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A drowsy August afternoon, the llght ehlmmertog through the dense k'avps of the broad spreading lieech trees; 'a figure Iyimg upan the grasa hoMing in hKs hand a magazine - not too heavy- just heavy enougli toe easy tooMiing- The Coemopolltan, for August; Juet the sort of reading matter for a mid-summer afternoon - ful] of attractiTe illustrations; scènes and life in thie far off Philipine Islandw, vili. an èxperlence 'oí au earthquake; plhwtographö on tlie Atlantic beaeh aceompanyimg a charmmg sketch of .Tersey's "Salt-Water Day," Tay Haml!n Garlaiul; cluumlng Spanish bits by tlue artíist Chase; lavely vistas, and entictag gpotfes, iiiusti-ating a California Farm A'illage, in which Col. Fitzsittnmone describes the growth and developement of a model communiiy O'f fruiït farms. Of fiction, Henry James, "Jersey Villas" makes dcllghtfui mid-summcr readïng and there is finí old story of Soutlrern Iife, whfle ('unositics of Musical Llterature wlil ïvumfcli ia halï-hour's eatêrta&uiiènt tos k'very lover of musAc. Emglföh high swtoty ifi always atn tateresting subject wthD (i;ciissi'(l by one who1 is of i:t, amd. knows it tlvorouplily, llenry Art-hur MucrOBB, fornierly au officer oí the gujaaxls amd au M. I'., giA'es in újd emtifti-tainiiig way tlie cause of the í-evoluitáon wMcb lias taken place in tine ociiety oí Ixwntlon diiring tli past tliülrty yeare. Evea ilurat HalsteacTs descrliptdloni oí tille Convent ion at Manneap'Ol is breezy and bright, and tliie beautilíul photographs which illhistrate an article on Brldfees and Bridge Building would attract a ver uiinscilent.iliïc reader. The one heavy 'a.rtiele of the nuimber is that of the famous Eaiglósh WTtter on Evolution, St. Geoirge Mimart. It IB a part of t'hie düscussiion i,n wblich he Heeke to Ihia.rmoinjize the primciples of evolution witb the doctriaifíi O.F Christianity- one of tJiio most important series of (pa.pors Over published iui a masazino, aoxd attTacting the wüdest attention amanK religilou and scientilic minde, botli in Bngland and this country. Tlie Illustrated World's Fair for July makes a leadinff feature of the Kculpture on tlie electric fountain, wili'ich is to be the largest ia the warM. There are six great pietures of tliis wiork, the crawniitng triumph of Sculptor MncMonnie's art. Ex President Hayes wrftea the leadlng artiole, and James H. McVieker ,the celegrated tliratrioal manager, contribii'tes a.n essay on drama, withi liis photogi-'aplv. Dr. W. T. ileloy, a eharmimg Hk(tf:h-vriter, gives li is niasterpiece, iln "A Oonvict's Self-Denial." Cli'arleis Gilbert Davits offers medical ndvice to Üatending visitors. Major Ben. C. Tramara, a great autliority ou vintages, writes about Sherry Wiine. Mrs. Ijouise A. McGaffey publishi's a page poean, "Óolumbus," wMpli lin.s boen in preparatton for many w-eoks. e. Fraiiik Dowey furntehiee an article öu Bismark, wltü a trhküng picture of tibe Iro-n Chancellor at liome. Ptetures of tlio buikliings,, quips, vliymes, tlio DiirTïotow biJl, and ExpoBditlon news completa, t beautilful amd valuable number. Xcxt nrorathi Ppamklin E. Denton's great poem. J. N. Halligam, JlcYieker's BuMding, Olwcago. $2.50 a yoar; 25 eoiiits a, copy.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier