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io More Headachcs. XXI St. Helex, Mich., March 8, 1891. Before nsing Pastor Koenfg's Nerve Tonic m; wifesnffered from nervous headaches and ohest trouble. After asing tWs remedy both have ceaeeJA. NEÜGEBAUER. N. Aíiherpt, Ohio, Feü. 28 1891. Por over 2 years I had epileptic fits eeveral timeeamonth. Sinoe I used Pastor Koenig'a Nerve Tonic I have not had au attack The medicine is very good. AUGUSTA DKAVES. (Pek Kev. j. Eom-p.h i New Haten, Ind., March 2, 1891 My nerrous eystem was completely run down and I waa so nervous and weak that I traa ooq! flned to my bed for 2 years. I used Partor Koenig'a Nerve Tonic and am now entirely weU nd doing my own housework. ouwrey weu MBS. J. D. BICEKU rnniV ' a'"al)le Book on Kmmis I RL jnd poor patients can e]bo obtain I EIUU this medicine free of charge. This remedyhas been jprepared bythe Keverend Pastor Koeniif. of Fort Wavue, Ind eince 1870 aiiil isnow prepared underhis direcüon by the KOENIC MED. CO., Chicago, III. Sold by Druggists at !S1 per Bottle. 6 for 5. tarce Sise, (S1.T5. 6 Bottles tor SS9. VIGOR OF MEN Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. ♦,.'"ƒ"'. Kw""W Beblllty. and all P ref'" of pverwork, eickness. worry, etc. FuÜ etrength, development, and tono Riven to everv 3ahnrtaD1,POrtli'n of the Simple, natural methods. lmmediate lmprovement seen Kailure lmpoesible. 2.000 references. Bcxik exolanat Lm um PJg-ftm.iled (sealed, free. AddreP lanatl0DS ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. ICARTER'Sl CURE Bick Headacheand relieve all thetronbles ln flont to a bilious state of the system. such as Dizzinees, Nausea, Drowsineg, Distreas after oating. Pait in the Side, &c. While their most remarkable Euccese hat been howu ia curing SICK Headache, yet Carter'n Llttlo Llver HU ue oqnally -palnable in Coneüpation, curing und provonting thisannoyingcomplaint.while theyilso correct all diBordersofthestomach.itimnUteths ltver and regúlate the bowels. Eyen if they onlr HEAD Ache they wonld be Imost prf celeis to those who Buffer from this distreasing coinplaint; b fortunately lheirgoodnes does notend here,nd thosa who once trythem will find these little pills vlubleineomany waysthtthey will uot bo willing todo without them. Butafterallslekliead ACHE Ib the bane of bo mny livea that here Is whera we make our great boast. Our pills cure it while others do not. Carter's Litüe Liver Pllls re very small and very easy to take. Oue or two pills inaka n. dose. purge, but by .their geutle action pleage all who usetheni. Invialsat 25 cents ; flvefor $1. Sold by araggista everywhere, or sent by mail. ..C.?TER MED'CINE CO., New York. SMALLPÍLL. SMALL DOSE. SMALLPRICE RSL DIEFFENBACH'S SITSK PROTAGON CAPSULES, ÁX"? Sure Cure for Weak Men, sa IM M Y!s Pruved by reportsof loadina phyR Krd kk, oc-mn2; state8Ke in ordering. WO PK 6! 'J'ce. 1 Cutuloicue Free. I ifL-aJV " il" P ■■ A safe aDd speedy I VSTMb JU A U cure for Clcel, IHSTTiE Strlctureand all WRïliV nnnaturaldischarRes. PriceSa. fiREEKSPECIFICi{uru3„aü _. _ and Skin l)1scanct, Scrotnlons Sore and.Hyi.hilli o AflTectioñs, witü. outmercury. Price. S. Order from ' THE PERU DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. SK. 18 WucBMnjtoeetMLLWATTTTKH, wis. HE 5ïlMC1 ' Opportnn y ! IIOS'T Ml K -','T S" fr0 """ c"8li 'npTÍt]rde7n lnniï. Í ""■.""■ï lePair tljo lot of „mny, ns in R ï ',' L?rever lo,st' "PP""iiy. I.llel. pa. Ï?i5 . 5 Ml B "P a"i doiiig. Improeyouropp.rtnmy, acd ecnrepioperity, promiuencepeace. It was sa d todÏÏrT' th!" "th0 " oTFortnne offer? Kf, f'"!"1"' t0 ,each W""on lm penod ofüfaÍ5 Si , tlllllKie'a"dsll=P'"-So„thSrric1ies;failtodó 8'y.. "d joii eau incrense fonr hicnnm viir eoon Yon en. No n m t A-V: ,i i" r2',7" !1,","'"s ?f workbT reto m, EÍ.' ,' ,' !!,'!? l."I! "" psköü ■ 0. W. r. SHYOEH, MViCKERS THEaYeB. CHICAGO ILl RINSEY &SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GROCERY, .A N D FLOUR AND FEED STORF 'e keep eonstaiUly on hand BREAD. CRACK ü-Kta, CAKEb, etc, for Wholesale and retail trade. We slmll also keep asupply of SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! iiiD. otc, at Wholesale and retail. A general stock of GEOCEBIES and PBOTISIONS easonable terms as at any other house in the COUNTRY pSom BlÍTTES' ïöS, and Uverirt t PKOrUCE generally. Goods dechage aDy part of tTie city without extra RlNSEY & SEABOLT.


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Ann Arbor Courier