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TERRIBLE JTCHING üsed Everythlng Five Months. ín Threc Weeks not a Scar or Pimple. Cured by Cutieura. When roy baby wm three months oíd bis cheek. I and forehead began to break out with white pira, pie on red surface. In a few dys , itching coraVenced. which terrible Afwourub ri'.SAtt from the points. ín a JTry r ERl short time it spread over Jfr 'Jfín ifi thctopof hiBhead.ther. , ui (r bc19 8OOn íormed or Wa' 1 head and face' W UBed Ri I everything we could Ht , j hear of íor nearly five JS - " L montha. It grew woree (fia rfk y Sr all the time. I aaw your V , . W advertlíementof theOu. VI UJ. fl TICURAKBMEPIESintne jtk. ƒ "Chicago 'Weokly." We _l ' purchased CtnccsJ - Remedies Dd com menced their use. ín three weeks' time there was not a aore or pimple, not even a scar, on head or face. He in nineteen months oíd now.aod has no signa of the disense. Hi scalj; U healthy and he has a beautiful head of hair (dee portrait herewith.) Mr. OSCAR JAMES, Woodston, Kan. My lnfant elghteen monthe old, wa affllcted wlth Mn eruption on his hip. Bad aore come on other port. AU remedies failcd until I procureii Cuticura. Cured a year and no return of disease. MBS. A. M. WALKER, Carionville.G. Cuticura Resolvent The new Blood Purifler, internally (to cleanse thi blood of a!l impurities and poisonou element), and Cdticuba, the great Skin Cure, and Cuticura Soap, an exquisite ökin Beautifier, eilernally (to clear the skin and scalp and reitore the huir), havo ured thouiands of case where the euffenng was almoit beyond endurance, hair lítele or all ftone, distigurement terrible. What other remedie have made auch marvellou curea? Sold everywhere. Price, Cüticuba, 60c; Soap, 25c; Rksoltbnt, $1. Prepared by the Potter Drug and Chemical Cobporatiom, Boston. ÍS-Send for " How to Cure Bkio Dieae8," M page, 50 illustratiotu, and 100 testimonial. n 1 n 'O Skin and 8calp purifted and beautinca PAbl J by Cuticdba Soap. Atnolutely pure. ACHING SIDE3 AND BACK, Hip, Kidney, and Uterine Pain and Weaknetsei relleTed in one minute by the Cuticnr AnU-Fain Platter, the firt and only pain-klUing piaster. WANT COLUMN. "Short advertisemeuts not to exceed three ines. or Lost or Found Houses for Sale or Reut, Wants, etc., ináerted three weeks for 25 cents. Sitnations wanted. ïree. ÍOR SALE - Uood seco::d-hand Billiard 1 Table in excellent condition, with rack andenes. Enquire at the Coüriek Ofeice. 28 FOK SAL.E- One good two story shed 16x32, one open buggy, one liï bbl. tank, good re ■air, cheap. Also several old sheds and barn md second-hand luinber. F. M Halloek. __ 2_ FOUND- AiiKiist 3rd, 1892, on the T. & A. sonth bonnd train a shawl. The loser can have the same by aeuding a description of it to the Leader Office, Milan, Mich., and pay for this ad. 26 FARM FOR RENT- I wish to rent my farm of 100 acres in the township of Salem, 10 miles northeast of Ann Arbor. For further informntion. enqnire of Chas. Kingsley. 13 S Thayer street. 26 TO n office suite over F. & M. Bank cor. Main and Hurou sts. Apjily at Courier Office. FOE SALE- A complete boarding house outfit for sale at -18 S. State street. Inquire at 49 S. Main street. 27 IOR SALE OR TO RENT - Several good ' farms, also city property for sale. Apart of the price on time if desired. Also a. farm to let. 31 F. L. Parker, Arm Arbor. FOR SALE- 1,000 shares of Michigan Iroii Mining Co. stock. Office of the eompauy is at Ypsilanti, Micu., ivhcre inquines as to the mine may be made. Address for pricexf above stock, " It. R., 27 Grand Rapids, Mich. FOR SAI.E OR RENT- Three story lrick octagon dwelliug just across froin University campus, at Xo. 11 NortI) University veuue. Four lots and a fraction. Fine grouuds. Cellar undcr whole house. First floor finished ia oiik. Steara heated. Baru aud greeuhoude. For iuformiitlou iiddress H. V. WlNCHKLL, 27 Minneapolis, Minn. Teachers' Examinations. Examinations of teachers in Washtenaw county, ior the ensuing school year, vill be held as follows: The regular examination wlll be held each year om the first Thursday oJ Mareta and August at the county Beat. Applicants lor all grades can ouly be examined at these dates. Special examinations will be held at: Ann Arbor, last Friday of Aug., '92. Ypsilanti, last Friday oi Sept., '92. Ann Arbor, last Friday of Oct., '92. Ann Arbor. last Friday of Mar., '93. MARTIN J. CAVANAÜGH, Com. Set "em" up - Priaters. Poor talkers- Stammerers. Makcs a hit - The hammer. A tank offering- Rain wattr. Staltos in to üianer- AsparaRiis. Something out of date- The pit. Society tail bearers- Dress coats Public property - No Man's Land Brmiglit up ivïth the rod- Trout. On the brow of the Hill- Anxiety Men of observattan - Astronomers A preeio-us pair - Diamcrad earrlnge.


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Ann Arbor Courier