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f 1 tteat Makes an every-day convenience of an old-time luxury. Pure and wholesome. Prepared with scrupulous care. Highest award at all Pure Food Expositions. Each package makes two large pies. Avoid imitations- and insist on having th NONE SUCH brand. MERRELL & SOULE, Syracuse, N. Y. EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PLLS. T A TVi "ETC TliV DR. LE DOC'8 " PE JLlAiylXLö KIODICAL" l'ILLS from Pari France. Established in Europp 1839, Canadu in 1S78. Kor SuppressIouiJ. IrreitulariUes. and Mouilily Derangreuienta. A reliable monthly medicine. They alwaj relieve. Any druKKi't. $2. American Pül Co.. Proprietore Speucer. towa. Kobert Siepht-HROn & Co.. atrents, and all other ilrng(rist8 in Ann Arhor. These pills are warranted to bringOR ihc "ehnnge." Unlike the Dutch Process ÍKo AlMes Other Chemicals are used in the preparation of W.Baier&Go.'s Breakfast Gocoa, which ia abaolutely pure and soluble. It ha more than three times the itrengih of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more economical, costing Iets than one cent a tup. It ie delicious, nourishing, and easui DIGBSTED. Sold by Crocers everywhero. W. Baker & Go., Dorchaster, Mass. Bi Sic mu For twenty-five yeare the experience of milliona of nnflerere, oíd and youiifr, male and female, havo gratefully endorseti the miraeuloua virtuea oí Tina Fharmacentical Paradox of the Age A vitalizing Btimulant without al cohol. A nerve sedative ■without narcotios. A blood purifier 'without poisons. A liver cleanser. A purely vegetable tissue-maker, promoting digestión, nutrition, secretion, excretion and respirution. A life-givingtonic, pur and simple, without the disastroua reactions of the deadly compounds of rum and alcohol usually sold as bitters. Ws nerer known tefcrs In the Worli. Itf dlscovery nmonu the medicinal fruits, roo nd herbs of California WAS A MIKACXE, and thefr oombination into a phenomenal lifgiving tonic A TRIUSrpH of the CHEMICAI ABT. The only change made in the formula during twontr-ñre years hae been to present it in two CombiDktloQB. TJw old oritjinal reznain unchanged, but being Btronger, more Uzative and better. A neto jot-tn. more agreeable to the taste and better adapted to delicate worif'n and rhildren, but Comprising the urne tonic properties, in now made and the Bctntceof the tvorld is chaUenfftii to pn.-J.ue the equal of thit TBULY & ONLT TEMPÉRENTE BITTEK8 KNOWS orto produce a purely vegetable bittr or of aiiy kind, whose action ia at once so wie, so corUiii and coxnprehensi ve as the CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS, or any compound which from lts varied actioa npon the vital functions is equal to the CURE OF 80 MANY DISEASE3. Their name Is leon - Rhouxnatiem, Neuralgia, CaUrrh, Jaundice, Kidney Dis-RKe. S-roiuIa, Skin Dieeases and Boils. Consuraption, Pilen aud all disorders ariaing from Indigestión, impuro blood, iiervoiiB prostration, and dilapldated conatitution from any cause give way to it like mist befure tha sun, tv hilo its singular power over THE DEADLY MICROBE AND OMNIPRESENT BACTERIA lndicates it iiiperiority in all diseases of malaria] origin, aud renders it tbe EEST VEKMIFOGE KNOWN. No family can afford to do without a bottle of OLD AND NEW STTLE VINEGAR BITTEBS in the house, as expreaaed by thousanda of tott monials. Bend for beautifnl book. Addreas, ' K. II. McUONALl DRUG CO., New VarV


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Ann Arbor Courier