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Freedom youths ure about forming a bilcyele club. The Jackson county fair is to be held 9ept. 26 to 30. The eolored campmeeting at So. Lyon Uid not materinlize. Remember the Farmer's Picnic at Whitmore Lake, Aug. 27. Plymouth has a base ball club t'hat knoeks out all opponents. Mr. Reider, of Manchester, had 40 eliickens stolen from his coops recentiy- Henry Batee, after living in Kansas 20 years, is visiting relatives at Dexter. A well-attendeil farmer'n picnic wae held at Haze's grove, I'inckney, Tnesday. 4 towiiship Sunday Bthool convention was held at Plymonth last Sunday. Teacher's examination at the court house, in Ann ArbOT, on Fritlay, Aug. 26th. Many oï the tonns this summer have gathered too much wind ior even wind-mails. Mre. S. and granddaughter Jennie Oampbell, of Sharon, have pone to Duiluth. The Dundee Agrlcultural Association "will hold their second ;inmiai fair Sept. 13, 14, 15, and 1G, 1892. It is said that over 600 bushels of wbort-teberriee have been ptcked from the maretas in the vi-inity oí W'ati rSave that nloe ampie of garden prodiKt and bring iit to the county fair at Ann Arlor, Sept. 27 to 80 inclusive. It i sawl by good authority that fifteen candidates are hiistling for each ome of the t-oanty office.- Dexter Leader. This'one t'rom the Graas Lake News: "Why are Francisco glrls like boiled potatoe; ■? Becanee they ure easily mashed." Tlie Alumni aasocletlon of ter are canvasslog the town with a vw'w oí aecurtog a tourse of lectures tor the coming winter. The Milán Leader announces that "Deputy-Sheriff Ueorge Van Blarciim is not a candMate for sheriff on the. democratie ticket." The sound of coal rattling down the seuttle holes fail to make us cool, but the high prive aeteed for the coal makes us hot.- Enterprise. It has just leaked out that David B. Taylor, of Olielsea, was nominated flor Ktate treasurer, by the prohibitionistw, a week or two ince. ioo. Peatt, of Webster, has flut deewn a drive well and proposes he-reafter to allow the wind to do his pumping (or htin, with a windmill. J. "W. Moou, republican nominee far totigrösB in the 'Jth district, is a nephew oi Mr. Bucketew, Mrs. Warren and Mrs. John Vaughn. - Dexter U-ader. The proper authorittee at Dexter have added 00 new volumes tt the township lkbrary, maklng sumething over (jüü volunres now belonglng to that collectioin. Pi-of. M. A. AVliitncy, síup't of gchoolb at Ypsilanti, was married at Athens Mo., Aug. 10, to ilifi.s Eva Belle Jud kins. They wtH be at home in Ypsi lanti after Sept. lst. Mr. A. K. Beal and wile and Mr H. A. WlUiama and family, of Dexter pent a few daye last week with Mr and Mrs. Chas. Booth and other rel ativee. - Northvllle Record. ITie New York Tribune and the Am Arbor Courier 11 be ent to any ad dreee, tar a short time only, for the price af oue paper, $1 a year. A bet ter offer was oever made. A gtranger witb a guiteleaa look hlred a livery rlg n Milán abotut two weeks ago. The livery man thinks he WKniId know the m:ui. should lie ,v,.r eee hiin again.- Adrián Press. ,i effori being mede to estabHsh a new and important enterprise ure- that of a comWfièd butter and cliieese factwry om the farmers' co-operative plan.-Mllan Leader. e Knighte oi Pythilas, of l'lymouth, Xurthviilc and Salem wlH hin m a big picnic In Starkweather's roodB, D. t. & OroBSing, Fedneeday, Scpt. 7th.-Plymouth rail. Tiu Warihtenaw Oounty Falr this -car presenta more attractiana than ver liefore. Tlie authoritiea have oncluded to get up a good show egardlese oí expense, and it wlll ,. a good ono, too. The regular meeting oí the Webster farmer' Dub, which waa to Have K'cn held at the residence oí Ira Back,s next Saturday, the 27th, has boen wstponed to Seturday, Oct. 8, to De fld av the residence oi Woostej: ge. The lad who ohoppeil into aome hade trees at Dexter had better not muíate WashtnKtoa'fl example. He „.,tT lie abomt ït. K ne doeen't lite u-ker may be worked up into eárpet age by toe Irate man wlio owns the rees, W Bpgew has been makíng the pround' tu the rear oï the Methodist hnreh look quite respectable. Plow, orees and ecrapers have clianged be ?urface very mu.-h. and a few nore dáye work wiM make it quite ttractive.- Dexter Leader. On .Monday a lrge nuni,.,■ ot láie graeB-hoppera lell ín this age and went hoppins, hopping wrywlvere. Boya and men captur,1 scopes of the. hoppers and placea hem in Cigai and other boxea to be ised tor fteii balt.- Manchester Enterprise. tbOOBaadB of rice liirds roost in he marshes atong the lower pond every night and aiford abindant port for soms of onr hunterw, who taud uion the river banks and tihoot tato the flocks s they fly over, frequiently killin 10 at a shot.- Enerpriise. Ou Momday oí last week Frank Reabon, of Tutnam, Bold to Wm. McPherorn, 84 fleeces of Frenen Merino deane-wool that went 12 :5-4 pounds to he fleece. Mr. Mcl'hersou pronounes it the finest tot of wool of the eind that has been taken in here this oanon.- Howell Democrat. Said ain Oceola aheep raiser: ''H my cow is worth $25 at home, 1 h-ould be doeely related to a fooi, f I sbou.ld ship the animal to Detroit or $20. Uut the Australiana are aecused oí seudiiiK their wool to the imerican raarket when it Is worth nore at home."- Howell BBDi}lican. There are three librarles at Dexter rotm which the public c;.u obtain boolks to reaü, viz.: The lidies' Jirary, the township library and the High School library. Here in Aim rbor the authorities uuited tlu-ir ownshi] library with the school liirary, aud find that it works well, and is lewe expensiive to care for. The aiinual farmers' picnic, given )y the sturdy yeomanry of Brldge-at?r to'witóhip, wlll be held in Frank Palnver's grove on Wedm-sday, Aug. 81. Ex-Gov. Lnice wlH deliver the address. There will be good music nd th uwial siwjrts. Peopl trom UI the sun-nundiii.n' mwns are invited to come and briug thelr baskets of jrovisions and enjoy a basket pï:uic witli us. IisK Kate Oulliu-eiiri died at the niversi'ty Hospital in Ann Arbor, nu-sdny evening a.t 9 o'clock, after a ingeriaiif? and palnful illness. The renains WÖTÈ taken toi the old homestvad of her people ta Bei townsliip. Wednesday moirnlng and the funeral held in St. Joseph's ihurch, FrWay, at 10 a. in. Miss Onlltoene was at oile time a Bucceasíul teacher in the public schools of thta villago and she alao taug'ht in the ward schools of Aun Arbor.- Dexter News. Joe Seott, au Ypsilanti renovator of chiim.ue.vs, drank in the spirit oí our fathers (with a little sugar) tlie crther diay, and when one of the consta bulary, the mayor and several aldcrmen trted to pnrsuade him that he wught to be arrested, he. kaoelwd them all doiwn, but afterward decided to submit, plead guilty, and .nenerouely allow hi.s fatlu-r-in-law to pay hi fine, $10 and costs. whkh haring been done, he was treacherooiely iKnind over for resisting tin oïRoer.- Adrián Proas. Said an old Ome demo.'rat of Maron township to the Ilepublican. Saturday: "Why do the papers talk tin, tin, and tin pail all the time. Even U the MrKüiley bill did ralse the price of tin (whlch it does not) it wouW not make ten cents in a yeai ililterenoe cn wliat I buy lort my familv. On the other hand I .''t ltv cents extra on every dozen of egge BOld and alnit tlie sanie on everj pound of butter. To-day my rif picked Hp nine doxen of eK.ils as wx ptarted to town. Ttoere is 4." cents t the credit of the Ik-Kinley bilí. A little lar of butter gave her as much more. That would balance up the


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier