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AGONIZING ECZEMA Awful Sufferlng. Driven Almost Insane ty Doctors. Tried Cuticura. Belief Immedlate. Entlrely ' Cured In 4 Months. I sufforpd with the dreadful eczema for ove r eix months, during which time I had cODBulted three doctors and thu tornienting skin disease had grown worse and worse fon me in spite of all medical treatment. My condition was uobearable. My legs wcre ewollen, my arma -were raw, roy face and neck full of eruption, vhicb made me scratch until my whiskers were eoaked and pafltcd with the sickly fluid. I could hardly bear my clothing. When night carne I wns afraid to go to bed, no ■leep rould come to relieve me, bnt the itching wonld increaje. During day time 1 had no rest, I was all broken up, nertous to the hight degree, and nearly dnven to despair. At that time I read ahout the Cdticura Remediss, intended to try them, and droppcd the doctors. Afttr applying Cdticcra I had the ürtt night' ret Jor êereral weekt. Using the ÖUTICÜRA. CüTICÜBA SOAP, nd COTICUBi Resoltiüt, with proper judgment, my condition improved lowly but nrelyday by day, untilafter tbree to four montos' use of them I was cured. Our minister, Kev. J. O. Perrault, In Mandan, known me and knows bow I snflered. Any one may write to him and he wiH cerüfy to the truth of this testimonial. K. K. 8TEINBBUECK, Mandan, Horta Dakota. Cuticura Resolvent The new Blood nd Skin Purifier and greatest of Humor Remedies, internally, oleantes tbc blood of all Impnrities and poisonous elementó, while Cuticdra. the great Skin Cure, and CuticüRA Soap, an exqulsite Skin Purifier cnd Beautifier, exterDally, clear the skin of every trace of disoaec. Sold everywhere. Priee, CüticüRA, 50c; Soap, Í6c; RE8OLYBNT, $1. Prepared by the Potter Unuci and Chkhical Cokpobation, Boston. " How to Cure Skin Diícaseo," 64 pages, SO ülustrations, and testimoniáis, mailed free. D I UPLES, blackheads, red, rough, chapped, and I lili oily skia cured by Cüticüra Boap. Th HOW MY BACK ACHES! fc Back Ache, Kidney Pains, and WeakS--?AI nes, Soreness, Iameness, Strains, and I f Pain relieved in one minute by the W Cuticur Anti-Fnin Piaster. Noricrë to Cbeditohs. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, CODNTY OF WA8HO Notira is hereby given. that by an order of the Probate c'ourt ior the ('ounty of Washtenaw. made on the tenth dny of June, A. D., ]I2. six months from that date were allowed for credltors to present their cbtims aerainst the estáte of Lyman S. Wood. late of said eountv, deeeased, and that all creditors of said decea-ied are reqnired to present their claims to said Probate t'ourt, at the Probate Ollice in the city of Aim Arbor, tor examination and allowance, on or hefore the tenth day of December next, and tbat sueh claims will be heard before said Conrt on the tenth day of September and on the tenth day of December next. at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each oï aid days. Dated, Ann Arbor, Juue 10, A. D. 1892. J. WILLARD BAIiüITT. Judge of Probate. Notice To Cketiitop.?. QtAlB OF MICHIGAN, County of Waaktest naw, ss Notice is hereby given, that by an order of the Probate ('oiirt for the Couuty of Washteuaw, made ou the eighteeuth day of July, A. D. 1X92, six montus from that date were_ allowed for creditors to preseut their claims against the estáte of Ellzabeth H. Wines, lutu of said county deceased, and that all creditors of said deceased are required to preseut their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, for examination and ftllowauce, on or before the eighteenth dav of Jauuary next, and that such claims will will be heard' before sairt ('onrt, on the eighteenth day of October and on the eighteenth day of January next, at ten o'clock in the forenoou of each oi said days. Dated, Ann Arbor. July 18th, A. D. 1S92. J. WfLLARD BABBITT Judge of Proba lc. Estáte of Johs H. Fogerty. STATE OP MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw,ss. At a sessiou of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at Probate Office, in the City oí Aun Arbor, on Tuesday, the second day of August, in the vear one thousaud eight hundred aud uinety-two. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte oí John H. Fogerty, deceased. On reading and Hling the petition, duly yerified of Emina Foxerty, prayiiig that administration of said estáte may be granted to herself or some other suitablt; person Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday the ;renty-nl nth day of August next, at ten o'clock iu the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petitiou, and that the heirs at luw of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Aun Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should uot be granted. And it is further ordered, that said petitiouer give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pondency of said petition and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Courier,,anewspaper printed and circulated in said County, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT. (A true copy) Judge of Pbobate W. G. Dotv, Probate Register. T. & A. A. Special Rates. Special rates of ome and one-third fare lor the ronuml trilp will be made ïor tlie foOowibg: Hackley Park Assembly Camp Meetitng at Muiskcgon. Mich. Tickets on bale Aug. 2'd to 12t'h', liimited to retiMTiimg August 13th, 1892. For tlie Laneioig Kaces, tickets on eale Au. 16th to 19th liinited to retu-m August 20th '92. E. 8. GREENWOOD,


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier