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I )r%w8:"r JVo tforo Headaches. XII St. Helen, Mich., Mareh 8, i891. Before nEing PaBtor Koenig's Nerve Tonic mj wlfe suffered from uervous headaches and chest trouble. Ailer using thla remedy both have ceaeed. A, NEDGEBAUEE. N. Amhebst, Ohio. Feb. 28, 189L For over 2 years I had epileptic fits Beveral tunea a raonth. Since I need Pastor Eoenig's Nerre Tonic I have not had au atliick. The medicine is vc-ry good. AUGUSTA DRA VES. (Pek Bev. J. Romeb.) New Haven, Ind., March 2, 1891. My nervous systeni was completely run down, and I was so nervous and weak that I was eonfined to my bed for 2 years. I used Pastor Koenig's Nerve Tonic and ani now entirely well tnd doing my own housework. MRS. J. D. BICKEXk mi" f- A Valiiable Book on Nervous IJL L Iiseases sent i'ree to any address, f lir f and poor patientó c:m aio obtain IlLaLi this medicine fiee of cliarge. This remedy bas been prepared bythe Reverend Pastor KoeniíT. oí ï'ort Wayne, Ind eince 18ÏÖ, and Isnowpreiiaredunderhisdirection bythe KOENIC MED. CO., Chicago, III. SoW by Drussrists at 1 per Bottle. 3 for 85. tarce Siie. SI.7S. 6 ISottles lor 9. BE A MAN APOLLO WAS A PERFECT MAN. PERFECT II FDRM -MATCHLESS IX WAR I 2v S uiiouí wcrc the arciru' Tor st&lwart men tb&l ÍVw jhidt boj." t i birth were pot todcath. íri a Ev"y KAIf cn b bteonq 'friW YOÜNQ MEN 0R QLB, iJ ñ ring from HIEVOtTB DEjA -Ss'jW BILIIT, Loit or FaiUsg HnVltÍSsjí . Phjlcl Iicenei, Mentul m"yj(lli Worry, Stnnted Devtlopmmt, ot ÖTs"p_(yr HT ÏKEBOHAL WEAKRI8B, cn bt I líx r reittrad to FEBFECT HEALTH and I U I 1 th NOBLE VITALITY oí STE0H3 I HE, th Fride ui Power of Matlon. U il I I We cUim by years of practice by L I VI uur exclusive methods a uniform H ll "MOKOFOLT OF BÜCCESS" ín treatVifi '-, ingll DUuiei, WeskBtueíand -, , Ji Affllctlom ef Mn. Testimoniáis " ' ' f rom 60 States and Terrltorlea. fltlD ilrui Bnnv willbe tentree, tealed.poBtÜUK RJBW BUUlV paid, fora ílmited time, del ItwhlUTSBCaa. Full EipUnatloni for HOME TKEATMEHT. Toa m be FÜLLT KESTOKED ai Thoidl lifcTebteBbym. Edonr tfitimoniali. Addrtuat occ CRIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, N.Y. ICARTER'SI ■ iTTLE =SaB CURE Piek Hs&dache and relleva all tho tronóles lnoldent to a bilioua Btate of the ystom, Euch aa Dizzinese, NaUBea, Drowsinas. Distrees after uatiug. tair. in the Bide, kc. While tueirmost j cimarkoble bucccsb bas been howii in curing SICK Ileadache, yet Carter's Llttle Liver Pilli ara cqually valuable in Consti pation, curing and prevonting tliisannovingcocaplaint, while they also correct all disorders of the e tomach,timulate the liver and regúlate the bowele. Even if they only HEAD Ache they wonld bo almost prlcelesa to thoso who euffer froin thie difitressiug comlaint; blftfortuuately thoir goodneea does noteud hero.and tbosa who once try them will flnd these little pilla raluable Jn bo man; ways that they will not bo willing to do without them. Bat after allslck heid ACHE Is the bane of o many lires that here is whero wemakeourgreatbout. Oor pille cure lt while otherB do not. Oarter'a Littlo Llver Pilis are yery malí ana very eaey to take. One or two pills makea dose. Tbey are Btrictly vegetable and do not grip or pnise, but by their gentle action please all who osethem. Invialsat25centB ; flvefor $1. Sold by druggiBta everywhere, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALLPILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALLPRICE llF Mlwed hU Opportnnlty! 1ON'T Min lit Youn, Itemder. Tb mRJority neylect thtir opportnnitiei, ami frora that cni live n pnverty and die in obBcarilT I Jlunowiug dpir il the lui uf many, ai tin-r look back on lost, forevar lolt. opportauit y. 1 A le U pui, lus! Reach out. B up and doing. ImproTyour opportuijiiy, and care pioiperity, proinineuci pece. It wi mid by a philosopber, that "the GoddM of Fortune offeri g"llen opportunitr to ach perion itlomi period of tifo; embrace tbe chance, and slie pours out her ricttei ; fail to do bo and ibe depurti. ■ to return." How ihall yon find the goldkn opporlunityT Investi;ni evnry chance tbat appeare worthy. mid of fair proini-e; iii;tt is what alt inccefiBfol men (io. Mt-reit un opportiinity. - li us isuot uftn withio the reai-li ■■! lul... ring people. InrjWüvail, it wilt gire, atleait, a trrintd Htart in Ufe. The -nportunity for inaoy ii here. Mtnify to be made ntpMIv iñd honorably byanyiiidumiinuBi.nrM.uof either rrx. ,] ii. Y on can 1" tbe work and Uve nt lionii. irherevur yn .re. Even beginnen are tsti-Uv eini.iiig trom .i."i lo (jitO ner day. Yoo can do as wel) lf_yn v'W work, lioi fo (irt, butlodaitriODsly ; and you cati iTicreime jroiirtiuiiiug yotigooa. Yoa all yotir time tiht work. Eaiy to learn. Capital not rern:red. W rl ti. All il comrarativ)y new nul rnlly wotnivrlul. "o inBtrnet and abow yon how. IV, i:.ihno niikmtirn lunonc oor work en. Ho roDiu lt expmiN Wero. rile iiiid luwin all free b retara mntl l'nwimi to ilehty l'IHru! at once. II Hullct V ':"t f4. Pnrtlitttdt Malne ■ remedies that do not in-' i J Jure the health or interfere with one'e business o: pleasure. It builds up and improves the genera health. clearg the skin and beautifies the complexión No wrinklcs or flabbiness follow this treatmen Endorsed by physicians and leading society ladie PAT1ENTS TREATED BY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL Hannlei. Ho Startin %. Snd 6 cents in stauips for particular E, O.W. r. SKVDER. H'VICKER'S THEATER, CHICAGO, IL RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY. GROCERY AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep coustautly on hand BREAD, C KACK ERS, CAKES, etc, for Wholesale and retail trade. We shall also keep a supply of SW1FT & DEUBIX'S BEST White Wheat Flour! OSBORN'S GOLD DUST FLOUR. BÜCKWHEAT FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FÈÉD, etc, at Wholesale and retail. A general stock of GBOCÏRIES aii PBOTISIONS Constantly on hand, whlch "will be sold on a reasonable terms as at any other house in the city. Cash paid for BUTTER, EGGS, and COUNTRY PRODUCE generally. Goods deliTered to any part of the city without extra charge. RINSEY & SEABOLT


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Ann Arbor Courier