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A NATURAL HEMEDT FOB Epileptic Fits, Falliug Sickness, Hysterics, St. Vitus Dance, Neirousness, Hypochondria, Melancholia, Inebrity, Sleeplessuess, Dizziness, Braiu and Spinal Weakuess. This medicine has direct action upon the nerve centers, allaying all irritabilities, and increasing the flow and power of nerve fluid. It is perfectly harmless and leaves no unpleasant elïects. l"%f"- A Valuable Book en Nervous LIIL L Uísease l'ree lo any address, r M w Y and poor patieuts can also obtain IlLab this medicine free of charge. ThiB remedy has been prepared bythe Reverend Pastor KoeniÉ. of Fort Wayne, Ind., Bince 18J6. and ienow prepared underhie di rectíon bythe KOENIC MED. CO., Chicago, III. Sold by Drusgists at SI per Bottle. 6 for S5. liarse Size, IS1.75. 6 Bottle lor 9. FOR MEN ONLY TOUNG MENOLD MEN -v GET IR THE TOIIS OF THE SERPENTS OF LISEASE. K) They makt heroie effortl to (rae themielvei, V ?. tut not knowing bow to mcccufully VAS. rfíbsHAKEOFFTHE HORRID 8NAKE8 v tnVt they rive nu ia despnir nd iuk toto sn rly A X! Wht KBKOB 1 Itere b 11 JCLr II W'Mo-0UR NEW B0Jfi LyA; kü i (j bit or rU"1 j;ï2i' i S "y bl'lltr. Wiki o' "dT f Bt Mlnd, Eflecti of Erron r XzenMi, Btunted or Bhnnkea Orfnt in be Carrd. BtyñM 1 1 lJTj HowtollriendïtrnfthenWEAK,TIl)EVBLOri;u CBBAHS P AKTS of BODT m d. lll to U ER IE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO.M.Y. iCARTERSl CURE Biet Headacbe and relieve all tbe tronbles ind öent to a biliouB Etate of the system, eucli as DizziuesB, Naueea, Drowsineaa, Distreea after estiEg.Painin tlie Side &c Wlllle thelrmort resnorable succeea bae been shown iu curing SICK Hci-áache, yet Carter'B Llttlo Llver Pilis are cqually valuable in Constipation, curjng and preventing thiaannoyingcomplaintwhile they alao correct all disorders of the Btomach,stimulate tha liver aid regúlate tlie bowelfl. Even if they only HEAD Acbe they would be almos tprlcelesa to those who eiiifer fróm this dlstreesing complaint; btfl f orturiatel y i hcirgoodnees does notend here,and those irho r.nce try tbem -will flnd iheae little pillH valutible ín eo many waystliatthey will not bo wilÜug to do without them. But after allsick hoad ACHE Is the "tañe oí bo many lives that here la whera we make our great boast. Our pilla cure it while othera do not. Carter'a Little Liver Pilla are very small and vory easy to take. One or two pilla make a dose. Tbey are Btrictly vegetable aud do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who usetheni. Invialaat 25ceota ; flvefor$l. Sold by dragjrista everywhere, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE IIC Mfiwd hts Opporturilty! 1ON'T Min fik Tour, Reader. Tiie miijority iioglect their oppprtatiitiei, and from thut caute livo In pnverty and die ín obscumy 1 Harrowinf despair ia tlie lot of niany, at thv look back od loat, forever lost. opportunity. I,ife la puit íuk Reacïi out. Be up and doiug. Iinproveyour opportuDitj. and lecureptoiperity, promiueuc pac. It wat i:J by a philosopber, tbai "the GoddM of Fortuna offers a (rolden oppm timity to each person Éaom priod of Ufo; embrace tbei-liance, nd slieponrsoather rictiei; failtodo o and the depurtt. never to return." How ihall yoa finj the COLDI.V i.iinrtunityT Inveitigate every chance tbat appear wortlir. und of fair promi-e : thiit ín wliat all ioceebsfol men do. II re is an opportntiity. su-h hs isnot often within the rem -1. -! laborinepeople. Iinprove.t. it will give, at leaat, a crnnü rturt in lifo. The GOt.i'KK opporttmity tot luany ie here. Mmiey to be made rnpidly ■! honorably ty any indostrictii pnrsonof either lex. All ■rei. Yoa ca df the work and live at home. whcrever you ire. Eren bepintier are íkmIv earniiiK from &i to vlO par day. Yoa can de a well íf yon w'U work, tiot tou Imrd, but iodnitrlooaiy ; and yon can increHse yoiir íiiroine ns yon po ua. Yoa ritu fnve ipinr t me -iiIt, ni íi 11 ymr time (o t lic work. Eaiy u learn. Capital mit reqntrd. Wtartrpa. All il cnmparatively m-w umi tt-.ij wtutderftil. Vo imtract and show yon ii--. l'uiliire iiiiknowri un.otig onr workere. Ño room to xfilIn liara. Write irttd leiira all free, by retarn muil Unwfee t (iluy. Amiruns at once. II. Hellet A. (o., Hos pkO. IN.i llnml, Muln. WlBHW". 0From 0 0 WO of Bellevlllt, Kn.: JJ 4] I ft) "When I brgui your VCY ■ r trtmpnt a mol. ro I wu o ƒ 1 Tf 1 Ji cxbhUfted bv fiütnenu tbat I could notl Bfcr. After. Lott, te any work. The Mcompanving Welfht 245 tb 195 IU 50 Iba mee ow lherult of 3monthf' Bint is, in. 3T In. 11 In. mei.t. I sow fl like snw bing. IT.f Wit... 40 ia. J9 In. 11 [o. ütd p:nsare 11 gone. My frlendl arejllipe .... 5" tn. 46 la. ? In. rurpriied. WI11 cheerfnlly ply to ir.quiries with lUmp iacloeed." PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. C0NF1DENÏIAL ilarmli-sk. No Starrlug. Send 6 ctuts ín ttv&pt tor ptfttcttlui la tfe 0. W. F. SNYDE!. M'VICKER S THEATER CHICAGO, ilL RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY. GROCERY, A N D FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constan tly on hand BREAD. CRACK ERS, CAKES, etc, for Wholesale and retail trade. AVe shall also keep a supply of SW1FT & DEUBKIS BEST White Wheat Flouri OSBORN'S GOLD DUST FLOUR. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, CORN MEAL. FEED, ate., at wholesale and retail. A general stock of GEOCERIES anfl PEOYISIÜNS Constantly on hand, whlch will be sold on a reasonable terms as at anv other house in the city. Cash paid for BÚTTKR, EGGS. and COtlNTRY PRODUCE g-cnerally. Goods delivered to any part of the city without extra charge. RINSEY Sc SEABOLT.


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Ann Arbor Courier