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The N. Y. Tribune and the Aun Arbor Oourier both for $1 per year. The wise farmer te the one who "keep up with the times, The way to do thiat is to invest $1 in the Ann Arbor Oouricr and the New York Tribune. Candidate for tongress, George A. Poters, oí Seio, has called a convent.ion of the people's party for this the lOth senatiorlial district, to be held at Cheteea, Sept. 12th. The democratie county convention has foeén ealled for Wednesday, Sept. 21st, for th purpose of nominatiiig a coimty ticket, to be held at the colirt house, at 11 o'clock a. m. If the cholera once sets a good foothold im Ann Arbor iit will teach the people ench a lesaon on the sewer quettoia as they never received beiorre. Buit it wlll be a costly lesson. AÜ the little dry weather squdbs vre had last week were knocked out by a fine rain almost beïore the paer got to the postoffice, Wednesday. ThO raio was a Messing and as such w&B lireeted by the people. The Baard oí Health craght to be vX'üant these days. With cholera, malaria, and the efflurrta of thousands of cesspools to coax them on, our ètty i's not in as good a sanitary condition as it ought to be. Tl democratie convention for the first düstrict, will be beid at the o.ourt house, in the eïfcy oí Ann Arbor, on Friday Sept. 23d. For the 2d repreisentative district, will be held on Friday, Sept. 23d, at 11 o'clock a. m., at Saline. An exchange says if you want to ■drive the rats out oí your cellar, yon should go into it with a bass drum after dark at night and pound away with miight and main. The rats will leavo; then plug up their holes and they will keep away. (Wonder how it would do to take the piano down cellar ?) J. Willis Parker, lit. '7r, oï Olathe-, Kansas, has been nominatcd by the republicana of hjs district for state senator. He lias been county attr.rney of Johnson county two terms, and has always beea tliere, as he was bépe at his Michigan homes, véry popular. He is of the right sort to make a. senator out 01. WilBiEUBi Cranc, who Jias been clerking in Levinson's clothjng store for some time past, slw'pped nis household goodis to Ann Arbor yestenlay. ,ih1 -will follow iu a few days with, his wlfe. He jwlll be employed tliere in Scliairer & Millen'e dry goods store. ■Mr. Crane has niade many friends during hls resitfence here, and they all regret liis depad-t'urc- Petoskey Daily Resortr. Gertie Carmo, so callcd- that being her professional nam - the little lady whio made the ascensión in a balloon at our county ia'ir last year, and feil from ai tree in which she "landed," and was quite scvcrely injured, will make no moro ascensions. ShO was killed in Detroit last Thursday. It was a windy day and she hould havO leen prevcnted from taking the hazzard of au ascensión, but ltr darliog and foolhardiness cost her her lifc. The balloon struck against oao of the towers of the xposition building and fcho was so stunned by t!i shock that she feil to the ground and was instantly killed. The fellow who a book efm -n-rite, Feels full of pleasure and delight; And he who draws aud palnts with ease. Your commendation's sure to please, ■ And those proficient in some art Your praise will make a happy heart; But none of these thiugs can compare With farmers at our Oounty Fair, For they to topmost joy will rise, If their big pumpkin gets the prize. Things Avere a trifle dull in (om yostcrday. Henry B. Dodsley is engaged in taking tlie school census. Neaxly the entire Ooairler forcé took in the Detroit Exposition yesterday. A great bargain- The Ann Arbor Oourivr and the N. Y. Tribune both for $1. The excuredon on the M. C. R. R. to Cleveland ha been poatponed till later in the se a son. In Ypisilanti they aire allowed to tuse the lawn boae f ram 6 to 0 a. in., aaid 5 to S p. m. Eithcr running or gtagnant water in the open glitters of our streets suggests sewers, does it not? The monster coal triiBt has elevated the price asaim, and now aur dealei-s are Bellimg at $7 per ton. Union servfcew at tli Baptist clmrch next Sunday evening. Rev. Chus. Young is expected to officiate. Morning services will be resumed at the Unitarian church next Sunday. Evening service will begin Oct. lat. Ttoere were upwards of eighty young gentlemen and ladies who took the special examination of teachers at the court house last Friday. Rev. Bos, af Midland, delivered a very excellent sermón to a large amdienee at t;hie union service at the Presbyterian church last Sunday evening. Subject, "Reeiprocity." People In any way ioiterested in schiools can not help but read the report of Supt. Perry, to be found on tlie 4th page, with pteasure. It its tlw hüstiory of a prosperous year for one of the prosperous schools in the oountry. At tl last nwetinj; of the Brotherliood of ït. Andrew Me,ssrs lirnest .T. Dennan and S. W. Beakes were el?cted delégate to the national conventilon ,oi the Brotherhood to be held at FvowtcHi, Mass., commencing Sept. 28th and eontimiing to Oct. 2d. The thii-a celebratiiton of Germán Hay will take place at Ypsilanti, on Tlminsday, Sept. 8th. The railroads will tesue tickets good to return next day for half-fare. The motor line will IsSiK round trip tickets for 20 cents on tliat dny. Tliere will be a display of titreworës in the evening. Chieken thioves are ööing "good" wwrk in tflils loealicy. Henry Osborn had 50 oï thcui tiakeu in one night, and Janneis C. Allen also lost a rnimber. It is t.h.ought the chickcns find way to this city. We understond tlvat farmers are watching theiir coops and sorae one niay get a charge oï rock salt in suïficient quiantirty to preserve tkem for ome time. I'i.lilks iu our mirg is waxing warm tlie-e days. As the home of a congressioeal candidate, and of a possible county candidate, Scio"s carapaign timber is bound to be recognized. A number of trades union leaders headed by a prominent professional man contémplate organizing a "wimd-jamming" fraternity to adva.nce SeJö'e political interests, and for the edification of the lesser lights duriiig the coming cainpaign.- Cor. De.xter NewB. Silbee the Delhi Mills ehanged hands everything here begins to wear a lively aspect and prosperity once again smilen upo'n us. The milis started last Saturday and are. running full blast. They give employment in all, to eleven men, and it te possible the torce will be further increased The groimd has been surveyed and there is every prospect tliat a side track will be laid to the mili this fall. "Wliafs the matter wlth Delhi?"- Oor. Dexter Newe. Vory pat words from the Ypsilantian: "It 18 now time for the democrat press to exploit the grand achaevements of the 52d congress. Mr. Gómnaa, it is said, came home from Washington with a brilliant lo a bóut lilis head as bis; as a bus hel basket, tlie light of whlcü is so intense that the roosters of Lyndon crow all night under the mistaken itnipressiion, tvhenever they open their eyes, that the mroning breaketh. Now let ttoe Argns buckle down to business." At the prolnbition convention lor this district, held at the eourt house tost Frklay, R .C. Safford, of PlymoiLth, AVayne co., was put in nomination for congress; Prof. J. B. Steere, of thiis city, was nominated elector and Wm, G. Block. of rf Monroo, as altérnate. Therr wore 1 hiTo or four caudidates for the posi'tiioai and the convention at one time t'öok on all tho symptoms of a regular democratie gathermg. However the storm blew over, af ter a time, and the white-Avinged Goddess of Peace aaid Ppohibition hovcred over the aseenbly, and its wings were ampie to cover the entire brood. FÓr benefit of veterans and medical examiners wtoo may wish to attend the National encampment of G. A. R. lat AVaishing-ton, D. C, tho commiesioner of pensions has issued a general order, giving to examining s-urgeone, leave of absence during the week of the encampment, with re(jr.cst that public notice be given of acceptance of the privilege. The memben - ol the Ann Arbor board would like to ak city and county papers to not ify claimants that in acoordance with tbe tei-ms of the order, there will be no meeting of the board Sept. 21st. Golden Rule HUÜ&C F. & A. M. will open the iall campaign to-morrow evcning. Michael Stabler will iise the coal yards on the M. C. R. E. grounds vaoated by E. B. Hall. A ne-w series of postage stamps, illiKtrattag the discovery of " bus will be on ealfi about New Years. If ycra want to know the hlstory oí Hon. John T. Rich, read the story oí nis life on the 2d paa;e ol this paper. ! t It would tako a column of solid nonpareil to give the names of all those who went to Detroit yesterday. Hon. John T. Rich wi'.l be in the city on the last day of the fair and address the citizens of this county, regardks oi politics. Ivewis Dwight of this place, came near lnecomïng an angel at Decatur, the othcr day, by the tipping over 'of a boat he was rowtag in. Henry Paul, of Northfield, had 2,900 Irashelis of wheat, of which 702 tra&helB were threshed in one day, together with 688 busiheis of oats. A lady in the 6th ward has in her possession a wheelbarrow that the owner can liave by provitig property. He will mot be askefl to pay for this notice. The county fair authorities have engnged Caxver's Wild West Show for the last day of tlie fair. This will be an immense attractton, and draw Ja big crowd. The Miller additkxn on Packard Kt. te boing graded, streets lined out and everything put m conditionfor buildimg. Several new residences will be i-ommeneed thte fall. On Thwsday, the third day of the county fair Judge Morse, the democratie candidate flor governor, will be at the fair and speak. to the people about agricultural matters, of COUTS6. Rer. A. B. etorms, of the Woodward five. chairch, Detroit, wffll fill the pulpit of tihe M. E. church next Sunday a. m. He was a tonner student here and as such very favorably rememlered. There vrere 1,172 tickets sold from this station to Detroit yesterday over the M. C. R. R. Including children this made over 1,200 people. Quite a jïood sized -village full. All returned good-natured but somewhat weary. Do not forgret that every agricultural paper you tafce pays you five times its oost in the suggestions it is continually making. Do not miss a single number. Mix brains, common Bense and muse Ie in about equal parts and success is certain.- G. J. Kellogg. As was hinted some time since, there was much dissatisfaction with the. result of the recent democratie eaueus in Chel'sea that it has been decided to cali another one, and it will be held to-niorrow, Thursday n:jrht. Tliere will be a season ío- woll- not prayer. Col. AVünslow's horse became scared at the street cars last Saturday and tmad a lïvely ecurry down E. William ut., for a block or two, bringiing up at O. Bbepbach'e residence. Tliei-e was not cnough left of the phaeton to m'ake a basket full of kindling wood when the horse stopped. Ilev. Bobert A. Holland, Jr., has decided to accept the rectorship of St. Luke's parish, Boston, and will leave theivfor next Mondar. Mr. Holland has been asBistant vector of St. Andrew's parish for the past year, and in tliat poBdtion haa won for liimsel the high esteem of the members of the purish as -well as of the people lof Aim Arbor ia general. A shooting affray occorred on Hurón st. last Saturday evening, Jacob Anspaugh being the man shot and George Grenville holding the "arm" that did the tshoutin;;. The shot took effect in A.nspaugh'6 arm. Grenville ylainis the snoot ing was accidental. He was brought before Justice Pond Monday and placed iiuder $500 bonds to await the exaniination next Tuesday. On 'YVednesday evening next, at the solkTtation oí a nuiuber of Ann Ar bor ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Clinton Eider, late solo tenor of St. Thomas church, Xew York, nud leadhig ten or of the Agnes Huntiragton Opera Oompany, will give an invitation re citai at the Unitarian church, eoom mencing at 8 o'clock. This will be a rare treat for tlu lovers of good moisic. Information has been reeelved here oí the marria.ííc tast wrck, at tht staiside, oí Edwin P. Gay. fromerlj of this city, and Miss ' Louise Randolph, of Toledo, Ohio. The bride was a íormi'r student in the university and very popular eocially. The (imple at once üailed for Europe accoinpanU'd by the bride's younger sister Miss Mabelle Ilandolph, and a. younger brother also. There were between three and foui thiousand people pisent at the Farm er's picnic at Wliitmore Lake las Saturday, and the exercises went of vcry pleasantly for all concerned. Ex Gov. Luce delivered the address, and g'ave a talk that every one ivho heard it was pleased with. The oc oaslon adds another link to the man that the farmers and others of tha vicinity look back upon with plea.s ure. The Scotsman, published in Edln burgh, under the date of Aug llth gires an extended account of the meeting of the British Association fo advaincement of Science, in ses eion at Edinburgh. In a speech mail by Ixrd Klevin 'Trof. Carhart, o Boston," m-eived very complimentarj notice. Lord Klevin should studj up a little and learn that Prof Caí hart is from an nstitution lar great Miul more fameus than any oí whiC: cultured Boston can boast.


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Ann Arbor Courier