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Drunkenness or the Llquor Habit Posltlvely Cured by administerlng Dr. Halnes' Golden Soeclflc. It te manufacturad as a powder, which can be given in a slass of beer a cup of coffee or tea, or in food without the knowlegde of the patiënt. It is absolutely harmless, and will effect a permanent and epeedy cure wnetner tüe patiënt ia a moderate drinker or an alcoholie wreek. It ñas been given In thousands of cases, and in every instanee a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The eystem once impregnated with the bpecifie, it becomes an utter imposeibility for the liquor appetite to extet. Cures guaranteed . 48 page look of particulars free Address GOLDEN SPECIFIC Co., 185 Race st., Cincinnati. O. Peirlwips tfoe dirtiest thing in tlie world (ite t'We iiniside of a boy's pocket No jxretty girl or man of wealth ever Kot off a joke tlnat was not appland e. Veryffew competent men lack "back imfr." Demionistrate fliat yon nndfel stand busitaess and capital wili no't be at all tinird. Specimen Cases. C. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Vis., was trouWed wlth Neuralgia and Rheumatism, his Stomach was disordered his Uver was effected to an alarming degree. appetite feil away, and he was teiTïbly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cúred Edward Sliepherd, Harrisburg 111. had a running gore on his leg of ei"ht years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Bueklen's Árnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Ciitöwba. O., had five Tever sores on his leg, doctors said he was incurable. One bottle of Electric Bitters and one box of Bucklens Árnica Salve cured Jiim entirely. Sold ïy EberlijU'lt & Son, and Geo. T. Haussler, of Mniicüiester.


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Ann Arbor Courier