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Real Estate Transfers

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Catherine E. Jones to B. A. Butler, Anii Arbor_ t ïm (.'. w. (iriffln to Ignatz Maciszrwski, Augusta __ ggo Muuliew Fan-ell to Catherine Farrell. Lyndon j Auditor General to e. W. Grittin Augusta 4 Auditor General to C. W. Grillin. Augusta 8 L.C. Masou to C. V. Griffin, Augusta ::, Caroline Pellis to J. V. Rogers, Auu Arbor - qoq Mary E. Forbson to A. L. Thompson & Sons, Ypsilanti 450 Mary E. McElcheran to Geo. McElcheran, Ypsilauti S,00n W. M. White to L. T. A. McLaughliu, Ann Arbor iöO C.& c. E. C'ormvell to Ypsilauti Paper Co., Aun Arbor „ 20,000 h. Laflin to Jas N. Wallace, Ypsilauti .. 1 E A. Wallace to to J. L.& H. SI. Harlow Ypeilanti j J. N. Wallace to C. F. Earl, et al, Ypsi 700 J. L. t P. M. Harlow to J. N. Wallaee, Ypsilanti .... i Go i.u Sar the "dh-es"- Expert swim mers. A úamce that goes by "favor"- The gennan. Tunis up lwe nose at everything-: The elephant.