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At last tule So. Lyon FlourinR mili ík in successiul operatkm. A Farcner's Inetltute has been arrajiged for Howell Jiext winter. E. Jedele at Dexter, bas purchased 110,000 lbs. of ivool thte season. The Observer office has just completod a catalogue of the schools of Salime. TThe fiishiuji in neasrly all the lakes about Uie coanity is reported as exceltent t h'iis yeair. The Edward Comde farm at Moorev;lle ivas sold at adraiinistrator's sale recentíy for .$1,600. Clinton 8k!lmore, of Stotkbrldge, lia a lamb two aiid ome-half months old weighmg 75 pounds. booit 30,000 lbs. of wool lias been bOTigüit at Howell tliJs season, at ])riccs rangiaig from 20 to 2'J cents. B. V'. Sweet hae raised a Hari-ison anO Kiicl pole 72 feet high.- Stockbridge !un. Mr. Sweet is rightly named. The Maiwliester merchants have been 6ellimg kerosene at seven cents galloai. Dear at that, for squawtrack oid. Kev. ö. T. Morrib, oí Dexter, attende-d tlw? meetiing of the Society of Ghristiiaji EnwJeavor, in New York laet week. Chas. Car ven, who lor the past 14 years lúas carried on the dray busbot m ;it Saline, retires. Eobert Cuiten ík his Kuecessor. Oaa-pet bugs have made their appoaraiiice at Dexter in large numbers. GaKcdimie ia tlue only ure exteriuinator, aaid that wUl kill tliem and every ot'her iiiisect amd pest. Tli-e luis been ;28,ooo divorcee gramted ioi thie United States during tftue Jast 20 yee ca uad 816,000 of them were coanmegiced by Uve wlvee. Thiis brings up tttue questHoo, "Is marriage u liiilure V - Pkfckney Diepatch. A suKKth Bwijndjer i.s canyassing tihe town.s, claiming to atpreseut Jamos ick, the New Vork iseed-niaji. He tsells wliui ia porportfeö to be a cleinatiB, at $1B per dózeo luit it h simply an ivy lug ïrom tlie -.vood.s. - NVws. Wie are alud to aiuiouncc to uur readers tlmt Mists Mimnie Warren won the tEiauwjml niedal at the United States oonteet Hield at Cinciuinati last week. Mtes Wanen Jias reclted quite a little iui this viciuity and her manj írtenos win klad to learn of her Bueceaë. - Ptoekney Dispatch. Mrs. Wirt üexter, n OMeagö, prosea bp fiivc lili' i)coi)l; oi Dexter a rl.OUU DOWH ekjrk ïwovWimft' iiiv.v wUl provid'e á BiiiWble place tor it. NtoW il' tlney wffll go to work and Imild : $5,000 plty liail wiith a flüéto'wer u, lín'.v will úo lile proper Wm. Lveytfe, üii clUürly vntjlemaii living in J.ocli. sm CEuugOt in a hay i'M-k last Triday, remu-jng ;n nis face og Ijvgliifuily lu. -ri-aird. lic was jtiHj iii-ouuhi to tii.K vlllage uid placed care ui Dr. Lee wiiO', ásieted by lr. ilouvy, di-esse tbe ivouowl and put 21 tiitchee in hits ■. niakJng l#tuvi-y paüsable in ptaraiuro. Lln; uound was a terrioaie aad jit.s lorn, raggeü edes . ::i lean' wars tor ltíe.