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$48,000,000 Is A Great Deal Of

$48,000,000 Is A Great Deal Of image
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ey for ome eongreaa to fooi away. The froe traOe bowlers agaimst the McKJnley ]ill will please remember that heretoiore only ubout one-third of our Importe "were on the free list white under the McKtailey bill over oiH'-liall' ari' on the free list. Tbe SprlngfleM Republican, whlch Ie mlsnanjed mr ii la a democratie paper, admitís tliat the república ns are quite Hable u make grat gaina in the connSüg etectiion. It even figures the dcmo'.Tat :c niajority in the next house of repre.seiüatives down to a fine point. Okl BOldters 11 be plea&ed to remi thta pnrngraph, talwii (rom the Durhnm, (X. ('.) Globe: "The pension fraud is tln greatest of the agi - and Cleveland strurk the beggurs in the face. He should be fflvn a chance to hit Vni a.u-ain." .ludiré Morse is With ( leveland. TlrU paper expresses the (sentiment of more than onehalf of the demócrata of this nation. If cTsoléra succeedls in Rotting a föot-hold in the [injtied States ït will be a sad day for life insuranie eompanies. Tlvey wiLl B8 in as despera U' straits as wjre the lire insuvance comipaniies in the fall of 1872, wlH-n ChteèiOQ 'as burnril. ïhey can all weaihcr a heavy gale of epidemie, however, if they will only stand tofietlier and not nllow fear to overeóme their good Judgment. WV liíivp niui'li sympathy for the priMjiiers in Silerian mines, and we wax lndignant over the conduct of ihr Hnssian jrovernment, but we forgiert that in many of the southern hliiic.K of oiir own country tlrere is a .systcni by whioh convicta are sold in gang.s to labor. The cruelties of tliis Kj.stem have been exposed by northern philanthropiist.s and fairmindcd scwithernere. - Boston Journal. Is Judge Miorse running on li is own vr-oi-d. (ir on the record of his party? ShouM he be eleöted go.vernor of Mi', hijran, wonSl he represent his party? It is altogetiier proba'ble that he would. ïhen ihat ïiarty's prineijilcs Avmild have to goveru his acts uimlii tluey not? So the roter better not he deceivcd. It Us the same ■oíd party that is askins your nuffrage, on!y it lis put on a fair lookincc mask t:i hood-wink the people wjth. Tlw pcíip'.e oí Kangas claim that Ferry Simp.-nn lias been slandoring them, and had he not elunk away trom a. large meeting at Widiita the other lay, li' would have bten roughjy handled. Jnde Iïotkin, of Stevens et)., dn in tliat Sini])son wrote thïs sciiiimr in au article published in the 1'AmericaB Watcliman," reeently: "The ïm'ii are Balling their lionor, tlie wmnien tlieir virtue, and the children are becomlng criominals and ootcaté [W bread." Jerry% name is novv Dennis. In Rliodé Mand the state eleetion was held in April and tbe Republicana carrted il by ;m incrensed ma.iority ot' 3,301; in Oregnn the i'ieetïon took place in .Tune and the republieans again tnereased their majority. AlaIkiiiiii votcd tlns moüth and the republicans and people's party decreased the democratie rnajorïty from over 80,000 to los than 10,000, and it is charged ihat cwu that small margin was gained by frand- a usual democratie method In that Kection of the country. Yerily, thiw Is a republican year. Whon a ehüd is bom the attending physk'ian gets $10 and the editor getS a cussing if he happens to make a mSstake in the date or sex. When a mairriage fe solenmized the minisister gets $5 or $10 or even $25; the editor gets a nfckel or two perhaps tor some extra copies, providing the list oí presenta is printed. fflicn a death ocours the undertaker sets $25 and tlio editor a few more nickles ior onie more extra copies. This is a lunny world. It weems to be too inucli one-sided, and the editor on the Wrong sidc- riailiwell Enterprise. A Canadtan member of parliament was appointed to investígate the reasan why so niany of the farmers ot th'at coiintry leít there and carne to the United States. He reported offhially recently, that in nis opinión tlKit it was beeause oi the luxuries that the farmers and laborers had in the 'United States. They soon lecame owners of piaruv, organs. plcnii'es, etc, etc. An exchange remarks npon the (subject: "Seriously epeaJriag, how.ever. a taste for luxury in an immigrant ia not a bad thing. It i-s infinitely better than a taste for dynamite, anarchy, and blood." Tlie official declaration has been made that the strike of the switchmen at Buffalo is ended, and the poor men wlno left their places and quit work beoaiuse ordered to do so by their leaders, are' noxv permitted to go lack to work if tliey can get back undl if not to go to the dogs or worse. Tb;s, lince almost eiery strike that hae been ordered niñee stri'kos were inauguratcd. has been a ad tallare. Th'Ousands of men have been thrown ouit ot employment, and thousands ■of dollars worth of property destroyed, besiides all the salaries lost to tile men who stopped work. A strike is a poor way to adjust differences betwecn employers and employed. It aïwaye creates bitterness between the two and never helps either side to any extent. Alïnost any employer or employers will talk with their men and enter int agreemonts with them, and do mnro for them by friendly talk than by any attempt at force. There is always more or lees mulishness in every man's nittire, and a strike lu-lngs it all out.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier