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Republican County Convention

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The republican county conventkra for Wastotemaw county assembled at the court house Tue6d'ay, at 11 o'cloek u m. Dr. V. B. Sniitli, eliairman of the counity commilttee, caillecl the conventton to ardtr, and George. S. W'heeler, of Salem, -vjis made temporary olia.irman. Upon taking the chato', Mr. Wheeler made some ringIng remai'ks ttoat vere loudly jilauKied. Joshiia G. Leland, of Xorthfteld, was made temporary secretary. A ecxmmittee on eredentiials and öne upon permanent organizatiion and also ome upoii resolutions was appointed, and tii convention adjourn"d imtil hulf-pawt one. Upan reassembltag, the committee on ercili-nt.iaU . iin.ii ;.[ i he follo'.víng delf-gíatc ontVt!-d to seats: First ward-G. Frauk Allmendinger. E. F. Milla. A. J. Sawyer, S. A. Morau and John R. Miner. Second ward- Johu Heinzmann, O. O. Sorg, Eugeue K. Frueauff, and i'red Huhn. Third ward- Charles E. Hiseoek, Paris Banfield, Wm. U. Burchfield and James B. Saunders. Fourth ward- John F. Lawrence, Dr. Flemming Carrow, George II. Pond, Maj. William ü. Stevens, and Jerome Freemau. Fifth ward- Eli Moore, Earl War, and William Lodholz. Sixth ward- H. G. Prettymau, Thomas J. Keech and Dr. Louis P. Hall. Ann Arbor Town- Win. Burke, Chriatian Braim.D. L. Godfrey, J. H. Vanee. Bridgewater- Thos. Vau Geson, James Martm, George Rawson, C. Aulls. Freedom- Joseph Wauk, John Essig, John Wank, B. Bertke. Lima- F. H. Wasd, S. Tucker, Nathan Pierce, J. u. üurknart. Lodi-I. S. Wood.G. W. Crofoot, A. A. Wood, G. L. Hoyt. Manchester- Thomas J. Farrel, Geo. L. Kausler, Anstln M. Yoeum. Edwin E. Root John F. Xestell, Charles E. Lewis, A. P. Freeman A. J. Waters. Lyndau- Richard Clark, Lester Canfield, r.avard Gorman. Northfield- William Groves, Frank Barker, Heury C. Waldron. JoshnaG. Leiand, Jermiab Jacobs. Pittsfleld- Henry T. Platt, S. R. Crittendon, B. N. Smith, Mortimer F. Case. Salem- A. C. Van Sickle.S. C. Sober, Reubeu Hamilton, (ieo. S. Wheeler. Scio-A. K. Beal, S. C. Crane, Morrell Goodrioli. Amoa Phelps, J. U. Mnrdock, Frank Smith, A. 8. Lyons. Sharon-M. L. Raymond, W. F. Crafta.C. C. Dorr, Wm. Campbell, Samuel Osborne. York- C. M. Blackmer, Peter ('ook. E. Pvle. John W. Blatealee, William 11. Whitmaish, b rank Trussell, H. .S. Knight. Saline- H. W.Bssett. R. II. Marsh, C E Bassett, ir. A. Nicüols, Charles Burkhart, M.S. Lawton, Dan Nissly. Webster-W. E. Boyden, E. s. Cushinan, W. H. weaton, A, J. Sawyer. AuKii-itu- H. P. Thompson, John Bunting, w m. Myers, John Lawson, C. H. Greenman. Sylvau-S. (i. Ives, O. T. Hoover, W. J. Knapp, Wm. Judson, August Steger. Wm Bacon, A A. Hall, BeófcPratt. Superior- P. L.Towiiseiul, A. II. Covert, J. í .Packard, Wm. Crippen. YpsllanM towu- J. Evart Smith, üeo. D W iard, Andrew CampbeJl.J. C. Kemiss, chas. M. Holmes. VpsilantiClty.Flrst ward- William Robins, J. SI. Chidester, N. Redner, W. S. Carpenter. Second ward- J. B. Wortlev, II. S. Boutell, Ueo. C. Smithe. Third ward- fir. F. K. Owen, Dr. D. A. Post, W in. L. Osborn, E. I'. Alleu. Fourth ward-David Edwarde, Waker Cady, Manly Holbrook. Fifth ward- O. B. Bradley. W. J. Wallace, deo. A. ('ook, Frank Wordeii. Tlip committoo om permanent orgatnizatlon