- Dexter News. ■'r;uik Lamnion Jmj oai exliibition :l CostellD'e storo, a potato that'is Acry iiiiR-li oí a (.uivjsíi.v n iis way. Jt i di tune wbtm star wtriety aivd .1 beiiiis put uuder the pai-ing kuile By Mi-s. l-cinniüiii, Tiifsday. djeeloj( (i wiiirJa iis man-, ontirely sucluilud froin Uie air. a alcely growlng potato aboin lmlí ati large iis tile oíd . Itere were m gprouts apon it as Uie ,ye can disco-ver, ;i growing bulb iiíwi no conncction whiatever wilUi paraat rom. Can yim expialn tire wiiyms v Dex! News, s, new brick lactory at Milan bnocke out 25,000 briicks daily. Miton. autlrorities have had the trees of the vnlae trhnmed up. Fpoiu e iKiy field toto the harv-st ïïeld. Thf ■feftB COTildm't M better for i't. Hwre fc n ocmplnaiit that the rain ;,.,;..,.,,! ,,:,. tóyeaf K) that it will be a poor Gooa. Dr Kapp, oí Mani-lster. shipped ., ,..,,. ,,.ui „i black watout lumber ;., -;i r,i-:.lgevatcr to -Vmi Arbor last The Fanmer's club vrtll meet with Mr a,nd ííre. W, H. Bassett, Fri(Uiy Tuly 29th-, astead oí at the Home of G. L. HKWt as previoiueiy anuouneed. -saline öhBörver. Neariy iiïty Jarvestrs have beem eoW tMs M'.-isiin by öur local dealers, HHckrucl; & SOMS and Joeep liauntïett. Ar.d mowïng ntóeüitoes by the score.- Mfflflfli Leader. Tlie wuoieil have been commendcd bv many of our best citieens forthiMiactitoti ta eeing tivat the law regaidtog the cdosing of saloons is enforced - Manchester Eaiterprise. The self-kmdjng hay rake now in fomnioii uw ín i sectton giWs the farmers a corner on old Adam, and allovs them to g'.ve most of thei-r time to politifs.-Vpsila.ntian. L. D. Lovewell receotly purehased a 1 000 pownd clip of wool oí John il'oore of Wixom. oí tue Hampehire Down variety. Tlw prlce paM was 28 1-2 cents per pound.- So. Lyon Picket. Tlie tWD grafluatee of the Saline High school this year averaged 17 yeaw ntoe months of ag, and weighed on a.n average of 186 lb. In all 84 pupil have graduatecl u-om the Saltoe high school Btoce 1872, and of tQiis ïwunber 78 are llng. TSue fall fruit erop prospect ta tliis Koction, is anythms bat eneouragingTh apples are fallíais very rapWly, tlie pear erop wtU be small whlle ctuarrlaB are next to nothing, the grape prospect lnowewr I very fair. ■vvitli no plums to speak of.- Dundee Reporter. G. I .Hoyt recrtly solrt to Fred Woelper. a fine 18-montlw Durham heifer that dreesed 470 pounds. This is ouïy one of the many proofs that Mr. Hoyt ie a tborough, farmer and stock breeder, mot in sheep only (wjiich is his chflice) biirt ta other lines of stock as -svell.- Saltae Obse-rver. Herary Harmom was killed at Milan, recwaUy, by the tivi-minff over of the water tarnk on Avliich ho was ridinp;. He oiiied the treet sprimklor. and was delii-eriiiK a tank of vrater at Mr. BiU's ikw öomae wlven the accMent occurred. He was 45 years of ase mmT was a ealdüer im Oo. H. l!th Micli. VoltHlitee Infantry, flürtog the war. Sonie of buslmepe men are in fevor of viHage purohasing tlwpi-opprty kmown as tlie foundry and tannery water power and' after ljuildtiig the dam and putting it in good shape, offer lit to some manufacturing concern as a gift if they will ajife to eiupioy a cortaim nuniber of workmen the year 'round.- Manchester Enterprise. AVho eaid there would not le a time tor har vest ? It is proroised and it a.lways gets aromnd ta its own good tiime. There are pleoty of people -OU' lono-w, wQio always gvowl M ihitngs dotn't come 'around just to uit thieni, amd they raake ao excepción to tlue Tveather; but if we oniy .eam to wait pattoutly all tliings orne about for tire bost. Elias Albain, of Augusta, while woikïiK L' th ha.rvesi field Tuusday ofterioon, July 12. feil ilead without a nomenffl warning. He had Just been talki'njr ploiisantly, and JVJW icelUi}; iis weíll ais usual. Hts ttge was i( yeai. Mr. Alban was born in En;Laaid arad carne to this country in lsru. He was a brother of Chas. W. Albain, of Willin.- Yiwllantian. A j)unft' man out %""st. v!io is ïwwly wed, askt'd Hls wife what she ■X)u!d do ii he camp home inoxiiatKil. She s&M she had neve.r Kiven the ter ttoougM, but should proba bly be iinsim-ecl by the occasion. Wlien a .niifeht or two ago the youug hubby came wfooopimg amd stagigeriag home, tihe nu"t lii-m at the door with a paM of smir niHk souaed )iim (rom head to foot bofpre lie couUl explato tliat toe wa only shamminp;. -Somli Lyoa Pivkot. AccoiiKinii to flK' report of the anaiunl sc.hool meeting of Cheleea, pubtBshed ia siamlarii. there have been $11,220.02 recelived by tte dieta-Bet trcasurer during the year, and $10,979.50 expDidOd, lcavi,n,u' abalan ■.■ (,tl li;mil Ql SLJIÜ.:,. Dl lilis aino'iiin $:!..",4n was IwirlinVs,!!.-hK.'s. s:!.c,s7.1ii Ut aíw imUdintí. $1,693.28 Por bonidH aml interest, etc. esr.inaii-d receipts ior the coming year were $1,500 and estianated expenses -Ss.000. It was voted bo $6,500 by dinvi tas. H. 8. Holmees wa elected tiruwtee. ui a.inl a half years of BUfirr.nii' wiitto coiisninpt ii.n. Professor Vi; II. (irooOaa dted last L'i-iday ,-i1 the residotee oí Mis. RÍary K. mis iiii Yptdlanti. He vas born -luly 24. 1857, ál IHiindeo, Michi In 1878; wem u Ypsilantl and entered the State Normal school, graduating w4tlï the class ot 1883. A few weeks after jiTadunt ínii he was marrled to IxmiM' HUJlia.r(ls, eldest daughter m' Late Capt-ojn K'; 'naiils. nis wifo liv■(! ouly tWO ycars. In tlio ïall of L883 a.ccpUl a pi).il ru as instru-iiir in roe Xonnal. remaimlng tlifi-o, uintil m account of falling health, lic as liiijíd bo resida in 1S00. At tlu' cnnimonccmont exorcises of 1889-90, the state board of i-diuaiioiL oomierred upon htm an honoravy Kh'sree. The ïnncral was lichl Satr.i-day afteriïotafa. The vfllage authorSties ought not tx allow a buladle of dodfrers to be béAWd to a teJegraiJO or electrie Vbgbt pole, as tliey are pulled off the pole and seattered ni-ound the streets .ml mate tlrem look amything but T.icly. - ciK'lsoa. Standard. .Tacksum has somo people within its boaxlere, whö, wlieu theix mother, an"d 89 yeasB, Bigaed her propcrty, aimoxiiattag to about $8,000, to tuem, sent hr to the poor house. Sut-h cattle OB that should be tarreil and teatöiei-ed.- Clielsea St-aandard. The work of layiing the motor track on the new Cross Street boulevard ík e&rly c-ompleted and soon tlie (itirais-Metiaig of tlie line at thai I widl Ut' Lun aeeomplislicd faot. lt v.-'.l gTeatly janpiwe botih the motor ruad and the hiighway.- Ypeilanti Commercial. Tiros. Ij. Evaiós, ■■;:-;. nae been engaged as supermteñáent oí schools at Jaekswn, at a salary of --rl.CiOO. Hurrah for our ïviend Evans ! And lnirrah for the gramü Mitlr.gan state Xiirmal. v.iiUli turns out mtn who so i-eadUv clïmh to the very top of their profeeeitom.-


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier