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Edwa.rd Strong ïwis gcme to Petoskvy. Dr. A'auifliaii is vlslting his family at Oid Mission. Miseee Myra and Ijora Hcnioii are vislting relat ves in Toledo. Eugene Best, of Minneapolis, Mlnn., visitin.u' at Fred Sohanid's. JamM R. Baoh and wife have gone t'O Zuiky Lake for tli week. J. H .Cutting and ïaimily left day lor Boston and the seashore. Prof. A. B. Ktevens and wife have tgoaie to Lynvllïe, Nort'h Carolina. XI r. and Xli-s. J. J. Goodyear have gometo Old XlLssion tor a few weeks. Bert Doty haa returned home trom a week'is Btay at Cavauaugh Lake. Dr. and Mrs. Campbell have gone to .Lake Joslin, for a few week's staj'. Mre. B. E. Nichloe aud dauRhter Lillie, lelt yesterday for Boston, Xlass Miss Suisiie Pulciplier is visiting her auot, Jlre. üeo. Pulcip-Uer, ini Toledo. Mrs. W. F. .3 1 i maan and children returned froni Hastings last Satur(laj-. Miss Rut-h B. Durhiem left yesterday for a two weefc's trip around the lakes. Mm. JniDi!e Jtüberts, olf Chicago, i visiting at Iwjr old home on N. Main Btreet. Alma .JjOstnünans, of E. Ann st., is spendii)g a week wltlh relative.s in Detroit. Jeese W. BootSi returned Tliursday [rom Ik.s extended trtp through Europe ptc. Mis.s LUitan Mills, af Boyne City, is vtelting Ann Arbar friends for ü. ; Mis. ('has. LeSuer-j of Toledo, gpent last week ivifli her sister Mrs. Chas. B. Da visión. Misa Maud McOinber returned from a two wuek's stay at Wliitiuore Laky last Frlday. ,PiiO'f. F. G. Xovy aiid íuintly are liiavi'ng a Eme time at Minar' a ('anip, Orcluard Iake. ilrs. Powell and daugifter, wluo li'ave been vislting in Plnckney have .returned htoanie. Aid. Pefguson and Wite entertalned over Snnday, Mr. and JIrs. Pate, Of St. Louis, Mo. Fred Rk-himomd, of liay City, is visitiniï his niüthvr Mrs. ('. H. mond, tor a. few weeks. Mrs. Judse Kinne gave a pleasant evening party Saturday, In hier cottnge o tl Boulevard. Harry Clark left Saturday to join luie pturents, Mr. and Mrs. .Toseph Clark, at WequetouisinK. Miss lU'iia Seyler lúas gone to Detroit to remiain a ïew weeks with lier Sister, Mrs. Fowler. Ex'Mayor Smitih and wlfe entertained over Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Schrmerhorn, of Detroit. Evart H. Scott and family left Miiulay tor Old Mission to be absent the balance oí ttoe summer. Dr. W. H. Dorrance bas gone to Niágara Palla, in attendance apon the National Dental Assoclatlon. J. W. Lord and wife returned Sat mrdny 'irinn a two weota vlsit with relativcs 'm Frcdonia, X. Y. Miss Lmr.v liuslimi'-ll returned FriOay from a tiaree week's stay with relatirviee In ItraiuJh county. Dr. Wm. J. Herdman lnas ROne to the mountains of Eaut Tenneeaée lor a few week's rccreation aaid rest. Mis. WH1 Itailvam and clijldren, of Hamburg, hiave been spending the jast week at tieM-Ke Jacobus's. Jaimes Gxdhew, of Observatory st. ejcpecte Ma bister Miss Susan (iood1mv, of Ixuidon, Enff., this week. Jesse Stfvi-ns and wife have returned irom t ii'.-ir vaea'tlon, which thcy spent witli i'riends ín Livingston Co. D. 1!. Oheeve.r has goaie to Chicago where he takes a posttton as üraughtsman in an arehiteets office. Fred McOmber, oï the T. O. force, left Moinday for a two week's vacatian trip whieh he will spend at Old Missiion. Miss Paullne Allmendinger gave a jileasant liirMwlay party to' a number of her youiiii' friendo Saturday e venIng, at her home on W. Washington isr. Miss Kate Ilgenfritz, of Monroe. wii'o has be?n in attendance upon her friend Miss Weis, Aiw has teen soriouely ill at the M. E. parsonage, returned hom? Monda y . O. Tv. Mlller bas jont' to Mt. Pleas] ant, et:-. Dr. Frank Vandewarker is passing oiga ra ïiow. Mac C. LeBeara, oí Detroit, ivas in the city Monday. Mi8 May Wilson íiíms pone to Dun{}■(' FiKiting triends. Mig dopa Bandall. rif Spring st., is vjKiting iit Tec-u m se hi. Mii-s Turnhull, bookkepper íor A. Ij. Noble, lins rsturned. Mis. Asa Allen Ikis gane to Bay City tor a few day's stay. E. F. Jotinson and wife liave ed f rom thleir vteit to Olito. Geo. AV. Milten, of Detroit, called on Ann Arbor friends Monday. Prof. A. 0. MvTiauK'ilm and family left Monday for tltue nortliern resorts. Mrs. M. E. Cooley left Monday for la visit wlth friends in Rochester, X. Y. Prof. Perry returned lat Friday from lJi eastern trip of business and pleasure. Fr. Kelley has purchased a bicycle nnd is Rotting on nkely loarning to ride it. ■ TT( Rice A. Real, oí the P. O. forcé, has .g-one to Northville for a week'8 vacatiton. Miss Libbie Kress coxnmeneed clerkini; in Mack & ScJwnldr t'lie firt of tibie month. Mrs .Dr. Jacob Wile, nee Hammond, returned to hier home in Laporte, Ind., yesterday. Philip Bach returned Xlonday írom a visit to his son and daughter at Las Yiegaa, N. M. Ward and Xina Howlett leave Baturday ío be absent two weeks visiting í'fi.M ivjs in JacksOB. Emil Eitchier, forraerly wltü Eterbachi & Son, has gone to Sagina v to clerk in a drug store. Mísk Clara Buckland left Monday for bier lióme in Bsisex Center, Ont., to be absent íour weeks. Collie Stevens, Jollwi Parker and Harry Pond ave in camp at WHit111 o re Lake for the week. Mrs. Durheim, ivho has been south in Virginia witto a daughter ior several moutte, has returned home. Teller Pliiillips, of the F. & M. Bank, accompanied by lus sister, leaves this a. m. a trip arou-nd the lakes. Williiuu H. Mitchell, lit '82, and ison of Judge Mitc-lnell, of Port Huron, Is pratk-iiiíí law at Ijos Angeles, Cal. "VVm. C. Stevens nnü famlly, of N. Ingalls t., went to ' more Lake greeterday, to remain ïor a week or fcwo. Mrs. l' 'reehla-fer, wlvo lias been vis(rtlng hier bröthèr, M. M. Stefty, left for hier home in Indl&napolla, Ind., Mondlay. Harry and Gerald Brown, who have 'been spending the past six weeks ïiear Syracuse, N. Y., returned home Monda y . H. J. Brown went to Grand Rapids Monday evening to attend the meeting of the State Pluarmaceutical Aswociation. M. E. MeEnany, attorney at law at Salt Lake City, Ut. ol '87, law '88, has been vieiting in the city durtik the ieek. Ex-President C. K. Adams, of Cornell hias accepted tlue presidency . of thie University of Wieconflin at ai sal■ary of $7,000. D. C. Fall and family and Ensene Mutschel and family broke camp at Whit.more I.ake last Saturday and returned hioiiie. Mre. Henry Killilea, of Milwaukee, is visitinji her nuOitber Mrs. Dr. Heartley of ttote city. Mr. KlUilea is expected to arrive tliis week. I. Duke, of E. F. Mills store, is baking a two week's vacation. AcwmpaQled b.v Mtb. Dake', lie avIH vteH Toh'do and pUu-es. Misn Kin ii' Berry returned to her home at Ann Arbor last Monday af(ber a fcnir weeks visit wlth Frlende of this place.- So. Lyon I'icket. Ptoí. L. C. Huil, lit "TT, and wife, Eliza Daa-linir, lit. '82, were in town Mondny. They wUl spend some time in Hamburg bof ore returnlng to his acfeoo] n La-jvrencevllle, New Jersey. Ch-rfc. T. Donnelly has not been delivering letters for a few days. He ■went durlng tiw hot weather, and (Vid Sol knocked liim out. He it getting alíout once more. öeorg Hendrie, of B. Ana st.. who graduated at tíie liirli school last June, han g'one to Steuginaw, taking a poeltion -vitli liafh-eldor it Son for a year'a work betore entering the uniyer.sity.


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