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National Bank Prejudice

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The wninn witii wlik-h the people'a party and alllahcè men geherally purbe the national banks would be amuaing wre it not for lts injustlce and Ore ranfe falïacy of lts reasöaing. Tlie claim tliat nationaJ banks are mak:ng 35 percent, on capital invested is proven fatec right here in uur üwn city. Here there are three banks, one mationa] and two State. Another new bank te being organized to do business ander the state law. 1 Sö per cent. could be made on the capita] of a national bank would not our banks organizo under tlie national instead of under the stat law, in a. hurry? Doos it not Ktand to reaon thiit capitall seeks the avenues that are the moest productive. The tact is that natitmal banks eau ■with diifieulty rea-lize 6 or 7 per cent. upan thvir capttal, and tlicn they are Bampeied In a way that business raen having money to hundle, do not like." Thpy cu not loan inoney upOn rel e.statc, and tlivir money deposited with the sovernment in banks to secure their oirculation could oftcn be usetf to mueli bettcr profit. To-day thore are; fewer ' national bonks than there vere last year, anü th decrease is constant. Under the exteting banking laws it is only a question of time when the natkmal bante wHl all drop out of exieteme Very (ew rcorsanizc wlicn tíselr harters expiro, but disc-ontinue as nati'onal banks and organize under the state law where tlioy are beer and can make more money. The Kovernnwnt d!ow business in a perfectly safe way, and the nattoual bank cmrpency is worth its laoe :n gold the worlrt over. are a class of money sharks who would like to eee our state banks ÏSsue a ii-cnlatin.íí rai'ilhiiu the same te in tbe oíd wilrt-oat times, so that y miht makc foi-tuncs tor themM'lvr :u a nlght, aml fleee the peo{Ie out of hai-d-oariK-d ilollai-s. Vliai clase of ■iinam-k'rs" liave got np cry against national banks, ii.nd ar.' attieiaptlllg to use the alttance people as a catepaw. Two yeare ago demcratic reformara rre !ourt n thoir talk and demonstratlve in tlM'ir affection for the "granger!" "Farmer Winaiw" was the man to cure all the ills that liad er bothered the farmers of Michigan! Th;s ycar ■'Farmer Wmans" iñ it. Imt i lawyer has been sel and put at the in-ad of the "retorm" ticket : ,in--.s a slteker worker ' The "farmers" be d ,1 thla year ! Michigan deanocracy e "reformlng(!)" again !- IJülsdale Leader. Democratie sign board for Is'.il': "Xo farmers wantod - in office." "All we ivanf of the farmers is to vate the democratie ticket."- Democratie Dosses. Squ&wbuck oil win groase tlic watert K-o thiat Judge Morse can slide i:p salt rivor vt-ry ,-lirkly next fall. AmiIc ïi-cini -Jinltï' Morse, thE democratie ticket is ui the sanie light caliber thai ciiaracterized it two years ago. Judge Moree v!ll have to stand on a platform oí "quawbuek reform." and nor on hls own record as a -i.l.ürr. The people ■vill give their saneti'on to Benjamins' weering bis grandlather's nat four yeare more. It has proven a perfect fit. W'ill the democratie ixattonal eomnüttee distrilrat Burlre Oockrans' .ureat .-pc.vh at the late democratie coovention as a campaign document ? Es-Senator Bpoomer has been nomimated by the republicana oí Wisconsin for gorernor, and Mr. Peek will !e au ëmpty mcasuro after November. Iovers of honor and fair p'.ay will bpg ri'im'inlR-r th;it at both Ilomesrtead and Coal Creek tiie flag of ti'iu'e wás dlehoniored by the rioters. -Detroit Tribune. All the republiean women of the nation are Invited to meet at Buffalo, X. Y., on Friday Sept. 15, in connecinn with the National Republiean ,c,-isru' nvaetÏDjg at that time. During the war Mr. Cleveland and Ir. sttvni-im eaeh iurnished their vn snbstitute. This fall the peolc wUl furnish a subetltute for each f themi. That's the difference. 