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The agricultural appropriation bill was passea in the senate on the 28th and a long discuasion on the tarifl bill took place.... In the house a resolution was adopted extending the existing appropriationa until July 15. Bills were passed to glve pensions to the women who served as nurses in the field and general hospitals during the war and to give a pension of $50 per month to soldiers totally incapacttated for performing manual labor by reason of injuries received in the war. A free coinage bill identical with the sllver ooinage bill pending in the senate was introduced. The diplomatic, legislative, pension and post office appropriation billa were passed in the United States senate on the 29th, as was also a bill for tha relief of settlers upon certain lands in the states of South and North Dakota - In the house the conference reports on the Indian and agricultural appropriation bilis were rejected and a new conference was ordered. IN the senate on the 30th uit. a joint resolution was passed to continue the appropriations for tne expenses of the government for flfteen days of the new tiscal year. A favorable report was made on the bill appropriating 85,000,000 to aid the World's Columbian expositlon, providing it is closed on Sunday. Conference reports on the naval, the district and the agricultural appropriation bilis were agreed to....In the house a bilí to equalize the pay of letter carriers was favorably reported. and a joint resolution to continue the appropriations for the expenses of the government for flfteen days of the new fiscal year was passed. IN the senate on the lst the Stewart bill for the free coinage of silver was passed by a vote of 29 to 25. The majority consisted of seventeen demócrata and twelverepublicans: theminority of eighteen republicana and seven democrats. Adjourned to the 5th In the house a bill was introduced to pay a pension at the rate of one cent a month to ninety-day soldiers ín the late war. The report of. the conference committee on the agricultural appropriation bill was adopted. The bill to enforce the provisions of the eight-hour law was passed. DOMESTIC, At the Norfolk navy yard the successful launching of the big battle ship Texas was accomplished. A dozen houses were wrecked and several families were made homeless by a landslide in Cincinnati. The supreme court of Ohio has declared the Massie law constitutional. The law requires the secretary of state to retain as fees for the state one-tenth of 1 per cent. of the capital stock of corporations for issuing certifícate s of incorporation or consolidation. President Harrisom has issued a proclamation declaring reciprocal trade relations with Cuba under the reciproeity clause of the recent tariff law. John Thorton was hanged at Fort Smith, Ark., for the murder of his daughter, and Henry Black (colored) was executed at Pine Bluff. Ark., for the murder of Georgia Smith, a young girl. At St. Mary's, O., Clark Stewart, aged 93, the oldest resident in Miami county, was attacked and killed by hogs while he was walking through the barnyard and his body was partially eaten by the animáis. Tom Lillard (eolored) was Jynched by a mob at Woodbury, Term., for assaulting a young white girl named McKnight. Geobgk M. Breidner, bookkeeper for Wilse, liiedler & Co., wholesale dry goods merchants at Baltimore, was arrested on the charge of embezzling i-34,000. In Fleming county, Ky., Blue Rice, a farmer, and Zeek Turner, a farm hand in his employ, fought over a difference in their accounts and both were killed. Timüthy O'Brien and Martin Costero were roasted to death at the Solar oil refinery in Lima, O., by the explosión of a steam valve. A cyclone passed through the southwestern Dart of Crawford county, Mo., desti-oying many buildings and doing immense damage to crops. Masked burglars entered the home of Farmer Joseph Foreman at Fairfield O., and secured $2,000. The Louisiana legislature has passed a bilí whereby lotteries will not be allowed in the state after December 31, 1893. Firk in San Francisco destroyed two livery stables and half a dozen houses. and sixty-eight horses perished in the flames. Rev. Hardï and his two dauititers were killed by lightning near Ridgeville, Tenn. Thb business portion of Olin, Ia., was destroyed by fire. By the upsetting of a skiff in a crevasse near New Orleans two daughters of Dr. Hirúel, ag-ed resppctively 14 and 16 years, and Misses Hamilie and Angele Lambert were drowned. John V. l"osi'f;i:. of Indiana, was nominated by Prehident llarrison for the vacant position of secretary of state, and the noinination was promptly confirmed by the senate. The wall of a new building feil at Lyuchburg, Va., and H. C. Winston, the owner of the building, and two ored men were killed and seven colorea men badly injured. Cakmi, 111., was visited by a heavy wind and hailstorm, doing much damag-e. Five passengers were killed, five fatally injured and several others less seriously hurtin a collision on tlie Cotton Belt road at Altheimer, Ark. Suits ag-ainst twenty lumbermen of four states for conspiracy to raise the price of lumber have been beg-un in the United States eourt at St. Paul. The uinety-second commencement of Yale university was held at New Haven, Conn., and degrees were conferred in course upon 422 candidates. Mrs. Susan Sewall, aged 22 years, while insaue threw her 9-months-old baby out of a fourth-story window in Boston and tlien jumped herself and both were killed. President Harrison has signed the joint resolutkra of eongress making October 81, 1892, the 400th anniversary of the discovery of America, a general holiday. The number of miles of railway built in the United States the first half of this year was 1,190, 500 miles less than for the same period last year. Three persons were killed by lig-htning during a storm at Gloueester, N. J., and several were severely injured. Great damage was done to property. Two membeks of the Williams (Ind. ) Christian church wereexcommunicated because they iavored having an organ in the church. Twenty-five ohüdren were in a eritical condition at Patoka, Ind., nff poisoned ice cream. A negro named Donnelly was lynched by a colored mob at Haynes, Árk., for assaulting a little colored (firl. A did immense damage at Torrington, Winsted and other Connecticut towns. The Bay View rolling milis in Milwaukee, employing nearly 2,000 men, have shut down for an indefinite period, and the milis at Homestead, Pa., were also closed, throwing 3,000 men out of work. Refusal of the managers to sign the scale was the caus. A man and woman who registered at a hotel in Carrollton, Md., as Mr. and Mrs. Fred St. Cloud, of New York, were found dead in their room, having poisoned themselves. At the leading clearing houses in the United States the exchanges during the week ended on the lst aggregated 81,031,685,868, against 81,104,523,453 the previeras week. The decrease as compared with the corresponding week of 1891 was 0.2. A cyclone at Mason, Neb., destroyed many houses and the Baptist and Methodist churches and injured several persons. The governtnent receipts for the fiscal year ended June 30 aggregated 8350,933.302, against .401,976, 162 during the preceding year. The treasury gold coin and bullion assets aggregated 8225,577,705 and silver assets 8448,083,115. lx a 4-mile boat race between Yale and Harvard at New London, Conn., Yale won. Time: Yale, 20:48; Harvard, 21-.42KThe public debt statement issued on the lst showed the total debt to be 31,588,404,144; cash in the treasury, ST85, 478,984; debt less cash in thetreasury, $841,226,463. Decrease during June, 81,826,903. Decrease during the fiscal year just closed, Sll,386.699. Fire in the business district of YVoodland, Cal., destroyed property worth 8250,000 and the lives of three men. Both houses of the Wisconsin legislature adjourned sine die after being notified by the governor that he had signed the apportionment bill. Fire broke out in the Haggin grant a mile south of Antelope, Cal., and swept over a territory of 6,000 acres, causing a loss of 8100,000. An attempt was made to wreek the eastbound Wells-Fargo express train near Decatur, Ind., for the purpose of robbery. Five persons were injured. The total sugar bounty paid during the fiscal year ended June SO was ST,330,046, of which 87,065,285 was paid on cane sugar. Oscar Bei.kxap, of Fairfield, Ia., tried to cremate his wife by setting her clothing on fire. The glass factories at Pittsburgh, Pa., and vicinity have all shut down for from four to eight weeks to make repairs, and about 50,000 men are thus g-iven a holiday. They will resume work when the factories open. Some 250 iron and steel milis in the Pittsburgh (Pa.) district shut down owing to a difference in reg-ard to wages andnearly 150,000 vvorkmen were idle. The treasury of the state of Kentucky is empty. In' the United States the business failures during the seven days endedon the lst numbered 197, against 196 the preeeding week and '34 for the correspondinji week last year. The eoinafre of the June of all kinds of money aggreg-ated in value 85,70(3,992. Of this amount 84, Ö9S.517 was in gold and 3990,488 in sil ver pieces, and $17,987 in minor coin. The e-xtensive operations in iron and steel formerly conducted by fifteen companies in Pennsylvania have been Consolidated vinder the name of the Carnegie Steel Company. The capital is $25,000,000 and the company will have in its employ upward of 40,000 men. PERSONAL AND POLITICM. The Indiana republicans in state convention at Fort Wayne nominated the following ticket: Uovernor, Ira J. Chase; lieutenant governor, Theodore Shockney; secretary of state, Aaron Jones; auditor, John W. Coons; treasurer, Fred J. Scholz: attorney general, Joseph D. Farrel; superintendent public instruction, James H. Heury; state statician, S. J. Thomas. The platform indorses the administration of President Harrison and his renomination and dcnounces democratie management of state affairs; a tribute is paid to the memory of the late Gov. Alvin P. Hovey, and sympathy is tendered to Mr. laine and his family intheir affliction. The first state convention of the people's party in Tennessee was held at Nashville and presidential electors wereehosen. The convention adiourned to meet August 18, when a candidate for governor will be chosen. Thk Wisoonsin lejrislature convened in extra session at M adison for the purpose of making1 the new apportionment of the state into senate and assembly districts. The annual convention of the republican state league of Isew York was held in Rochester. The world-renowned spiritualistic medium, Mrs. Kettie Colburn Maynard, died at her residence in White Plains, N. Y., in lier SOthyear. Iowa republicans in state convention at Des Moines nominated W. M. McFarland for secretary of state, C. 6. McCarthy for state auditor, R. H. Beeson for treasurer, John T. Stone for attorney general, G. W. Perkins for railway commissioner, and A. B. Cremmins and J. M. Remley üor electors at laree. The platform indorses President Harrison's administration and his renomination and the national platform adopted at Minneapolis. Capt. Hay, superintendent of the commissary department of the United States army, died of pneumonía in Denver, Col., aged 48 years. The national prohibition convention met at Cincinnati on the 29th and organized by making J. P. St. John temporary chairman. Eli Ritter, of Indiana, was chosen as permanent chairman and Sam Small as secretary. After several speeches and the election of a national executive committee an adjournment was taken for the day. Prof. Theodore Williaji Dwight, professor of municipal law at Columbia college, died at his ho. Y., aged 70 years. Tuk prohibitionists in national convention at Cincinnati on the 30th uit. noininated John Bidwell, of California, for president on the first ballot, the vote being-: Bidwell, 590; Demorest, of New York, 139; Stuart, of Ohio, 179. J. B. Cranfil, of Texas, was nominated for vice president. The platform says the liquor traftic is a foe to civilization, says the money of the country should be issued by the general government only, favors tariff only as a defense against foreign governments, restriction of immigration, denounces trusts, declares unequivocally for the American school and opposcs any appropriation of public moneys for sectaviati schools. Mrs. John Homer died at Fairbury, 111., aged 100 years. The Tenth congressional Iowa republican oonvention at Boone renominated J. P. Dolliver for congress, and in the Seventh district J. A. T. Huil (rep.) was renominated. In the Eleventh Indiana districts the democrats renominated A. N. Martin. The Wisconsin legislature in special session at Madison passed the legislative reapportionment bilí. The measure gives the democrats the house by a majority of two with fourteen districts doubtful, and the senate by a majority of nine. At a meeting of the Iowa democratie state central committee August 17 was agreed upon as the -date and Davenport as the place of the democratie state convention. President Harrison sent to the senate the nomination of George D. Johnston, of Louisiana, to be civil service commissioner, vice Hugh S. Thompson, resigned. The Kansas republicans in convention at Topeka nominated A. W. Smith for governor, E. F. Moore for lieutenant governor, William Edwards for secretary of state, B. K. Bruce (colored) for auditor, J. B. Lynch for railroad commissioner, and T. F. Garner for attorney general. FOREIGN. Three tenements were destroyed by fire at Beray, France, and a number of the occupants were burned to death and many were injured while trying to escape. The loss was l,500,00( francs. The British parliament has been dissolved. Huxdbeds of persons were dying daily in Russia from the cholora and the seourge was spreadmg A rowboat at Colog-ne, Germany, sprang a leak and sank and five girls and one man were drowned. Fire among business houses at Belfast, lreland. caused a loss of $500,000. Great excitement has been caused in lreland by an an attack on Parnell's memory by a priest. A cessus bulletin shows that the French-speaking Canadians are now 21.4 per cent. of the population of Canada. The steamer Queen, from Alaska, bring-s news of the seizure of twentyfive Victoria sealers, as well as the supply steamer Coquitlam, by the United States eutter Corwin. Six thousand skins were seized. The sug-ar erop of Cuba is estimated at over 900,000 tons, or nearly 100,000 tons more than that of last year. LATEPRussia has beg-un to take greater sanitary precautions against cholera. Preliminaries to the Behring sea arbitation are being arranged in Paris. Advices from Italy to an English paper announces the appearance of the scourge in the peninsula. VVilliam James, of Iron Mountain, Micb., was drowned while trying to rescue a horse that had run into a lake. A census bulletin shows that the French-speaking Canadians are now 21.4 percent, of the population of Canada. Maude Ward. a 12-year-old colored p-irl of Rockford, 111., tried to light a lire with kerosene and was burned to death. A coroner's jury at Monticello, 111., concluded that Thomas Hiekman, whose body was found on the Wabash tracks, was murdered. Louis Nekkelson, a melancholy Dane, kneeled down in front of a fast-moving Wisconsin Central train near Still water, Jiinn., and was killed. Street Superintendent liurke, of Chicago, bays $1,000,000 is not enough to clean the streets properly for the world's fair, and he will askthe finance comtnittee for more monej'. Hugh Watson, an inñuentíal citizen of Maeomb, 111., was accidentally killed there Thuvsday. As a testimonial oí regard all business houses in the place were closed during the funeral. The coinage of the mints during June of all kinds of money aggregated in value 86,706,992. Of this amount S4, ü9S,517 was in gold and $9Ö0,4SSin silver pieces, and 817,987 in minor coin. The indictments against Rev. Thomas Dixon, Jr., of New York, for criminal libel have been dismissed. The Chicago university still wants $140,000 of the $1,000,000 for buildings it is trying to raise by July 10. A jury has awarded Amos Van Winkle, of Ottumwa, Ia., 52,400 damages from the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul road for the death of his son, who was killed a year ago. Silver men have planned to secure the passage of a free coinage measure, holding the votes of the silver states as a menace to either party. A laborer supposed to be O. C. Falk, of Glenwood, was killed at Lincoln, 111., by a train on the Chicago fe Alton road Wednesday night. Frank Harrison, a horsetrainer of Indianapolis, was also killed at Lincoln while stealing a ride on the Alton road.


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