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Mies Mirante D.rake luis g me to '.m:i tor the slimmer m Mr.-. Sla-ue n is su tas her mol Conuver, pal Fliftb st. Edwin 'E. Hailett aad wüe aré vis tting Cleveland, oliio. Caí i DetrotS over Thursday witli fr Prof. .I:'... w i 1 1 remain u i."i:i iniiaii (Jm-ing i he guraruer. Proí ('. L. Ford a,ud íamüy speiiu tlw simimcr at Wequetomsfcig. Fred Graupuer ■viil sail for Europe soöai, to be absent all summeí-. Patarick Bomer is gpendlng a weet oí" so "vitli hiw son i ii Jackson. Mies Linie Oanxtan ent to Grosse Iöle iS.-iuüday ïor n wek's stay. Arünir lantl AVaUlo Cummer are Ic.i(l:im' :ïw sunnner in Cadillac. Mise Oao-riie i'.r:i tras rturned from lier school dutiee at Mfemeapolis. Prof. ,M. I.cvi, of S. r-niversity ave., hlas goaie to Chicago for the sunimer. Mies Della Robbiins, otf Galesburg-, HL, -is tüe guest ui M:ss Lulu Moore. JJi. KkhunK oi fCalaffiazoo, spen Momday whii Mrs. A. R. Hammond; Siitsees Lizzie aad Bell Bouer, of g. Thayér sr., have removed to Adrián. (;. Duce was theguesj oí Dr. and Mrs. J. X. .Martini at commencement, Mrs. CtéodyeaT ana Mrs. Key visiied the eampei ai l'ortage Lake Mti day. Bert E. Holmes, of Forest ave., has i gome to Dulutüi-, Míam., for the suml'rof. BYamcls V'. Keligey and fami'.y are at RiVereffle, 111., for a short star. Thoe. W. Hughes arad, o Clmirch st., have moved to Aylmci; Ontario. Mítb. FiBber, oí Chtfrch st., has moved to Caldwell, N. Y., for permanen, rcsideuoe. MjBB Grace Eediord, of Detroit, is the guest of Mkss Jennie Grace, o Würiand at. Mr. and Mre. P. M. Cardn&r, of E. DniTersity ,ave., have gone to BeCfo-rd, Ind. Mrs. B. F. Watts, and Miss Carrie Watts are vüsltilis Mrs. Whltmarshj at Milan. Mire. Alïce Haven is Mts. Miller mul daug'hter Alta, oí Bva.nstou, 111. Miss Cla.i-a McOmber, of Chureh st., is gpendtag a couple of weeks ac Portace Lake. Martin Holmes, whO has been visitiinK a siter at Oraiul Haven, retiiTnel Fridaj'. John 'aind Frank Oondon, of 8. Unlversrty ave., have pone to Hancock Hor tlue slimmer. Miss .MLnnie E. Wood, of Gliicago, is tire guest of M-rs. AustSn J. Wood, of TVashteiiaw ave. Mis. dhartes H. Callaghan uk] chi:drên are; hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DoMnelly. Mire. Vhax. Hui-a anwl family. ei Wasirtenaw aw., have ffan t.o Duluth Bar the eummer. lïev. ('liarles A. Youiiir, of S. iL'tli Kt., is in Helena, Montana, íor a stay of two or tli ree weeks. G. H. Sehneiider, of Chicago, has been spemiimg several days wltB P. P. Sfliaiirer, 011 liis wav easr Mrs. Rictiand Masom and ramiir, cl Washtenaw ave., are ;it their olí toome u Cladstone ior the sumiuer. Mie. A. G. Walker, of S. nihersity ave., has game to Camandalgua, X. Y., ,to be absent a comple of month. Mrs. T. Baraett and dausïhtors l"ai:n:ie and Claribel, of Porest ave., have gone to Ciiarlevoix for the iramer. Peter Dignan has returned to hfc Wome Ita Jacksonville, Pía. Mrs. Dignan Mili remato here for the summer Beal and fanilly, of E. ün:versity ave., have gone to Grand Blame, Genesse county, for the summe. Prof. "T.ra. H. Howell aaul family, oí E. TniversMy ave., have ft-one toBaV tinnoire, Md., for permanent residence. Mre. C. .T. Reinmold, and daughter, o; Sagtoaw, celebrated tlie 4th --itii lier rat her, J. (l. Bchailrer, of Ashley Bt. James Butler, of Cleveland, O., tf Former Aum Arlior boy, has been visi;tag o4d friends in the city during the' week. Utas Jiuio Ca.rmeiiter. of E. üntvei" siity .ave. loit Saturday to remaio' amrimg the sniiimcr at hoiformer litome. M-i-is I.izzie Bailey, of Aubuni, y. Y., hut ivlro bats boen teaching In Petke.v, vs flie -uest of Mi-.s. Dr. R 15. Ilowe. James I;. A.n.nvll eaüs tliis week Irom New Vork for Europe to l)e absent .ome ye&r, in I'.erlin ana' '■Iseuii'ere. ■rolin J. Hall and wMe, of IToresi ave.i leït satmday m'ona'ing to speud Uie sumiller al l ,a layel te. Iml. wiibti liieir lau.'j.-iter. George il. Higtey and íamiily, oí Wfómol st.. have gome fco Crary', Muis. St. Lnwrcji-r count v X V for the suanmer. Mm. M. M. HiKlson and famlly, oí Wahitenaw ave., have returned to ttoeir former home to AUeghany, Pa, for tilw? aammer. Ottmar Bberbaeh lOrt yesterday for St. Claiir Flats, to attemt a meeting of the .State Board of Pharmacy w remain until Saturday. JobiQ HarriK, .Ir., oí the Detroit Tribune eomposiing room, spent tlie 4tü in ow city. He called at tlie Courior' rtfie wlvci-c he nsedto be iiu charge. Mrs. Gteorge Obttttae aml daughter Florente, of E. Huron st., liave one to r.attle Q-oek and wijl vislt In Kalamazoo anuí Toledo before returninc lióme. '


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