'Capita! can take car; of itself," s an ald and tri te saylng. But the merican plan, of which the repubean party is the exponent, believcs i capital taking care of labor also. Ir' Gov. Winans appoint.s Wm. Newo.n, of FKnt, to fill the place that ust i! e Jliii-se must vacate. tln suniu' licmii ai this state will be the ainer. .lud.i;-!' Xewn.n is a murli l)ler man than Judtre Morse. The repv.blicáws prrs.'iit a farmer tor (óvcrnor; tin clpmoerats present a luw.vor for th-e saine office. The will rei urn n verdict in favor of hornat in:l ni'xt November, and thcn tlic liHvyer nvill n t be in it. Gov. Flower (1U1 not lu'sitate in oallinp out tii-e st-fito müitia oi Xcw Ifork. wIk'h the strikinir switchmen commenreii their rlhstanlly work of' burning op and destroying property. In marker! contrast -vitli Gov. Pattison, of I'cnnsylvania. S. r. Bignall, of Handy township, prcsiilrd over th.E rrwnt democratie n.unty eonvention in Hoivell, and ttuiade a speecli. In tliat kpeech he &aid: ''The demiocratic party lias year piojfeï . ri -■' tvaile plank ut'n incidcntiil jjrotection." the pèople'a party in Illaetrated hand-bills, sont all over the county calis u[on the laboring men to joiii that party, and to "vote as they hoot," that is, vote the people'.s ticket, ae tlnere is no hope for them in oithor of the old parties, it Is elaimed. The "race problem," il tliere ia such a thing; and the suffrage problom can lie solved very easily. Let thre Ibe an ed'ucational test for suörage, and 110 pri-son, uative or foreign boni, te allowed to vote uutil he has residcd in this land oi freedom 21 years. Sarnia Is a ('anadian town directly aci'ws.s the ïrom Port Huron. In I)rt Huron wool is quoted at 28 conts per pound. In Sarnia it is quotod at 18 cents per pound for the sanie grade. Take the tariff off of ivool, as the Argue advocates, and where woiuld the price go to ? lindel DoMe is kinsí of the turf toöay. That je, hls horse Nancy Hanks, has beoome queen of the aforesald turf by trolttimg one mile in 2:07 1-4 Bfl.itnu.tee, beatins thc world record al Maud 8.., whdch was 2:08 3-4. Oí muisc thíe event transpirad in Chicaso, tire fastest city in the world. Col. H. Clay Kinj;, the murderer, wliutíe neek was sa ved from the gallows in Tennewee by a letter writtcn by Grover Cleveland to the assassain's niccé, and forwardetl to Gov. Iliu-hiinan, ought to tafee the Btump for his aéüverer. It would be no more than fair, as one good turn deserves anothor. H;iv? yon not often lieard our democratie bretln-en say: ■'Ileciprocity! Why that's only another name for free trade. Yoi republicana have attempted to steal our thunder, that'fl all." And then to have the democratie platform denounce reciprocity tua a fraud seems jus t a little ijueer, dóësn't it ? A. lile long democrat living in this tmvuship had the wool taken from liii eyes and his neighbors suspect that he has met With a change of heart. A -vould-be friend ivas recently heard to say: "If N. L. votes the republican ticket thi.s fall he shall be made to lose his pension." Talk of coerción at the soutli.- Howell Republioian. Dr. II. F. Thomas, of Allegan, the rcpublican nominee for congress in the faurth district, is a U. of M. boy, having graduated -n-ith the medical lnssoif '08. He is also a former Normal school student. He enlist-ed in Cta. I). Tl li Mtch. Cavalry, on his 18th birtlxl.-iy, asa prívate, nnd served all ihrouKh the war, coming home a lieutcuant. HlB regiment belonged to the famouB Clister brigade whlch saw siK-h lively service. Dr. Thomas -vvill be electefl, and be a representaUw Uiai Miahigan will be proud of. Said i Mas?on man, (nat a renublieaa,3 wlio Chanced to drop into the Republkan office: "Tlie demócrata have no chance in the state this fall. The last ifeeielature was the worst lliat we ever had. The capital was a regular saloon- a place 'or had wonnen-] mil it a regular desecíatlon of the State government."- Howcll Republican. Will tome of OUT norlhern free trade nemo.-rats expláín the fact tliai every eautherner is a rank (ree irader V By routheriü-r is not meaiit the raen who lia w gone to the south s:n :e the war aiul built up Industries, but the true blue, natural bom Dixieitc. Is ttDere any ather reajson than that oï cheap labor, or slave labor, as the case may be ? The enemiee oí Gov. Winans may gay -liar they please, they ean not po;nt to a dishonest or tricky thing ihat lic dome during his adminietration. WJiile not an acjhnirej pi the gentleman's politics, it seems unLiralcfui ;r the party to kirk otil an Official wiio has served it so well. 'l'iiat's the reason, probably tha-t h ha beeo turned swa. rfome oï the boeees found out tliat they could not ttu h:iü. In SBuing a proelajnation retaliatinsr upon the (.anadian government lts aiscrimiaatron ágalnst U. 8. vessels and tonnage In tlie Weiland canal, by a like discrimlnatlon againel Canadian veesels and tonnage at the Sauli Ste Mario canal. President Harrison has done a deed tiiat all trae American-; -viil honor hini for. Xext year tli ■ Canadians wlU have a canal oí thclr own at "the Soo," and wiH not can-e for the tolls. Xdw te th i laaie bo aet. Do the men who are particlpatin.u: in these strikes all over the country thiuk they are helping tlie cause oí labor by their actions ? No cause was t'V.T yrt advanced by burning or prpperty or by murdering eiitzons. Sucb things paralyze business, oppress the houest laborer, and help the world to lose conlidence in maiikiml. If mu-Ii thinxB keep on it wlU not be löag beíore capital will be wltJidrawn ironi business enterprisee, and general stagnation oí business and suífering will íoIIoav. Supposiag t Itere weíe 10,000 laborera in Washtena-v connty and no capital to be invésted in enterprises that ' woultl give them employment? Of what value "xvould tlieir labor be to tluem ? On.tbe othcr hand euppoeing there were si, 000,000 in AVashtenaw county, geekitig invctmcnt and no laborera to be obuuiu'd to maJce that capital product i ve ? Capital, liowi'vfr, can live without employment, but labor can not. The Fbje tliing to do is to help, not to crush each other. . "Tljjs :j be ;i C&ln&aign of edun," remarles one of our dentoejatfc exehanjivs. It is to be Bilïcerely hoped that it will be. The republican party alwaye wins suoh ciTCumistaneee. The more the people are educatéd, the more republicans there ure. Liut it is doubtful if the demex-rats eau be held down to that plan. They are already apjnaliug to raoe prejudice and howling about -'the foi-oe bill." It seems that the sO'Utherners are not afraad of negro domination howe-er, when they want the negro votes to help out in quarrels ljetween themselves. Here ls a quotation from the Confedérate constitution that you may Or may ncrt have ever read before: "Ooiigreitj Bhall have power to lay and Cüilfct taxes, duties and excise for revenue on'.y . . . but no duties ■or taxe on importation.s from foreign nattons sliall be laid to promote or foster any branch of industry." And then perhaps there may be found some .similiarity to the above iu the democratie national platform of 1892: "We declare it to be a fundamental principie of the democratie party that the Federal jyovernment has no orns tit ut tonal power to enforce and collect tariff duties except for the purpose of revenue only." The democratie state convention, Erbtch met in Grand Rápida lasf Weilnesday, placed in nomination the following ticket: For Üovernor ALLEN B. Morse of Ionia County. For Lieiit.-Goyuruor J ajíes P. Edwards of Houghtou Couuty. For Secretary of State Chas. F. Marskey of Saglnaw Couuty. For Auditor-General Jas. A. Vannier of Marquette County. lorTreasurer Frederick Marvinof Wayne County. ior Attoruey-General ." A. A. Ellis of Ionia County. lor Commissioner i „ „ „ State Land Office, ( Shaffeb of Cass County. For Superintendent of ) ,, „ „ Fubhc Instructlon, i Feeris S. Fitch of Oakland County. For Member State ) .' Board of Educatiou.i James k. Burr of Genesee County. For Elector-at-Large.) „ „ _ Eastern District, ) Düeasd _ _. of Genesee County. tor Lleftor-at-Large, I Western District, j Peter White of -Marquette County.


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Ann Arbor Courier