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A Sad Accident

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On Smidiay moi-nins last Jas. Clark, of X. Malin Kt., wli! has been the most fai'tMul nifilitwatoh this or any ötiher city ever had, feil iia some way w'liile !iii the rear of Haller's jewelry .stioro, and had a rib braken by the fall. Om Tuesday iewentog Mr. Clark, iiuaimst the protBts .of liite famlly, insistcd upom fioiaijj; about his work. The la.mily beccmaiiD alarmed sent a to ti.iMlhun, and aiter sorae scai-iii be wae a:ywered m a sitting postmre ia the rear of John Burj?'s st-ort', buit in. a.n unconsciious condit'tou. Thite was abou't 11 o'clock. He was bi-oujilit home axul Dr. Morton oaUed who appUed restoratiives, bvit lic livs yet iin a semi-unoonscious state The age oí Mr. ("lark, the excessire heat oí the 'days, a.iwl other eircumstances eombime to make h'iis recovery doubtful. He has .been employed by tSie metfCtoamtB of ïhlis city for the past 17 yeaps or mare as a nilrt w'ateli, arnxl im all that time has never in,:t,sel a n:9íh't irntU this accident ivapieiniel. He te a man who is appireciiated and om Vboee place it will be duíQcwlt to till, if that unfortunate ■vrnt becomee neceBsary. One of the sad ontcomes of the Homestead laboor troubles is the Bhootiing of Mr. Frfck, the superinten: dent of ttoe mi'ils where tüe trouble occurred. Tille man who did the BSiKoOtliag wats nanied Hem-.v BergïiKiinui, a Kuss'.an Jew, wlüo importcd lii'.iine]f :uiit tJile country along with mlicf aiiKuvhints ïüve or six yetag-a ago, uwl wlitoi fct te to be hoped e lia no way ooonectied witli the laborimg ma. He a oí class that tostïbu-ted the Haymarket riots in OliScagK), a.iüi live ome thtog"to be rega-ettecl is ilial the law will nat perni'.i .ii li& beipg sui;ab:y punished for hils deed. Mr. Priqk, al.ihough sho-t I ; ;e and wouihW wMh a dirk knife will probably recover. Tbe cowardly ac1 of tlulls sateaking anarchist desci'M's tliie fu'.lest measure possible Of cimdt'iiHi'at win and ]iiui:liment. ■lust aö the Cmirjcr póea to presa we leamn th.-it HarriBon Camp, oJ Ann tonm, ívaí quito seriously iniurcd th ík moi-u.iiiu1. l)-y fniliii.H' irom ;i Joad of hay .iiul havrilng th eti'nps of a pltch forl; rum tliivvuirh the fleshy JWU-t 0Í 1V.K l.U'. Mrs. LyomB. oiï (leddos ave., wliiüe piekimjg bepries in tto patch of Mr. Miiinmcry. cast oí the oemetery, was overeóme by the heat ycsicrday, aiml : - a a gerSOTiB coiuTition.


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Ann Arbor Courier