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WANT COLUMN. Short advertisements not to exceed three lines, or Lost or Kound Houses for Sale or Rent. Wants, etc., ingerted three weeks for 25 cents. Sltuatlons wanted. free. F)R SALE OR TO REXT - Several good farms, also city property for sale. A part of the jirice on time ü desired. Also a farm to let. 3I F. L. Parkkr, Ann Arbor. WORK WANTED. - A competent ivomau wishes work bv the day at 2so. ti Church Btreet; at home evea'ings. 22 FOR SALE- A seven buruer gas stove No lají Thayer st. 21 LOST- Zeta Psi badge. A liberal reward offered. Retuni to 70 S. State st., or at Courier office. 21 FOR SALE OR EXCHAXliK - Will sell a platform buggy or exchaníre for a carriage, or trade side-sadd'le for men's suddle. L. K. Palmer, 66 North st., City. 21 FOR SA.LE- Ten room Qneen Aun cottafte, 87 W. Hurón street. All modern iinprovements. Apply to C. B. Davisou, 3 N. Main Btrcet, or at the Courier Press Rooms. WANTED WASHING - Will go to private houses or do it at my resideuce. 23 Hiscott st. Mus. Emilk Bdchholz. TO REST.- n office suite over F. & M. Bank cor. Main cid Hurón sts. Apply atCouRiEE Office. FARM KOR SALE- The Bullock or Everett farm, 3 miles west of Salem Station, fcnd 11 miles from Aun Arbor. containing 109 acres; house and barnes, stock, and welt water, timber: school and church within a mile. Land naturally the best and cultivation good: .-.lso forty acre farm for sale, the S li Of the E. % of the S. E. qr. of sec. H of Aun Arbor towñ. beiug part of the Hovve-Xorth place north of the County Fann ; "3 miles from Slaek iSchmid's." % m'iles from city limits. yirst-class land for peaches. Trices and terms leasonable. Cali ou or address Andrew E. Uibs;on, 32 Mavnard St„ Ann Arbor


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier