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A Perfect Succes. VIL The Hev. A. Autoine. of Bef ugio, Tex., writes : As far as I aui aWe to judge, I thiuk Pastor Jkoenig's Nerre ÏO'.io ia a perfect success. for any one who suffered frorn a most painful norvousness 1 dkl. 1 ieel now like mysolf again after tekicg the Tonio. Sr. Vincent's Hospital, Toledo, O., Jujuö 0, 18Ü0. We U86d Pastor Koenig's Nerve Tonic for epileiitíc fits in the cast of a Mrs. Gorman, and it Btopped the fits from t'ua time slje ouin:uencod takiu„' it. We ish yoj au e.;teu=ive su,le for this beneñeent remedy, SIS1ER BKAUY, Socretary. Grand Hapids, Mioh., Oot. 8, 18'.!O. I used Pastor Koenig's Serva Touic in Mra. Sullivun's case, nnd it gave entirc satisfaction, and she has nd end of praise íor it, and never lorgets to reconimend it to the sick and aufferIng. I have heard others say they usod it with the same fiood resulta. THOS. KEATING. PBfl"-A Valuable Rook on Nervoüs V V M Iise;ises se:it fïee to any address, [ n f and poor patieuts can also obtain I llbh tliis medióme free of cliarsc. Tliis remedyhas been prepared bythe Reverend Pastor Koenig, of Fort Wavne, Ind., eince 18T0, and 6 now prepared uuder bis direction by the KOENIC MED. CO.. Chicago, III. Sold by Dmggrists at UU per Bof tle. S for S5. larae Size, S1.T5. 6 Bottles tor 0. BE A MAN APOLLO WAS A PERFECT MAN. PERFECT IR FORM -HATCHLESÍ IN WAR! a0ïi0üJ were toe ancieata for sialwart meo ihat ƒ" A Puoy bojsat hirth werc pul todcath. Jia Every MAN can be BTRONO ,yytr-y ndVIQOROUS ín MI respecte fíMln Y0ÜNQ mH 0R GLB, y Ál "Sering from NEEV0Ü8 DEy1 yYX BILITY, lost or FaiUng MnlY)ZyA nood, Phyuical Exceiíei, Mental Wi' sA I i) Worry, Stunted Eevelopment, or II iCXi'J anyPEEBOKAL WEAKKEBS, can bi I f reitortd to ÏEEFECT HEALTH and II I I the N0BI-E VITALITY of STItOHS y I ME, th Pride and Power of Nation. V ll I 1 Te claim by yeara of practice by L ] I our exclusive methods a uniform B Jl IVMONOPOLY OrSU0CESS"in treatVfi 5s ingall Dijeascr., Weakneiseí and _ ■ - k- -1 AOlctlom of Men. Testimoníala T- ' f rom 50 StateB and Territories. OUR NFW RnfiK wi?j beJerít Sree, ealed, post.. vii EW BUUIPaiMoralmitPd timé. Oe whüe you can. Tnll Eiplanatiom for HOME TKEATMEKT. Yon can be PÜLLY BEBTOEED as Thomandt nare been byns. Rsad our testimonial. Addreisatoncí CRIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, N.Y. CARTERS] uit L k Ljul CURE Bick Hc-adache and relieve all the troubles Incident to a bilioua Etate of the systcm, sueh aa DizzinesE-, Nausea, Drowsinesa, Buitreas after eatiüg. Pair, in the Bide, &c. Whilo thcirmost temariable success hafi been ehowu in curing Eeadacbe, yet Cnrter'e Little Llver Pilis are cqiirilly v::luable in Constipation, curing and preventiug thiaannoyin(7conip]aiut.while they also ccrrcct til disordcrtj ioi thostomach.stiinulato tho Ürer and regúlate tiie bowels. Even if Ihey only Acbethcy wonld bc almostpricoless to tiloso who p-uffrfromthisdistrcssiijcomijlaiat; b(lfortunateJy t Lcirgocdueys doos notend hero.and thosa vhooncotry themTFill flnd theae little pilla valuabïe in eomany rays that they will not bo willieg to do without them. But cfter alleick head Is the 1:2nQ of so mr.ny lives thrt hore in whero ve malie rurgre-at bcast. Our pillucuroit whila ctherB do not. Carter's