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Miss Xellie Kemp f wül atteaid Wellfr ley Jcollege next year, entering the sophornore 'ckuss. Mr. E. F. Jotunoom, has been re-appoiinfed imsibructxxr in the law depart nient by ttstö regent.s. Dr. PFroh'lnighani is aft-er the city oouiaciil of Det'i-oJt. He wants Wocxlward ave. pa ved wih asphalt, and ba not at all baslú'ul about saylmg so. Pete W. liotss, lit. class of '92, has been temdered and probably will accept the prtocipalship of the schools at Elk Kiver, Mton., at $1,000 pej year. Georg H. Pattis-on, of the phar-' macy department, class of '92, has accepted a position in the laborator}? of t'has. 8. Baker & üo., chemists. Chicago. É Collins H. Jolvnstcra, lit 'S4, medio '80, inow oí ürand Rápida, has au artiete iui tlie July Physiclan & Surgeon. upan "The Brandt Method of alaiss oí '80. has returaed to liis home n Manchester. Next yea-r he wiii take ,a post gradúate oooirse at Johiis Hopkiiitö Unilversity, Balthnore. Dr. Donald Maclean, formerly pro . feseor oí surgery in the university, I now a resident oi' Detroit, was 1 ried on Thursday Juiy 30th, to Mr?. Sarah E. Dumacn, wMw o: the late Mayor Wm. C. DuaKSaai, oí that city. ïhey iwrll reside on Woodward ave., Detroit. 15-tMi T. Cable, of Illiaiols, wlio bas been máicté oh-aiirman of the democratie natioeal c-onvention in place of Mr. Brice, is a gr&d'uate of tlve ünivespsity lit. clas.s oï '76, and is weli known 'i'ii th: city. He is rememberecï here ia a jolly, lnwtliug student. Bruce '( hamdler and daughter, oi' dlüicatgo, 'u-ere present at the comniri! ■cim'iit exerciees. Mr. Ohandler is a n actiive business ïuan of that' h'UBtlilng mietropoliis, but be ïinds time t'o rii-i.' hite alma mater every commenoemeiat. H i;raduated with the class 'ol T. The tlíiss poet oí Yale in lii.s oda tiiisyea-r makos "üeeply" rhyme witli 'sweetly," land "slo'wly1' with '"holy,' thus justiifyiiij? thE suspiciotn that his' mii.-i' 'm sufferiaig l'rom a orick in the' back. Th at a ut hor shoulJ go o court and takc out a ncw poetic liceiTiise ibefoire he tackles the ode miil asai;n.- X. li. Brees. To-day Pte W. Roes, who graduated Th'ursdiay fromi tbe literary depaa-traiiiit, land wivo has a great inany triienids laniong Ann Avljorites, leave.s foi' I'etoskey, wliere 1 wSll lielp Mr. C. 'S. Hainpton make the Daüj' Eesorter idme of the Uveltest dailies iu Michigan. A hearty God-speed io.low.s 5Ir. Bose to hia labors. Tlue "co-tjds" of the L'iiiveraity iironiilse to wear 'raáay day" dresses nox, year. Ais thiese dresses reaoh oaly t?o the lcnees, the boys are hoping fo a:i .■.sii.niniiH'nt. oí t'üB same kind 01 rathiLir tli-ey have had for the lasi fvo momfhb.- Cliclsea Standard. The g'iirls say that the above is pure jniiijjiiHiatioii on the part of some newspaper reporter. They propose to dresi l)cc()nifn,!]y and moilestly, but iletesi the training skirt lor street vear as mach' ae Kloes ilrs. Jemiess Miller. The elass of '82 had seventeen mem bera present at their reunión lat Wedaneeday niht, and had a reuniiwi suppiT at Hang'sterfer's. Tliose present were A. C. JIcLaughlhi, ,T. B. üoUihard. E. T. Gray, H. E. SpualdImg., J. H. (rain, W. E. (hand'.er. H. A, Speoicer, Robert Weet,' P. E. Bak er, E. J. Adaim, Frank Leland, H.. (i. SluTi-ard. A. I!. Hale. 15. B. Brodi Fred IWhitiing, Jolm W. Bennett, J. E. BeaSl. Rosooe Allen has ;i shot gun - 01. ú:ú Suave a week ago; h.e tnay have trarjed 'it sim-e rluen, or havo given it ho hfia neighbor ivlio keeps hens tUat will ;not Ktay at lnonu' and scratcli o"wm garden ass out by the pocrts. Thi'.is Kiwi was a mevr one- omce - a gpeat inany ycar.s ago; it' iis ïrayod at the edges, and that's wlrat eaused tlue runxpus. The gun is 'a muzzle loader, but htln Boecoe was 'dt'mon.stratiinj;; -vith it last Fri(iayi-.c ioi-ot iü muzzlle th old thhiiï. He rai'i'fulty i-'.fancd, primed and capped ittoe oJId írayed-onit tube, pulleil Uu' tolgger and - away Klve went, botli1 wars. lilliniff tlm right sldte of lm face -with luimt powder. It only t ook ia bout a quairter of a seconid t0 inake Hi'ïls face look lifee the covor to a1 to :a box, but it took tin: doctor over two houra to cut out tli littlo particle of burnt powder; al(linuiiii 'the lattor operatiion Avas a moet i)aiinful onc, it was rendereii neoeeeíury in frder to prevent disfi'guremeiit. Hits woimds are li'ealinff1 rapiidly witli a probability of leaving1 no sears.-


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