "WWat was the result ?" ■'Even Lieut.-GoT. Siheehan, whoiu iliey hateü most ainü :"i.,a:nst whom ttuev strove hardest. reeeived ovev 35,000 majority. Wínaj, the resalí was nu, ,!. tho deunocracy of thu staii' oí New Y...U. tiaonght they vera not. i iie troub.k.'d longer with the hypocrlsy and treachry of the iuuí;wumps and tli.'y toot steps iiccordimgly v:ih'h rsultoö ia the lioldinj; ol the IViiruary oaavention and rto ■What woiiid the aoonijxation tu Mi. ( mean ?" ÉIt v.ou'd mean the áestruetion ei the regular orgduizatiioins in the greai demor!;i : ;■ eáttes oí tlir state and iu the state itself, under which orgaa Izatroms the im.rty has successfullj won kturit'.s by inereasing majorititíü for the last geven years. It avouk not bt' poBsible for (o HUI and ■.lefy member of the nattanal delegationt tialking trom now ontU the diy oí c!f-i iiHi, wüth the akl oi the state and lot:al uriranizatioais, ïo convinee the rank aml lite oí Une demoeracy that the nomUiation and electlon o! Mr. Cleveland woulu nort be to put ni puwtr the mugvumpa, or the con.ditional demoorat, as be is called, ovei tlvose who have co'iitrítrated so muelí ti tlie siiccess o;' the democratie party of the state, and oior people look upan the eontemplated action of thu demooratic party im gome of the otheistaree as hitendims a reward oí the would-be democratie mugwump aseassim. Thereiore, the feelimg is growifflg vei-y bitter in Ne-w York state tOwards Mr. Cleveland, and we simcerely trust tliftt the deinocracy of other sta ;es will not have to humíllate the dpmoeracy of th estáte of New York by Domiiiating a residient oí that state ■vhom the orgamization-s there are pos íti've could not be eleeted.." "What would otlier states say ;ƒ Nv York triK'd to forcé theni to take a candidate from tlïeir state wliom vheir uiiitíd cleiegation opposod and wh'ose n'omi.Tiatioii would mean certaiui deteat ?" "Tire demotracy of the state ei New York are insjiired by soinething befsi'des loyalty and triendshlp íov Gov. HUI. They are fighttog for the life oí tlie party. and tliey would t opposjns tlif n-omination of ex-PresMent Cleveland as strongly to-day as they are jiow doliig, whether Gor. II Ml was a candklate or not. Iu addlittoin to thie, is the fact that the' rank and file of the democracy o New York state believe j.i ticwi because vhey have become conviaced tliat ïhe present orgfraizatton of the democratie party meaais democratie success." "Mr. Cleveland, by aequaintanco ai least in the actfom of the muKwump convention, proves that he is wllliing to go before the country as -X reppesentative oí a Uotly of boltera ;;.i:d :io .vork .t liat the party leaders ;i the state might do would, in my optoion, eonvinc'e ïlie rank and file that tiicy siioiild support a candi date wiho waS the pepreseaitative oí a body." The above interview was careiully revised and iully eomsidered by the anti-'Cleveland leaders now ;n this city, and iit representa their carefui and delinerate opinton in the matter. It can be taUcn as represêntative o the views of Mr. Croker, the head 0 the Ta.mmany Hall organization, as he was cousulted abaut it, as were Iiieut.-GkxV. Shieehan, of New. York, and Corporation Counsel Clark, oí' the City o: New York.


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