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A Prediction That Will Come True

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iTroin Bcmirke Cockrn.n's Speech in. ( Ikicago.) I believe it AVMS the distin.sruishcd ü('iitl-mnii tram Maissachusetts- Gen. Vi;us- who declared there wjere no In ttiils l'nion who would M,ti' asainSt tliat ticket; but there are betoind him tvra hoi-ocs -vliose (liiils havo mot eeoaiped the attentton of iSstory - two héroes wiio have led tihc Uaii'on arinie.s to vk-tory, and who oe'veir made fatcs at the vanquished Poe; awd tliey will teil yo here that the soldier verte of the state of New Ym-k, ítí whlom they are 25,000 at least democratie, will not support the nominal ilon of Mr. Cleveland, and dkl inot mippoi-t it in 1888. (General SU-kles rose in his place among the tflervtoa-k áeiegatHoa and said: "Xo, jio, nevT." There were three cheers and hispes heard about the hall and im the fialleries.) 'l'he idea thiait a man should be aoy less a republk-an beeause he Tesjdee im a democratie waril i a iUiew ome, recently ineubated by tihe Register. Mr. PJiigree's opinión upon t'hut point "would le valualile. The Larasiog Journal accuses the YpsiiUwitian of "talking like a fooi." lm regard to the protective tariif. TlKit iti not truc. The Ypsïïantian always talks good and Rives facts to prove lts assei-ttons. Tlic trmible i.s wtth the Journal. It hears throuigh fooi ears. Whiere the carrion fe, there congrégate tJne caww. It ie their food, ttneiir Ufe. Where trauble and affllcbiKM td the huinun famMy as lm Vhv lamentable Homestead troiibles, tüiwe congrégate the democratie 'leaders amid sluauters, lvoping to proïit by the woes of others. It is tlwir feast, their life.. CMie tlitog tlie ÖagLnaw convemtilon demonstsrated, and that is tliiat a brass band campaign cut mo figure at a republkan convent'iio'ii. It's day öf usefulness as a vote persiiader lilas gone,- if kt ever existe.d. nie ttetegates akc guided by their judgment and a big notase lias no eííeot upon tWean. One thïmg has been iully Ucmonstinatod, . e., tliiat there are only two convent ton eities in Michigan- Detirort uiwl Grand RapklLs. While Sagiikiw lua a people fchat hospitablic, ainitl will put tüuemselvei out to inake tilnellr guests happy, yet the fact reanains thiat th detegates preler to put up at a lvotel rather tihlii.n a private house. Another fact (fr t'luat ït takes a large hall to hold a xnventilon - a republican convent.iionir- a tlhitajg whlch the third city does nlot possess. The people's party state conventJoni is to be held at Jackson Auk. 2 and 8. It is said that a scheme is uinder way to nómbrate Mr. Bilis the present democratie attorney-general, and tiien have the democratie state convent ion ratilfy the nominat.ilon. Bucli actton would have three results: lst. It woTild turn. down Governor Wiinans and his liosts of farmer ifriiends. 2(1. It wonW be tlie means of effectuiailly swallowioig up the people's party ,so that its separate exfetenee wouM nevcr be h.eard of any miore, anld 3d. It wouUd place beyond the shadow oí doubt the election of the entire repvibltean ticket ín this state. All three of these resulta are desirablc- fi-om a republican point of ■view.


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Ann Arbor Courier