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- ■ Drunkenness or the Llqucr Habit Positlvely Cured by administerlng Dr. Haines' Golden Suecific. It Is manufactured as ;i iovder. ■which can be given in a srlass of bfer, a cup of coffee or tea, or in food without the knowlegde of the patiënt. It is absohitely harmless, and will effect a permanent and epeedy cure, whether the patiënt is a moderate drinker or au alcoholic wreek. It lias been given in thousands of cases, and In evexy instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The systom once impregnated with the Speoific, it becomes an utter impossibllity for the liquor appetit-e to exist. Cures guaranteed . 48 page book of particulars free. Address GOLDEN SPECIFIC Co., 185 Race st., Clncinnati. O. Jg rA51C M QüicKest f Tb ONLY YEAST Bra3 VH and Cures _Dyspcpsia 'THE ROCKV MOUNTAIN LiMITED," AND "THE BIG 5." two gband tkains daily between the woeld'b paik city andthe foothills. ONE NIGHT OUT OR ÜNK DAY OUT. TAKE YOUU CHOiCE. BUSINESS DEMAXD8 IT AND THE PEOPLE MUST HAVE IX'. llie popularity of "The üreat Rock lsland Route" as a Colorado line- it uaving long time siuee taken iirst place as the people's favorito between the I.akori and the Möuntains- has compeuefl the management to increase its present spleudid service by the addition of a ti-uiu that Is one night on the road froni Chicago to Denver, Colorado feprings or Pueblo. Tuis tram will be kuown as the "Eocky Mountain Limited," and will he nnt in service May first. Lea ves Chicago daüy at 10.45 a. m., arriviiig at the above cities in the aiternoon of the next day, earlier than any of lts competitors. Eepecial equipnient has been built for this train, with the view ot making it a limited in every sense oí the word, aaid best of all, there will be no extra charge. The route of this exceedingly tast train is by the Koek Island 8hort Line, and a few of the larger cities through which it pasees, are Davenport, Des Moines, Jjncoln, Council Bluffs, Omaha, Beatrice iairbury, Belleville, Phillipsburs, Coloy. bmith Oentre and Goodland. ïhis makes it the most desirable route and particularly interesting to the traveler. Another point: The popularity of our dining-car service is still on the Increase, and no money spared to make tnis service what our patrons always say, "the best." uur 5" will continue as usual leaying Chicago at 10 p. m., and arnving at Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo the second morning, being ■Dut one day out; and thls fust and popular train goes through Omaha. Our No. 11 will leave as heretofore at 0 p. m., arrive at Kansas City at 9 a. m., and will reach Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo the second morning-. Our Colorado eervice is made periect by this new "Rocky Mountain Limfted" and the "Big 5," and gives to the traveling public two flyers dally. Manirtou paseengers should consult the map and time tables of our line to fully appreciate the advantages in time saved by taking this route, when when on thetr summer vacation. JOHN SEBASTIAN, 36 G. T. & P. A., Chicaeo. f II ' tesA Makes an every-day convenience of an old-time luxury. Pure and wholesome. Prepared with scrupulous care. Highest award at all Pure Food Expositions. Each package makes two large pies. Avoid mitatlons - and insist on having the NONE SUCH brand. MERRELL & SOULE, Syracuse, N. Y. EBERBACH & SOMS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PLLS. T ATYVTTC! TRY DR. LE DUO'S "'_-.i_L.O IUODICAL" PILLS f rom Paris. t'r;;nre. Etetnbltahed In Europe 1839, Canada in 1L78. For ::t;ií:oiis, trregularities, and Monthly Derengements. A reliable moiitiily medicine. Tiu-y ttlwuys relieve. Auy Iruggist, fü. Ainencan i'ill Co.. Proprietora Spencer. Iowft. Robert Siephenson it Co., wholesalc agente, and uil ottier ia Ann Ai-bor. Thesu 'lis are uurnuited to bring on the"change. Unie e Dutch Process % No AlMes ÊSrSJStm - OI' - JSk otIier Cïiemicals m' 11 are U8ed in the Uil preparationof " 'iMiin Breakfast Gocoa, which ia dbsolutely pure and soluble. It has more than three times the ttrength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more economical, costing less than one cent a eup. It is deücious, nourishing, and easilt DIGESTKD. Sold by Crocers everywhero. W. Baker & Co., Dorchaster, Mass. itaipBlTrof For twenty-five years the experience of railüon of sufferere, old aud yonnt', mal? and female hava gratefully endorsed the miraculous virtues oí This Pharmacentlcnl Parados of the Ase A vitalizing stimulant without al cohol. A norve sedative without narcoties. A blood puriñer without poisoas. A liver cleanser. A purely vegetable tissue-maker, promoting digestión, nutrition, eeoretion, excretion and respiration. A life-giving tome, puro end simple, without the disastrous roactions of the deadly compounda of rum and alcohol usually sold as bitters. Was nevar kaown before ín the World. MïrtZi' m6dicüial roo WAS A MIRACI.E, ■ntheir oomblnation into a phenomenal lilaA TKIUMPH of the CHEMICAL ART. The only change made in tlie formula duricif twenty-flve yeara ha6 been to preeent It in two combiuations. The otd oriirinnl romaln unchanged. but beina stronger, more laxativa aad better. A. neto form. more agreeable to tha tasta end better adapted to delicate mme and WiiMrra. but comprisius the same tonic properties, la now madü and th% Zfottm"r"1 U """"'' f w TRULY & ONLY TEMPERENCE BITTERS KNOWN or to produce apurely vegetable bitters or medicina oi any Kind, whose action is at once so safe so eertam and comprehensivo as the , CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS. or any compound which from its varied action noa the vital fuuctions is equal to the CURE OF SO MANY DI8EASES. Tbcir name is lecion- Rheumntisni, Nonraigia Catorrh. .Taundice, Kidnny Distase. S.-1-ofula Skia Dlseaaesand Boils. Coiisuraptiou, Piles aod all dia. orders arising from indigestión, impuro blood nervous prostration, and dilapidated ionstitiitioá from any cause giveway to it like mist before tii9 sun, whüe its singular power over THE DEADLY MICROBE ASD OMNIPBESEXT BACTERIA indlcates its superiorify ia all diseases of malaria] origin, and renden ít the BEST VERMIFUGE KNOTO. Ko íamily can afford to do without a bottls of OLD AND NEV STTLE VINEGAK BITTEB8 in the house, as expressed by thousands of tei monials. Sendforbeautifulbook. Address B.H. MtDOSAU) DSUG CO.,' New Vori


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