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Short Chapters For Farmers

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On snndy soils, grow clover and sow plaste]-. Ime makes clay soils more open uid porous. Muck soi] s gopd for celery or onon gTOWing. All yorcmg animáis need to bc kept dry and warm. Tnrn to pasture íor but a few hours a day at l'irst. The weight oí testimony is against wcift-htiug si loa. Keep up the sumnier as woll as the as winter feed. (iive th-e sow and pig'S the run of a elover patch. Prepare fco provide your stock with a varlety oí íeed. Hto'iiw floore should be martp impenetrable to air. The greatest enemy your shcop lia ve s the írcc trader. Wo'od shaviniís contain but little fertilizing material. A wrong nerer beeomes rlght, Iioavever oíd it may be. Do all you can with the cultivator and save hand -work. Use whitewash freely around stables and outhouses. The black knot fungue travels long (INI unces on the wind. Lettuce is a good sedative and is used ae such in medteine. Wanted- A winter oat that will stand our northern climAte. Liime on tire so il destroys many fivngus and insect growths. L,ime help.s deeompotse organic matter and fit it for plant food. Have a eart tor heavy work and use a lig-hter lumber wagon. Tlie tumor the ajiiraal tlie mnre good it extracta froin its food. Ron. ds should be prepared under the direct ion of trained enjïineers. Apply land piaster at the rate of 200 to 300 pounds to the acre. Air-slacked linie absorbB carbonlc acid gas and becomos insoluble. Learn the character of your foods nnd coanbine yoair own rationa. Save all the manure possible; you will have less need to purchase. The hot wat-er treatment of oats to prevent smut meete with Favor. Rainy dajrs may be profitably employed in putting tools in repair. Oottonseed meal wltn too large a port ion of hulls is beins sent out. The N. Y. Tribune and the Ann ArlKir ('ourier both for $1 per yenr. In whatever you do, seo the proper couditions nre taaintained. It was a great stride in advance to loarn lvow to grow todder corn. For meadoira, never sow together grassos that do not rlpen togethpr. H'oeing early in tlie morning works well in the garden, exeept with beaue. Yentilat the cellar into a chimney tliat has a fire ooranetíted with it. A cellar under a house is an adavntn're, if kopt dry, olean and sweet. Ohestnut trees sliould be set in groóips for thip purpose of fertilizatioii. Forty to sixly bnsJiela oí lime to the acre is guíficient for one appltcation. Poor or wet wood is an unneoossar.v trial of the patience of tlie house ■vife. The preparattoai of +ho soil goes far toward dotermiaina,1 the yield of a erop. Have th pipe of the pump In your eiBtern run to within six inehes of the bot torn. Io not depend on the moon to corrwt any delay, neglect or bad pioce of work. Keep your pota toes and applee in tïie cooi!t and darkest place you ean 'ftod. Ijamd plaister (sulphato of lime) ie Mie best form of limp to use as an alvsorbent. In ou'tti.nff pota (oes for seed, remcmber the eye runs toward the stem ond. A tariff "for revenwe only" would drive the American farmer to the poor house. PastuiMiiis n sprint; and pastnring in fall are two effectïve waysi of spoilins' inoadows. Dncle Sam's business is to Jtidiclnnsly distribiito new seeds, not to soa tier old ones. Tlie wisc farmer is the on;' who lci'r])s up with tho times, The way to do tlvat is to invest $1 in the Ann Arbor Oonricr and tlio New York Tri1)une. There is ton oonts a pound differenoe in the priee of wool between tlio United States and Canada, in favor of onr farmers. Remore the MrKinley tariff and onr "vool would oome down to the Canadlan Ie vel, Perfórate ant hill and ponr in a solutiotn in the proportlon of ome pound of ornde carboMc acid to four quarts oï water; tlien pack the earth ver with a spade. A p:ill will destroy tlie ants in a smal'l li til.


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Ann Arbor Courier