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Of Feminine Interest

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Chautauqua lias a summer school o'f oookery. Fiity-four young women graduated iroan Vasisar this year. Ten yooimg womon graduated at the Harvard Amnex thüs j"ear. Denmark will exhibit at tho World's Fair, a cwanplete Daimsh dalry. Great Brittain has two lady lawyers. Both are Irishwomen and both ptivL oí Belfast. Wc.rih, the famoaiB l'aris dressmake,r, has declared agaiinst trailing street gowns. The lady mmnagers of the AVorld's Faiir are collecting statistics of all he women.'s organiizatiöns of the world, The oowt of a woman'H cducation ia varimis American collones "Í8 as follows: Cornell, $500; Michigan, .:20; 'UVlK'sliey, $350; Smith $400; Bryn Mawr. $4.-.(): Vassar .$400; Harvard Annex, !?j00. A'iis dueliess im Ixmdon reeently went tlwough the opdoal oí Ha v mijt a dieíis made on her own iiiïurc. Stie stood lor three hours whuë hier dressmab&re wrought fifty yards of rare oíd lace, thSvt conld not lx1 out, in a goT-n for a soire. at tlue ctose of which cvery Ktitch had tío be carêfully cut and pk'kcd out tetoirc the lady oould dferobe. It Should be in Every House. J. B. Wilaon, 371 Clay st., Sharpsburg. Pa., says lie will not be -without 3r. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colcis, that it cureil his wife whfl was threatened with Pneumonía after an attack of "La Grippe." when various other remedies and severa lphysicians had done her no good. llobort Barber. Cooksport. Pa., claims Dr. King's New Discovery has done liim more good than anytíliing he ever sed íor Lung Trouble. Nothing like it. Try lt. Free Trial Bott-les at Eberbach & Son, and Geo. T. Haussler, of Man Go's fo i lic end oí tiiiue- The hour Has it.s proper stAtSion - The railway tra ju. Has severa! irons In the lire - The laiindrcss. Rules for t'liie eare oí the sfc-k. How to cure discasc, is syniptoms and lausi's, and otlicr iniiorniation of giraal alue wül be found in old Dr. Kaufmanin's great lO'O.k; 100 pagee, fine oo'loired plates. Seml thi-ee 2cent stamps to pay powtage to A. P. Ordway & 0o., Boston, Mass.. and rcrf'iv" a copy freo.


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Ann Arbor Courier