Littlo Eiver Pilis are very Bmall and vcry easy to take. Üne or two pills ïuake a doso. They are Btrictly vegetable and do not gripe or pntBBj but by their geutlo action ploago all who Use them. In vialsat 25 cents ; fivo for $1. Sold fcy druggists ererywhTe, or pont by mail. CARTER MEDfCINE CO., New York. SKALLPILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALLPRICE UC Mtssed hli Opportnolty! IM)'T Mls IlL. ïunrallcader. Tne majorityneglect their opporto nities, and from thut cauae live in pover ly and dio in obscnrityl HarrowingdeBpair is thotot of many, as they look back on loet, foreverloBt, opportnnity. Hitleli passing! Reach out. Be op and doing. Improveyour opportunity, andsecm-epi-oiperity, prominenco.peace. Itwasaaid cy a philosoplier, that "the Goddlt of Fortane offers a Kolden oppot tauity to each person at oma period of lire; embrace thecliance, and she ponrs out hor ricbei ; fail to do eo and abe departa, nevtr to retnrn," How shall you find tbe GOLDBlf opportunityf Investigtt 6Tery chance that appears wortby, and of fair promii; that ís wbat alt surcessfnl men do. Here is an opportunity, mch as is not o ft en within tbe reach ot laboring peopl. Improvad, it will give, tit least, s grand start in life. The golden opportunity f'or many it here. Money to be madt rapidly and honorably by auy iDdnitriom person f either aex. All ages. Yon can do the work and live at home, whervTyon Rre. Eren beginners are ea-ily earning froni S5 to SIO por day. Yon can doaswellify.m w'll work. not to Imnl, ïmt indoitrii'osiy; and yon can ncreuse yónrlnèotnOHS vn go on. Yon can give spat e time onty. oral) yonrtlmeto the work. Etey to learn. Copitn! not réqiiired. "Ve sihi-i ron. AH is comparatiTely new mid rent) y wcrnici ful. We ftistrnet and Bbow you huw. tree. !';iilure utittuowiifAtiionff our worktrs. No mout i exi)ati liure, Write iiitl luma all free, Sretorn toiill ühwïm to delay. Aií.Iiuki ut once, II. allet !., Uóx ÖSO, l'o.iiam!, Mulne. Wmmm rOÜct ',Cí 73 V IJ fTK of BelleviUe, Kan.: IXí ■ O "Wheo I begaa your y yTNSv S r tretroent 3 mo. ago I wu 10 ilv iTi erh&ustd by ailmnu that I could net' Bfor. After. Lok. Ce any work, Tbe nccompanvin? AVeïght 24P Ibi 196 Ibt SO Ib nres sbow therilt ot 3 montbí' Bitst fc Ín. 3' Id. 11 la. Cjfnt. I non fee! like an-w binp. lilf ' Waist... 4C' in. 1(9 ín. 11 io. 6d paínsarc kll j,-one. My frtend ore-Hips .... 5T in. 48 la. y In. Ra-frised. Wiil chi-erfullv n-piv ty inouirits wlth tamp lnclosed." PATIENTS TREATEÖ BY MA(L. CONFIDENTlAt. Hurmlf ss. So Sli.rilup. Sn] 0 í. nts lo anini f-r panlcuiarí to M. 0. w. r stfYOEü. nwME's theatú wicaíq, iu. RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY. GROCERY. A N D FLOUR AND FEED STORE. tt'e keep constautly ou hand BREAD. CRACK ERS, CAKES, etc., for Wholesale and retal] trade. We shall also keep asupply oí SWIFT & DEÜBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour ! osbíástg?í:sctof.kb EED, atc, at wholesale and retaü. Atrunerulstoek of &R0CERIES anö PROVISIÜNS Constantly on hand. ivhich wil] be sold on a reasonable tenns as at any othur liouse iu the R&JxHP paid for BOTTER, EGGS, and COLNTRY PRODUCE generally. Goods deüvered to any part of the city Without extra cnarge. RINSEY & SEABOLT.


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