Real Estate Transfers
Catherine E. Jones to B. A. Butler, Anii Arbor_ t ïm (.'. w. (iriffln to Ignatz Maciszrwski, Augusta __ ggo Muuliew Fan-ell to Catherine Farrell. Lyndon j Auditor General to e. W. Grittin Augusta 4 Auditor General to C. W. Grillin. Augusta 8 L.C. Masou to C. V. Griffin, Augusta ::, Caroline Pellis to J. V. Rogers, Auu Arbor - qoq Mary E. Forbson to A. L. Thompson & Sons, Ypsilanti 450 Mary E. McElcheran to Geo. McElcheran, Ypsilauti S,00n W. M. White to L. T. A. McLaughliu, Ann Arbor iöO C.& c. E. C'ormvell to Ypsilauti Paper Co., Aun Arbor „ 20,000 h. Laflin to Jas N. Wallace, Ypsilauti .. 1 E A. Wallace to to J. L.& H. SI. Harlow Ypeilanti j J. N. Wallace to C. F. Earl, et al, Ypsi 700 J. L. t P. M. Harlow to J. N. Wallaee, Ypsilanti .... i Go i.u Sar the "dh-es"- Expert swim mers. A úamce that goes by "favor"- The gennan. Tunis up lwe nose at everything-: The elephant.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Catherine E. Jones
B. A. Butler
C. W. Griffin
Ignatz Maciszrwski
Matthew Farrell
Catherine Farrell
L. C. Mason
Caroline Pellis
J. W. Rogers
Mary E. Forbson
A. E. Thompson
Mary E. McElcheran
George McElcheran
W. M. White
L. T. A. McLaughlin
C. E. Cornwell
L. Laflin
James N. Wallace
E. A. Wallace
J. L. Harlow
H. M. Harlow
J. N. Wallace
C. F. Earl
F. M. Harlow