reported Hon. E. l. Allen ix'iinanrin chairinaii, and Joslma (ï. i'or pci-maiipiit secretary. üpoca takins the chaiir CaDt. ban made a tepeedn that was a nvilit bo hiim. It was eonserva(iv( amd roiioiiliatory, yet expressed tlic righrt sort af doctrine, one oí the kiaiü ot" epeetíhes m ínct that helps ■not oaily taie one who makes them, fouit tai o as vkU. The next order öf business being the clection af dlegates, the convention Mvided off iiïto oongressional districts and ohoge the foilowing per.swmis to represent tiute county in the Btate amd congresstonal conventions: FIRST DISTRICT. State- John F. Lawrence, Ann Arbor; Henry C. Waldrom, Norfhfield; Geo. H. Pond, Ann Arbor; W. E. Boyítea-, Webster; H. S. Dean, Ann Arbor; SJWm. C. Stevlein, Aun Arfoor; Tlios. fewett, Lima; IVm, .ludsun, Sy'van; George S. Wheeter, Salem. Oongressional - Dr. Ftemmiog Carfow, Aniíñ Arbor; John W. Bennett, A:nn Arbor; Wm. Bacon, diel.sea; G. Fraink Allmciidinííer, Ann Arbor; O. C. Burklfardt. Ldjna; S. A. Moran, Arui Arbor: Lester OanRieW, Lyndon; A. C. s; -kle, Satem; A .R. Beal, Seïo. SF.rOSl) DISTRICT. State- BÍ I'. Alien, J. B. Wortley, Ypsilant:; A. A. AVoml, Ixdi; H. D. Platt, lJittsí:?!d; Jotai Oook, Yoi-k; R. H. Marsli, 8alme; Tliois. J. Farrell, .MaiK-liott,'!-; Perry Toivnsend, Superior; E. W. Crafts, S'haron. OongTexsïoiual- M. 1j. Raymond, filiaron; Peter Oook, York; W. J. Wallace, Ypilanti; S. R. Ci-ittenden, Pittsfield; Chas. Lwis, Slancliester; M. S. Lawton, Saline; W. S. Carpenter, Y'paaaiti; H. P. Thompson, Augusta; George "Wiiard, Ypsilaati. All óf tíllese delegares were elected Svitli the distinct uinderstanding that tdieiir views coinclde-d with the views of the majoriity of the convention ttoat efected them; ia other worda tlvat the y favored the candidacy of Mr. Ric'h. It is show asserted that two ot tJuree of these delégate beloingimg to the secondl district are in favor of Mr. l'iogree, arad eo of course chioeen umder false pretenseg. Sucb thijngs have happemeid! ever since Judas bet.rayed his Master with a kisB, aoid probably always will happen Thei-e are mem who will preteiuli tobe wlint tliey aire not for the sake of dteceivJng Mie people and carryimg tfluetr point. TJiat can not be ünelped. Tfie vote upon delegat es in the two ötetrlcte reeulted in 43 votes for iletegH-tes umi 7 tot l'h,. dteiegates vu Uu; district, and 30 votes for Rieü deleg-ates and 13 for Pilngree i:n the secóndl district. Tlius tune íollowers of }Ir. Ilivh liad 73 vote 'm tlie convent ion and tliose of Mr PMigree 30. Mr. Pmg-ree may rel feel proud oí his represettïtatiion ii thiti conven t ion, not only as regard iiboloti, but a.s to numbor.s, for wliilc the sentiment of the rep ubi kans o this vounny is ïnlly ."i to 1 for Mr Kic-lv, .he (Plmgree) had close on to one third of tli legatos. It "vas quite a spilrited conven tioii, and ia behalf of his favorite M,r. Sawyer, thie teaider of the Pin íree Torees, expended a great deal oí energy, and dfeplayed considerable Store wdruess. After tlu buBíinees of the conven tion avos over wlthi, Sir. Sawyer in íii-oduced hjs frilead, Mr. Rurton, of Illmiöis, wlio spoke to tlue republicana a lew nijiiutes in a plieaeant wajj tíi'át el. .ti-d applause.


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